


We explain what birth is and why it is different for different types of living beings. Also, what is a birth certificate.

For humans, birth is often a difficult event that requires help from others.

What is birth?

Birth is the final moment of the gestation stage of a living being, in which he begins his life as a individual physiologically independent. In the case of Humans and the others viviparous animals, the birth is also called parturition, and it is considered the initial moment of the life of each living being, from which they begin to turn years of age.

However, birth is not the same for all living beings:

  • Viviparous animals. Birth consists of the expulsion of the fetus through the birth canal into the mother's body.
  • Oviparous animals. The birth is considered the hatching of the egg and the liberation of the new individual as the moment of being born.
  • Ovoviviparous animals. The birth is considered the moment in which the eggs hatch inside the mother and the individuals manage to leave the surrounding environment.

Be that as it may, birth is the initial and fundamental stage of life cycle, from which living beings begin to grow and develop.

In the case of human beings, birth is usually a difficult event that deserves help from other human beings, which has not only endowed it with special significance in our lives. cultures, but it has also motivated the development of a whole branch of medicine dedicated to bringing new individuals to the world in the best way.

Birth certificate

A birth certificate, birth record or birth certificate is a document with legal validity, which attests or certifies the coming into the world of a new human being, leaving evidence before the Condition (and for the use of those who might be interested) where and when the event occurred, who are the parents and what are the traits and the name of the new individual.

This type of documentation is essential for population control and also to guarantee the newborn individual their fundamental rights to freedom. identity, the recognition of their peers and the formalization of their existence within the bureaucratic apparatus of the State.

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