A Nutritional deficiency can come about in different ways. It is not always the diet that is behind the symptoms. Regardless of the underlying cause, however, treatment is necessary to prevent consequential damage.
What is nutritional deficiency?
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At a Nutritional deficiency it is an undersupply of the body with different substances. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the organism also needs various vitamins and minerals. These occur in different compositions in foods.
If too few fruits and vegetables are eaten or there is a functional disorder of the intestine, the organism does not get enough nutrients. However, because these influence all processes, symptoms arise. The symptoms that ultimately become noticeable depend on the type of deficiency in question. Some can be more severe, while others are milder. In addition, nutrient deficiency is often discovered relatively late.
In older people in particular, the symptoms are increasingly associated with general aging. Treating a nutrient deficiency can sometimes greatly improve health. Otherwise there is a risk of illness and susceptibility to infections.
The causes of nutrient deficiency cannot be generalized. Therefore, a detailed examination is of great importance in the case of a negative blood count. A nutritional deficiency can arise, for example, with an unbalanced diet. After all, the substances must be supplied from the outside. If fruits and vegetables or other elementary products are rarely consumed, a deficiency symptom becomes noticeable.
But the menu is not always responsible for the symptoms. The nutrients are finally absorbed through the intestines. If there is a malfunction here, the organ only absorbs a small part of the substances, although they have been added in sufficient quantities. Such a disorder can be caused, for example, by an inflammation of the stomach, small or large intestine.
Particularly outside of the industrialized nations, diseases of the esophagus can increasingly be diagnosed in this context, which result in swallowing disorders. Poor processing of nutrients is found in diabetes or cancer. Not to be forgotten is the psychological component. Stress and stressful situations can lead to loss of appetite. Other people are more prone to diarrhea, which also causes important substances to be washed out.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The symptoms of nutrient deficiency vary widely. Those affected often suffer from tiredness and a lack of drive. Sleep disorders, muscle cramps, constipation and increased nervousness may indicate a magnesium deficiency.
A potassium deficiency manifests itself through exhaustion, muscular weakness, loss of appetite and nausea. If not enough iron is absorbed, this affects various processes in the body. Iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin. This is not only behind the red color of the blood, but also plays a decisive role in the transport of oxygen. If individual cells are insufficiently supplied with oxygen, the patients often feel tired and weak.
Disorientation and confusion indicate a deficiency in B vitamins. A vitamin B12 deficiency in particular can have negative effects. Contrary to many prejudices, not only vegans and vegetarians suffer from such a phenomenon. Functional disorders of the intestines also lead to the symptoms in people with meat in their diet. In addition, the occurrence of vitamin B12 in many animal products is lower than expected.
Diagnosis & course of disease
A blood count is usually used to diagnose nutrient deficiency. Before that, however, there is a detailed discussion with the doctor, in which all complaints should be described. Many of the symptoms indicate a different deficiency. Analysis of the blood finally provides the evidence. The course of a nutrient deficiency cannot be generalized.
However, most symptoms generally go away with the use of specific preparations. If the deficiency has already left more severe damage, this also requires medical attention.
The complications to be expected from a nutritional deficiency depend on the type of deficit. In the case of general malnutrition, constant weight loss, a reduction in physical performance and the ability to concentrate, states of exhaustion and poor circulation can be expected. In severe cases, for example if food intake is almost completely refused for a long time due to anorexia, this can lead to organ failure and death.
In children and adolescents, permanent nutritional deficiencies can be associated with delayed growth, malformations of the spine and skeleton, brain damage and delayed sexual maturity. A widespread specific nutrient deficit is iron deficiency, from which women in particular suffer. Iron deficiency manifests itself, for example, by permanent fatigue, brittle nails, corners of the mouth and hair loss.
In severe cases, the body cannot make enough hemoglobin, which leads to iron deficiency anemia. People who have a predominantly or exclusively plant-based diet are at risk of a deficiency in vitamin B 12, as this substance occurs naturally only in animal products. Vitamin B12 must therefore be substituted for a vegan lifestyle.
Otherwise there is a risk of chronic fatigue, exhaustion, poor concentration and weak muscles. At an advanced stage, nerve damage, in particular paralysis, coordination disorders and impaired memory, can also be expected. In young children, a severe deficiency in vitamin B 12 can lead to permanent brain damage.
When should you go to the doctor?
As a rule, a balanced diet is sufficient to provide the body with the nutrients it needs from food. A slight deficiency can usually be compensated for by over-the-counter preparations that are available in pharmacies, health food stores or drug stores. However, there are a few reasons why the nutritional deficiency should result in a visit to the doctor.
For example, if clear symptoms indicate a nutritional deficiency, medical advice should be sought. This can examine the blood and determine whether a deficiency or possibly another disease is leading to the symptoms. Even after taking preparations, a doctor should be consulted to check their effectiveness.
