Of the cough In contrast to the normal wet cough, it usually occurs without expectoration (cough mucus) and is therefore also considered to be so-called "dry cough". The often occurring coughing fits usually sound barking and hard. The dry, irritating cough usually occurs at the beginning of a cold, but then turns into a normal cough with sputum. But also with various lung diseases the dry cough can cause discomfort as a symptom.
What is dry cough (dry cough)?
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As cough becomes a dry cough designated without expectoration. It is characteristic of many different diseases and can also occur as a side effect of drug treatment. The severity of the dry cough varies: some affected patients only cough and have no pain, while others cough day and night and thus not only have difficulty breathing but also sleep disorders.
cough is disease-related in most cases and can be characteristic of the underlying disease.Smoker's cough, for example, brings with it a strong dry cough that only turns into a cough with sputum at certain times of the day. However, it can also occur in asthma and cause typical breathing difficulties, among other things.
In the most harmless case, the irritable cough is simply due to the onset of a cold - the infection has not yet formed sputum, but the mucous membranes are already irritated by the foreign intruders and want to get rid of them, which is why the cough is triggered. In some cases, a dry cough can develop after the cold, as the mucous membranes do not yet realize that the disease is over or are still irritated and try to get rid of every pathogen immediately.
In the worst case, dry cough can also be a serious condition such as whooping cough or a drug-induced phenomenon - ACE inhibitors are known for this.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A dry cough usually has fairly clear symptoms that are very painful for the person concerned. Probably the most common symptoms of an existing dry cough is strong and persistent scratching in the throat area. Coughing up a dry cough is very difficult and occurs more often at night.
This can lead to significant sleep disorders. In addition, there is a strong build-up of mucus, making it extremely difficult for those affected to breathe. Chest pain is also one of the clear and typical symptoms that can occur in connection with a dry cough. Anyone who refrains from medical and drug treatment in the event of a permanent irritable cough is putting themselves at great risk.
The symptom already described will worsen considerably, so that it can even lead to inflammation in the lungs. However, if you decide on appropriate treatment early on, you can count on a quick and smooth recovery. The symptoms will subside after a few days and the affected person will find it much easier to cough up.
A dry cough is often a protracted affair that is accompanied by typical symptoms. These are usually painful symptoms that can only be eliminated with appropriate medication.
In most cases, the dry cough subsides after a few days and goes back together with the other cold symptoms. However, in some patients, the dry cough can become chronic, which increases the risk of complications. Smokers are particularly at risk of side effects. If the tobacco consumption is the reason for the dry cough, the therapy is usually much more difficult.
The most common complications of irritable cough are sharp pain in the chest and headache. Sometimes the dry cough is also responsible for the development of nosebleeds. Even bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes is possible.
It is not uncommon for the dry cough to be accompanied by hoarseness or sore throat (pharyngitis). In some patients, these symptoms are only triggered by the cough. The voice sounds soft, pressed and rough. Sometimes it even stays away completely.
Urinary incontinence is a dreaded complication in women. Those affected give up urine when they cough, without wanting to. In severe cases, the dry cough is responsible for an inguinal or diaphragmatic hernia. Another consequence is cough syncope, which leads to fainting due to coughing fits in the sick.
The reason for this is a cramping of the diaphragm, which hinders the blood flow back towards the heart. For this reason, the brain temporarily receives too little sugar and oxygen, which in turn can lead to brief loss of consciousness.
When should you go to the doctor?
A dry cough is a very dry cough that is very difficult to cough up. Often, however, a cough is not an independent clinical picture, but rather a symptom of an existing disease. If there is no significant improvement after three to four days, a doctor should always be consulted. A specialist can find the cause of the dry cough and initiate appropriate treatment. For example, thick green mucus is a sign of inflammation in the airways. In such a case, medical treatment and medication are required.
The dry cough can be combated quickly and effectively using anti-inflammatory drugs. If the sick person does not receive such treatment, symptoms may get worse or last a few days longer. Under certain circumstances it can even lead to pneumonia.
Treatment & Therapy
To the cough To be able to treat effectively, it must first be clarified what its causes are. If it is a legacy of a cold, a light antitussive is usually prescribed to counter the dry cough and provide long-term relief for the patient.
In the case of asthma, too, it only helps to treat the symptom of dry cough in order to improve the quality of life in difficult times of the year. The treatment is more complicated with other forms of irritable cough - the prime example of this is the form induced by long-term cigarette smoke. If the dry cough occurs, the condition is already chronic and an attempt can only be made to improve the patient's quality of life despite the chronification.
