Behind the colloquial simply as MRSA infection This health impairment hides a whole range of symptoms that have affected a large number of inpatients in the past and present.
What is MRSA Infection?
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MRSA stands for a disease that is characterized by contagion and can reduce the general condition of those affected considerably and even life-threatening.
As part of the definition of MRSA as an abbreviated term for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, there is a resistance, an insensitivity of a certain strain of microbial pathogens. In the case of MRSA, this means that these bacteria are insensitive to a whole range of antibiotic drugs and show no treatment effects.
People who have a healthy immune system can hardly develop MRSA. However, people who have a reduced function of the immune system due to their incomplete development, their advanced age or an existing illness often develop MRSA. Hardly any vital or healthily unimpaired people develop MRSA. However, MRSA is transmissible.
Among the causes for MRSA count first of all the pathogens that occur normally in an intact and healthy organism. These vital Staphylococcus aureus bacteria become accustomed to these substances through the continuous and permanent, sometimes even underdosed, administration of antibiotics and no longer react to them.
As a result, a large variety of diseases can be expressed in MRSA. These can no longer be treated with the usual antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria, because the germs can no longer be rendered harmless. So the bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics.
In addition, a reduced immune defense and a high infection rate due to predestined transmission routes as well as poor hygiene and disinfection (e.g. in hospitals) are also the causes of MRSA.
Lately, cases of MRSA infections in Germany due to poor hospital hygiene have been increasing. It is not uncommon for patients to become ill during an operation due to poorly disinfected surgical instruments.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
An MRSA infection becomes noticeable through inflammatory processes that can occur locally or systemically. Localized infections occur as purulent inflammations of the skin, the sebum glands or the hair follicles: They usually appear as pressure-sensitive boils (abscesses), small purulent lumps (boils) or rashes. After injuries or operations, the multi-resistant germs cause wound infections that do not improve even with the administration of antibiotics and, in the worst case, lead to tissue death (necrosis).
If the pathogens penetrate deeper body regions, middle ear infections, sinus infections, urinary tract infections or meningitis can develop. Coughing and shortness of breath indicate involvement of the lungs, and infestation of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis) or the bone marrow (osteomyelitis) is possible. Occasionally, the bacteria settle in joints and trigger inflammatory reactions with swelling and overheating of the joints (septic arthritis).
Systemic MRSA infections are often accompanied by a fever and a general feeling of illness; a blood test shows the inflammation values are significantly increased. If the pathogens get into the bloodstream, the infection can spread to the entire organism and lead to life-threatening blood poisoning (sepsis) with high fever, chills, increased pulse rate and progressive organ failure. As part of food poisoning, toxins produced by bacteria cause severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Within the diagnostic measures for the detection of MRSA Special laboratory procedures come into consideration, which in particular are intended to provide evidence of germs and its resistance testing. So-called molecular biological methods complement this diagnosis in MRSA.
A status known as an antibiogram shows which antibiotic drugs the bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus is resistant to. The examination materials are swabs from the nasal mucosa in the nasal vestibule, from the throat area and the armpits.
Blood, purulent secretions and excretions from wounds are also used for the laboratory tests. In addition, long-lasting and hardly treatable disorders of wound healing as well as permanent infections indicate the presence of MRSA.
As a result of the MRSA infection, those affected often suffer from blood poisoning. This is a very dangerous condition for the patient's body and can lead to death if not promptly treated. Vomiting or diarrhea also occurs, so that the quality of life of the person affected is significantly reduced and restricted.
The complaints also drastically reduce the patient's everyday life, so that it is usually no longer possible for the patient to carry out strenuous activities. The MRSA infection also leads to greatly delayed wound healing and thus permanent infections and inflammations. These too can lead to further complications and in the worst case to death.
Treatment of MRSA infection is carried out with the help of various antibiotics. There are no particular complications, and antibiotics are often associated with various side effects. Rinsing of the oral cavity is also necessary. Those affected must also avoid contact with other people. It cannot be generally predicted whether the MRSA infection will lead to a reduced life expectancy. This prognosis depends heavily on the severity and treatment of the disease.
When should you go to the doctor?
Changes in the appearance of the skin, rashes or the formation of abscesses are signs of an existing health impairment that should be clarified by a doctor. If there are lumps on the skin, pus formation, itching or open wounds, a doctor is needed. If the person concerned cannot guarantee adequate sterile wound care for the affected areas on the body, the help and support of a doctor is necessary to prevent complications from occurring.
Pain when going to the toilet, experiencing pain inside the body and general malaise are symptoms that need to be examined by a doctor. Before taking any pain medication, a doctor must be consulted so that no additional impairments develop. If symptoms such as coughing or breathing problems occur, a doctor's visit is required. A general feeling of illness, a decrease in normal performance as well as fever, nausea and vomiting are signs of illness.
