


We explain what it is to be arrogant and how it manifests itself. Also, synonyms, antonyms and examples of the use of the word in sentences.

Arrogance is often taken as evidence of deeper insecurity.

What is being pushy?

We say that a person is overbearing, or acting overbearing, when his words or actions denote the belief that it is more powerful than it really is, that is, more influential, more important or stronger.

This word comes from Latin praepotentia, term made up of the prefix prae-, which means "first" or "before", but is often used as "more than" (as in the case of favorite or from pretend), and for him noun potentia, "can". So, in due course, praepotentis It could be translated as "the most powerful".

Today, arrogance is commonly associated with arrogance, to pride and airs of superiority. It can also refer to those who abuse or violently use any quota of can that they have or that they boast of having. This type of behaviors they are considered negative and are usually taken as evidence of a deeper insecurity, real or imagined.

For example, an arrogant person may be a boss who interacts with his subordinates as if he were the owner of their lives or as if his power within the business was unlimited. Another example would be a person who does not accept help, suggestions or recommendations from anyone in what he does, because he feels above what others can contribute.

The overbearing adjective, thus, is synonymous arrogant, domineering, conceited or arrogant, and is therefore antonym humble, submissive, tolerant, docile.

Sentences with "arrogant"

Here are some examples of the use of this adjective within a prayer:

  • "We are friends, do you have to be so arrogant with me?"
  • "To be a school teacher you have to renounce arrogance"
  • "Since you were promoted, you act very arrogant"
  • "I can't stand how my father talks, he's so arrogant!"
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