


We explain what diversity is and the types that exist. In addition, its importance and the characteristics of cultural, sexual diversity and more.

Diversity refers to the variety and difference that some things can present.

What is diversity?

Diversity is the existence of things that are varied and different from each other within a certain area or space. The term comes from the Latin language, from the word "diversitas”, And refers to that which is diverse, varied, multiple, disparate or different.

The concept of diversity is applicable in many areas and refers to the differences that may exist between people, animals, groups, things, opinions, choices, among many others. Within the Humans there is cultural, ethnic, sexual, linguistic, ideological, religious diversity, among others.

Types of diversity

Sexual diversity is the free choice of people about their sexual orientation.
  • Biological diversity or biodiversity. It is about the variation and abundance of species animals and plants that inhabit an area or region.
  • Diversity of ecosystems. It is the set of ecosystems that make up planet Earth. In each type of ecosystem prevails a weather, a relief and characteristic animal and plant species.
  • Cultural diversity. It's about the variety of cultures that are related within a given geographic space. On certain occasions, social influence and pressure cause groups that hold cultural values ​​that do not agree with those of the majority to be violated. In these cases, work must be done to guarantee the rights of all citizens and foster acceptance and I respect of all cultural values. Cultural diversity encompasses political, ideological, religious diversity, among others.
  • Sexual diversity It is about people's free choice about their sexual orientation. Sexual diversity implies respect for different sexual identities (such as homosexuals, bisexuals or transsexuals) and the importance of Rights of all individuals are respected.
  • Functional diversity. It is about inclusion and respect for people who have different motor or intellectual abilities. This term seeks to replace concepts such as "disability" and end the discrimination and exclusion.
  • Linguistic diversity. It is about the number and variety of languages ​​that exist within a given geographic region or the entire world. There are areas of the planet with a great wealth and variety of Languages, while in others, a main language prevails.
  • Genetic diversity It is about the variety of characteristics that organisms of the same species can have.

Importance of diversity

Diversity is a broad concept that crosses different aspects, both of the human being and of other organisms or objects.

With regard to the human being, the concept of cultural diversity is fundamental, which in turn includes others such as ethnic diversity and religious diversity.

Cultural diversity allows the inclusion and acceptance of all traditions Y values that the human being was professing throughout the evolution. In 2001 UNESCO proclaimed the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, in which it highlighted the importance of respect, dialogue and commitment among diverse cultures for the construction of a more equitable, inclusive world with a plurality of voices. Diversity within a society allows for coexistence of people with different opinions, political ideologies, customs, religions Y genders.

On the other hand, the importance of diversity in nature stands out, which is what allows us to have rich and varied ecosystems. In addition, genetic diversity allowed species development and survival over time, which contributed to biodiversity.

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