A doctor's visit is necessary so that the cause of the symptoms can be determined and treatment can be initiated. If the person concerned suffers from chills, disturbances of the heart rhythm, diarrhea or insomnia, he should consult a doctor. If everyday obligations can no longer be fulfilled or if there is a severe deterioration in health within a short period of time, a doctor is required. A doctor should also be presented with a sudden sensation of warmth in the joints.
Treatment & Therapy
As part of the therapeutic measures against MRSA different procedures are used. In compliance with the appropriate disinfection measures and to avoid the transmission of germs, those affected are rarely isolated. However, this does not have to be the case in every case.
In the drug treatment of MRSA, doctors rely on a complex combination of different antibiotics. These are determined on the basis of the antibiogram in MRSA and only contain substances that kill the bacteria. Special antibiotic and penicillin-containing products such as rifampicin, clindamycin and gentamycin can be administered. In connection with an effective therapy for MRSA, the intake regulations must be strictly adhered to. In addition, combination preparations such as fosfomycin and fusidic acid as well as linezolid are used against MRSA.
In addition to therapy, MRSA requires rinsing of the mouth and throat, nasal ointments containing mupirocin and skin cleansing based on antiseptic additives. Regular laboratory controls of the appropriate body fluids or excretions are necessary in the case of MRSA and enable a precise assessment of the course as well as a targeted treatment of specific disease symptoms.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis for MRSA infection is favorable for most patients. Medicines are given so that a decrease in symptoms can be expected within a short time. As soon as complications arise, alternative preparations are prescribed which also aim to alleviate the symptoms. Freedom from symptoms is often documented after a few weeks and the patient discharged from treatment as recovered. To support good health development, the person affected can use additional self-help measures.
In addition to various preventive measures, agreements and douches can also be used independently during the healing process. On the one hand, this shortens the healing process and also mobilizes the body's own defense system. However, if the disease progresses unfavorably, a life-threatening condition can develop. If left untreated or in the event of a very unfortunate course of further health developments, the person affected can suffer a secondary illness.
There is an increased risk of blood poisoning with MRSA infection. Sepsis is potentially life-threatening for the patient and can lead to premature death within a short time. There is also the possibility of permanent infections or other inflammatory diseases. In people with a weak immune system, these can also lead to premature death of the patient.
To get through an illness MRSA To prevent, which rarely breaks out in healthy people, it is fundamental to pay attention to appropriate hygiene. If it is known that there are people suffering from MRSA in everyday life, then additional protective measures will also be required in the private sphere.
There is nothing wrong with the sensible use of disposable gloves and suitable disinfectants as well as against skin or body contact in the context of prevention. However, if there are open wounds or skin injuries to be treated, it is important to adhere to the disinfection specifications in order to avoid the spread of germs and infection.
As a result of the MRSA infection, those affected often suffer from blood poisoning. For this reason, immediate treatment must be carried out by a doctor. Diarrhea and vomiting occur. The quality of life of those affected is significantly impaired. Those affected are permanently dependent on the help and support of relatives. Simple activities can no longer be carried out independently.
This can lead to severe depression and other mental illnesses in those affected. Only a small load capacity is possible. Exhausting activities cannot be carried out as the symptoms then worsen. Building conversations with friends and relatives can help to relieve mental pressure and prevent the development of depressive moods.
Those affected often have to rinse their mouths. No contact with other people is allowed. Whether the MRSA infection reduces the life expectancy of those affected can only be decided on a case-by-case basis. This will depend on the severity of the disease and when treatment started. Even after the acute phase of the disease, regular appointments with the doctor should be made to ensure that no further complications occur.
You can do that yourself
A MRSA infection can be treated yourself with the help of various measures. Above all, it is important to comply with the prescribed disinfection measures. Only through adequate hygiene can the spread of the infection be reliably prevented and the risk of infection reduced. The transmission of the germs can also be avoided by taking sick leave for the first few days of the illness. This is necessary above all because of the high risk of infection from the causative pathogens.
The drug treatment of MRSA can be supported, for example, by antibiotic preparations from naturopathy and homeopathy. For example, the anti-inflammatory devil's claw and the remedy belladonna have proven themselves. Regardless of the agent used, a doctor should approve and monitor the treatment. Regular rinsing of the mouth and throat is also indicated. The person affected can also use mupicrocin-containing nasal ointments and care products based on antiseptic additives.
In addition, a close inspection by the doctor is always necessary. If the measures mentioned do not have any effect or if unusual symptoms occur, it is best to consult the responsible doctor again.