In many parts of the population it is Back exercises Especially at an advanced age, the standard sport, which you book at the adult education center or in the regional gymnastics club for a given occasion. At the same time, back exercises are an occasionally prescribed therapeutic measure prescribed by the orthopedist. Back exercises are also often on the program in rehabilitation and spa clinics. Given the well-known statistics about costly absenteeism in the workplace, back exercises should perhaps be offered as standard in every company.
What is back exercises?
Under the collective term Back exercises Various exercise sequences for the neck, shoulder and back area are added up, with the aim of systematically strengthening the back muscles, loosening already tense areas and - if indicated, supplemented by manual or mechanical measures - relieving chronic blockages and pain.
Back exercises can be done on your own or under expert guidance. Back exercises are primarily used to prevent, relieve or treat existing back problems.
Function, effect & goals
Under the term Back exercises Imagine various gymnastics exercises and stretching procedures that can be used at any age to relieve the back muscles.
Videos, books and courses on the subject of back exercises indicate that every form of back exercise is of great importance in health protection and prevention. Most back exercises can be performed at any age. With advanced age or with pre-existing damage and illnesses of the skeleton, however, you have to take into account changed mobility options. The back exercises must be adapted to the health conditions and possibilities.
Basic rule number one is that one should never go into pain. It cannot always be recommended to practice any back exercise from a book because not all exercises are equally recommendable from an orthopedic point of view. Qualified physiotherapists, fitness trainers, sports trainers or physiotherapists can help you to achieve an appropriate form of back exercises. You can then do this yourself.
In the case of herniated discs, accidental injuries or after operations on the spine, specific back exercises and comprehensive rehabilitation treatment are often necessary. Nowadays the health insurances partly finance prevention courses. In the case of chronic back pain, multimodal therapeutic approaches are often useful. In a broader sense, Pilates, Yoga or Chi Gong exercises can also be understood as back exercises. However, one would have to select specific exercises.
Back exercises on your own initiative can, if necessary, be supplemented with pain therapy, relaxation exercises, occupational therapy, chiropractic therapy and physical therapy measures. The aim of all measures is to strengthen the muscles in the supporting apparatus, to optimize already disturbed movement sequences, to compensate for one-sided loads, to release blockages and tension through back exercises and to achieve freedom from pain.
Regular back exercises can play an important role both preventively and in follow-up care. Warming up and stretching beforehand is useful. All back exercises have to be done consciously and repeated several times. Overwork and overzealousness should be avoided with regard to back exercises. In addition, each exercise must be performed in a technically correct manner in order to achieve maximum benefit. Back areas that have already been damaged must be trained particularly gently during back exercises.
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➔ Medicines for back painRisks & dangers
Back problems are a common phenomenon. It is correspondingly often Back exercises exercised. Many of those affected attend VHS courses on their own initiative, do Pilates, yoga or Chi Gong to strengthen the back muscles.
Incorrect furniture, chronic poor posture, one-sided occupational stress and chronic lack of exercise are common causes of back problems. You should not define yourself which back exercises are suitable in each case because of the risks. You can avoid or improve many back problems with ten minutes of back exercises every day.
However, problems arise from incorrectly applied back exercises. Back exercises, which overload the cervical spine or other parts of the spine, do more harm than good. If back exercises do not consider age, the condition of the spine, tendons and cartilage, the presence of osteoporosis or other medical problems, it can have undesirable effects.
If you use back exercises in a targeted manner and pay attention to pain signals, the tense muscles can be better supplied with blood and are consequently more relaxed.