
We explain what motivation is, the theories that explain it and examples. Also, differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Motivation is the force that drives us to initiate or sustain an action.

What is motivation?

Generally, when we speak of motivation we refer to the internal or external forces that act on an individual to fire, direct or sustain a conduct. In technical terms, many authors define it as "the dynamic root of behavior", which means that all forms of behavior are born from some kind of motive.

In simpler terms, motivation is the psychic energy that pushes us to undertake or sustain an action or behavior. Its disappearance necessarily leads to the abandonment of what is done. Therefore, it is much more difficult to achieve objectives when motivation is lacking.

Motivation that allows us to create habits, try new things, sustain the effort in a task that we consider rewarding or productive, and is even necessary to satisfy certain fundamental needs.

On the other hand, one can distinguish between:

  • Positive motivation. Invite action to make a profit.
  • Negative motivation. Actions are taken to avoid a possible negative consequence.

Motivation theories

The study of motivation includes different perspectives and approaches, from the different branches and areas of psychological knowledge. Broadly speaking, we can identify four different theories around the subject:

  • Content theory. It proposes the understanding of motivation based on its link with human needs, as understood by Maslow in his famous pyramid, in which he represented the hierarchy of human needs. Thus, according to this approach to motivation, behind it there is always some kind of unsatisfied need.
  • Incentive theory. This approach assumes motivation as the result of a stimulus or incentive, material or of another nature, which affects behavior in a positive way (inciting action) or negatively (inhibiting action). These incentives are called reinforcers, and their effects will be, respectively, positive reinforcement (they offer the possibility of a reward) or negative (they offer the possibility of a punishment).
  • Drive reduction theory. This theory starts from the consideration that Humans we have fundamental basic drives (hunger, thirst, etc.) that, as the weatherThey gain strength and motivation if they are dissatisfied, and in the same way, when they are satisfied, they lose strength, that is, they are reduced.
  • Theory of cognitive dissonance. It is not exactly a theory about motivation, but it can be applied to it. It states that individuals actively try to reduce their feeling of subjective dissonance with respect to the world around them, their own desires or feelings, and others. That is, people have a motivational drive that leads them to take actions to directly or indirectly correct other ailments and perceptions.

Importance of motivation

The psychology is greatly interested in motivation. On the one hand, it is the source of Energy to complete the tasks that we have set ourselves. On the other hand, it is a factor that influences other emotional and psychic variables such as stress, self esteem, concentration, among others.

But in everyday life, the ability to stay motivated is essential to perform many of the tasks that, in one way or another, involve some kind of effort or delay of pleasure. It is as simple as that, without motivation, the action becomes difficult, slow or unsustainable over time.

Examples of motivation

Motivation plays an important role in our daily lives. When we set out to start a new habit or quit one we no longer want, our success or failure will largely depend on how motivated we are.

For example, a person If you are about to quit smoking, you will be able to do so more or less easily depending on your internal and external motivations.

Their motivations can be diverse. For example, you may be motivated by social pressure. Or because the doctor warned you that you have a disease that smoking would aggravate. Another motivation would be that your partner imposed an ultimatum on you. Depending on the individual values, each scenario will be more or less motivating.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Two types of motivation are generally recognized: intrinsic and extrinsic, depending on whether they come from inside or outside the individual, respectively.

  • Intrinsic motivation. It is about the motivation that arises within the individual himself, that is, in his own desires for satisfaction of needs, self-realization and / or personal determination, regardless of the external validation or reward that the behavior may bring. It is generally the most valuable and productive type of motivation, since it generates high margins of commitment from the subject.
  • Extrinsic motivation. Unlike the previous one, this motivation has its roots outside the individual, that is, in the expectation of receiving a reward (material or not) that arises as a by-product of the motivated action or behavior. This type of motivation is weaker than the intrinsic one, since it does not come from the individual's inner commitment, but from the expectation of future benefit.

Personal motivation

Personal motivation is the common term we give to the internalized energy that we have to undertake changes and sustain decisions. It is our load of inner motivation focused specifically towards what we consider our successes or our values.

A highly motivated person requires little help to get on with what he wants or to sustain a habit that he wants. In contrast, one with little personal motivation fluctuates in desire, is fickle, and often needs others to drive and train her. enthusiasm with what, paradoxically, she wants for herself.

Work motivation

Employee motivation increases their productivity.

Work motivation does not have to do directly with motivation as we have understood it so far. Actually, it refers to the emotional and psychic conditions that a job provides its employees to sustain their rates of return. productivity and commitment high enough over time.

The workers Highly motivated, they perform more and deliver more than the minimum strictly necessary. Generally, this is due to the fact that they enjoy the necessary conditions to assume the work as something more profound, personal and important, than simply an activity that is carried out to obtain economic remuneration or salary.

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