If, on the other hand, the development of irritable cough is due to medication, an alternative to medication should be sought that is symptom-free and more comfortable for the patient.
The best prevention against cough and dry cough is to stay away from cigarettes and other similar luxury foods and not passively inhale the smoke. In this way, a chronic dry cough can no longer develop, which occurs one day and never disappears, but in the worst case only increases in severity.
A cold or asthma can always cause irritable cough - the only effective way of prevention is to protect yourself effectively against colds and, if you already have asthma, seek the help of your doctor if irritable cough occurs for the first time or again.
In principle, the doctor should be consulted immediately if a dry cough occurs - this is especially true if you are currently taking medication and the symptom was not present before or was not expressed to the same extent. To prevent a worse dry cough, the medication should be adapted and better optimized to the needs of the patient.
In addition to a runny nose, a cold is often accompanied by a dry cough. However, a dry cough can also be an independent clinical picture. As long as the symptoms do not last longer than one to two weeks or they deteriorate significantly, a dry cough does not require further follow-up care. Nevertheless, the complaints must be treated medically, as a pronounced dry cough can be very stressful for the patient, especially during the night.
Herbal medicines like lozenges made from sage, cough tea, and cough syrup provide relief for those affected. Taking cough suppressants before bed is also an appropriate treatment. If the dry cough persists beyond a period of two weeks, follow-up care is advisable in order to avoid a chronic course of the disease.
If medication has previously been prescribed and there is still no improvement, further examinations are necessary to get to the bottom of the root cause. If the symptoms are caused by bronchitis, for example, it will be treated as part of the aftercare and the healing process will be monitored by the family doctor. The only aftercare that the patient can undertake in the event of a dry cough is to avoid the damp and cold and to keep the neck warm with the help of neckerchiefs or scarves.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines against coughs and coldsHome remedies & herbs for dry coughs
- Anise helps against flatulence, cough phlegm, asthma and white flow and ensures a good night's sleep.
- Cough tea is prepared as follows: 5 grams each of ribwort, lungwort, coltsfoot, woolly flower, aniseed grains, liquorice, hibiscus roots and 10 grams of Icelandic moss.
- Another cough tea is made from half a tablespoon of licorice, half a tablespoon of violet roots, one tablespoon of marshmallow roots, half a tablespoon of coltsfoot leaves, half a tablespoon of woolly flowers and the same amount of anise seeds. From this mixture you then make a cup of tea from a teaspoon. Preferably sweeten with honey.
- Regular consumption of apple cider helps against dry coughs: Boil the juice of sour apples with sugar and fennel and consume slowly.
- In milder cases, honey milk works very well for coughing. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey or fennel honey in a cup of hot milk. Drink a cup as hot as possible in the morning and in the evening.
- Spruce needle honey is a good expectorant cough suppressant. The blossoms of the spruce are mixed with sugar.
- Lilac blossoms are very sweaty, reduce fever and are effective against dry coughs and colds.
- Malventee is a good remedy for colds and dry coughs.
- Coltsfoot stimulates the appetite and helps with dry coughs, mucus and hoarseness.
- For persistent, irritating coughs, drink boiled marjoram tea with honey and sip it in the morning, at noon and in the evening. This is particularly suitable for children.
You can do that yourself
Dry, irritating cough is very annoying and has a negative effect on a good night's sleep. In addition to drug therapy, there are various self-help strategies and home remedies that can relieve dry coughs and support healing:
Sucking cough drops and lozenges stimulates the flow of saliva. They often contain Icelandic moss or marshmallow extracts, the mucous substances of which protect the irritated mucous membranes and thus relieve the scratching of the throat. The same effect comes from warm milk with honey or fennel honey. These can be taken just before going to bed.
An important self-help measure for irritable coughs is increased fluid intake. About 2-3 liters of liquid, preferably water or tea (not chamomile tea, this dries out the mucous membranes further), should be used to prevent the mucous membranes from drying out and to support the secretion of the protective liquid film in the airways. During the night you should also ensure increased humidity. Special humidifiers can be used for this or damp cloths can be hung up. In strongly heated rooms, bowls of water can be placed on the radiators.
As a home remedy for dry coughs, steam baths and inhalation with z. B. table salt or thyme, warm potato wraps for the upper body are proven.
Smoking and excessive physical exertion should be avoided at all costs if you have a dry cough.