The psyche lies in the realm of the invisible, the intangible. It is the immaterial core of the individual. It influences what a person feels and can imagine. It is a biomagnetic energy field and is superior to the material body.
What is the psyche?
The psyche controls the mental and inner life of the person, influences his perception and controls his reactions. The psyche is seen today as one of four parts that make up the non-material part of the human individual. The other intangible realms are mind, soul and consciousness.
The psyche only exists in connection with the body, whereas the soul exists in all world religions even after the physical body has died. For many laypeople, psyche and soul are the same, but that is not the case. The psyche is the sum of all human perceptions and thoughts. The soul, on the other hand, summarizes all human emotions and therefore has a lot in common with the psyche.
The psyche is a kind of storage medium. It stores or distorts memories in order to cope with fear. The psyche is differently complex in every person. It gives us a comprehensive picture of reality, but complements it with information from the past and ideas about the future. A complex psyche can present reality in a very differentiated way, but it can also reproduce a very distorted picture of it.
Function & task
While the bodies of living beings are made of organic materials, the psyche forms another dimension that moves outside of matter. In this psychic world everything happens that the human eye cannot perceive. The inner life leads a life of its own.
Medicine also has a hard time defining the psyche. You see the psyche as the sum of several components: It consists of consciousness and self-awareness, attention, memory, formal and content-related thinking, perception, drive and affect.
Awareness is decisive for our personality and can also be switched off in a targeted manner (anesthesia). The spirit forms the mental abilities of the person, i.e. his intellect, his thinking abilities, his communicative abilities and his decision-making power. For example, the mind can reveal distortions in reality.
Mind and psyche always work together. The psyche helps in the formation of a consciousness. Consciousness enables the distinction between memory and reality and helps to correct a distorted image. The psyche has a great influence on physical and mental health and can strengthen or weaken the immune system.
Mental health is a pleasant feeling that expresses well-being and is determined by environmental and personal factors. Those who are mentally healthy can usually cope with the demands placed on them.
If reality is perceived in a very distorted way, the psyche sometimes loses its basic functions and fear can no longer be processed properly. If the psyche is sick, the distortion of the perceived image is often even increased and therapeutic help is necessary.
A 100% healthy psyche is hardly present in any human being, but normally they are not dominated by their fear. Mental stability has an impact on how people cope with strokes of fate. Today we know that mental stability is largely genetic. There are “happiness genes” that control psychological stability. People who are endowed with a particularly large number of these genes stay balanced even under stress. In addition to the influences of the environment, the genetic make-up determine the basic mental constitution.
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People whose behavior cannot correctly assess their surroundings are quickly classified as mentally ill or unstable if their actions do not correspond to what is socially “normal”.
An actual imbalance in the psyche is expressed in many different ways. The most common mental illnesses are addiction and anxiety disorders. Everyone knows fears and worries, but if they become excessively strong, performance and well-being are impaired. Then fear is already a disease in its own right. Even children can be affected. Of course, not every feeling of insecurity needs to be treated medically, because fear regulates life functions and protects us from danger.
Anxiety disorders come in different forms. There are short-term anxiety attacks, panic attacks, but also a pronounced anxiety syndrome. Persistent anxiety also leads to organic dysfunction. Those affected then have shortness of breath, trembling hands, sleep disorders, nightmares, weaknesses and lose more and more of their joie de vivre. Depression is also a result of intense fears and manifests itself with permanent low moods.
Today there are several psychotherapeutic treatment options available for the therapy of mental illnesses, often supplemented by medication. Even though the mind is known to rule the body, many doctors still treat mental illness based on physical symptoms. The triggering factors, which are in the psyche, are often not sufficiently understood.
Even if genes influence mental stability, they are not solely responsible for it. It is only in social interaction that it becomes apparent how resilient people actually are. Those who have supportive families and friends stay more relaxed in stressful situations.
In order to feel good in your body, you need a lot of influences. For example, the soul loves the green of nature, which is a protective factor for mental health. Nature inspires the soul, makes you calm and protects against fears and depression.