Some nutrient deficiency situations lead to serious symptoms that can often also require a visit to the doctor. The iron deficiency can lead to weakness, paleness, headache and breathlessness during exertion, the potassium deficiency lead to cardiac arrhythmias. The magnesium deficiency can trigger muscle cramps such as calf cramps at night, but also psychological instability. In all cases, the visit to the doctor serves to confirm the assumption that the symptoms are triggered by a lack of nutrients. The doctor is also the right address if a serious deficiency cannot be compensated by the patient himself or if there is a recovery disorder.
Therapy & Treatment
Nutrient deficiency therapy is designed to eliminate the cause of the phenomenon. It is therefore important not only to investigate the symptoms, but also to diagnose the underlying cause. Otherwise, the treatment might only have temporary success. Furthermore, the deficit of nutrients should be regulated so that the side effects disappear at the same time.
The patient's condition, in particular, determines which measure is used. If he / she is conscious and does not suffer from swallowing disorders, treatment is carried out through ingestion. Accordingly, the diet should be wholesome. In addition, special preparations are prescribed in which the vitamin or mineral occurs in high doses.
In the case of some deficiencies, it is also useful to administer the substance via injection. This applies, for example, to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Often times, once it has gotten worse, it is relieved with an injection. Psychological causes may have to be treated with therapy, with anorexia sometimes there is no way around hospitalization.
Inflammations of the stomach and intestines are first detected by mirroring and then treated differently. In the case of colon inflammation, for example, antibiotics are rarely used and more drugs that suppress the immune system are used.
Outlook & forecast
In the case of a diagnosed nutrient deficiency, the prognosis is tied to the cause and the symptoms already suffered. If the deficiency can be attributed to an incorrect diet, in most cases a change in food intake is necessary. It is not always necessary to work with a doctor. If there have been no subsequent disorders, complete freedom from symptoms is often documented within a few weeks or months. For a very favorable long-term prognosis, however, permanent optimization of the diet is necessary. Otherwise, the health irregularities will regress within a few days.
If the nutrient deficiency was caused by a malfunction of the intestine, the person concerned needs medical care. In a drug therapy, the intestinal activity is improved and at the same time the deficiency is compensated by the supply of the necessary nutrients. Regular controls are necessary in order to be able to react as quickly as possible to changes.
The prognosis worsens as soon as further damage to the organism has occurred due to the lack of vital nutrients. These cannot always be completely cured. Chronic diseases and long-term therapy are possible. If there is tissue damage in the area of the brain, the prognosis is poor. This damage is irreparable and therefore cannot be cured despite all efforts.
A nutrient deficiency can be prevented to a limited extent. The diet should consist of plenty of fruits and vegetables, which in the best case scenario are eaten raw. The more colorful the menu, the more likely it is that you will be supplied with all the important nutrients. Caffeinated drinks, alcohol and tobacco should be the exception.
Follow-up care aims to prevent illnesses and provide the patient with everyday support. This procedure is of fundamental importance, especially with cancer patients. The life-threatening illness can occur again. In contrast, patients who have suffered from a nutritional deficiency can prevent the disease from recurring themselves.
The daily consumption of raw fruits and vegetables ensures a balanced nutrient balance. In most cases, this can resolve the typical complaints. The doctor informs his patient about nutrition tips. The consistent implementation, however, falls within the area of responsibility of the person concerned.
In addition to poor nutrition, other causes cause nutritional deficiency. These often lead to lengthy follow-up treatment. Young people often follow false ideals of beauty, which can take on pathological traits. Those affected then take advantage of outpatient or inpatient psychotherapy.
But diabetes, cancer and functional disorders of the intestine also lead to a follow-up. The doctor and patient make regular appointments for this. Its intensity depends on the susceptibility to complications. Eating habits and physical changes are queried. A blood test provides information about the nutrient balance. The doctor can often make statements about the patient's well-being based on their external appearance. Participation in nutritional counseling may be encouraged.
You can do that yourself
If the nutritional deficiency is based on an unbalanced diet, the best way to remedy it in the long term is to change your eating habits. It is important to have varied meals that cover the daily need for proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Whole grain products and fresh fruit and vegetables are valuable suppliers of nutrients - these foods should be on the menu every day. Dairy products, meat, fish and eggs provide important proteins, vitamin B12, iron, selenium, iodine and calcium: Vegans and vegetarians can alternatively use cabbage vegetables, green leafy vegetables, soy products, nuts, seeds and legumes. In the case of certain intolerances or nutritional deficiencies due to illness, it is helpful to work out a diet plan tailored to the individual needs with the treating doctor or a nutritionist.
Nutrient loss during cooking can be avoided by gentle preparation methods such as steaming; fruits and vegetables are particularly rich in nutrients as raw vegetables. Ready-made products usually contain more fat and significantly fewer minerals, vitamins and trace elements than freshly prepared dishes, so fast food should only be used in exceptional cases. In some cases it may be necessary to compensate for a lack of nutrients with medication or food supplements: Such preparations should only be taken after consulting a doctor, as they often do more harm than good if taken uncontrollably.