reproduction of fungi



We explain how fungi reproduce and the characteristics of these living beings. Also, how is their sexual and asexual reproduction.

Fungi reproduce through spores.

What is mushroom reproduction?

The mushrooms are living creatures belonging to the kingdomphylum) Fungi, composed of beings eukaryotes multicellular other than plants and animals. They are characterized by being immobile, heterotrophs (decomposers), and for having very varied forms and cells endowed with a cell wall of chitin (instead of cellulose, like plants).

Fungi can be microscopic or macroscopic, they can be free-living or parasitic, and they are in habitats extremely diverse. Some species are edible to humans or are used by them in their various industries, as is the case with yeast in the making of beer and bread.

Likewise, the reproduction of fungi is different from that of plants and animals, since they do not have stomata or flowers, like the plants, but neither do they copulate like animals. In contrast, fungi reproduce by spores, which are germ cells produced by methods both sexual and asexual.

These spores are dispersed by the wind, animals or other mechanisms, and remain dormant for a long time, waiting for conditions to be conducive to germination.

When these conditions are met, they give birth to a first hypha. From it, a mycelium is gradually built, and in some cases it can grow spectacularly quickly (certain tropical fungi grow at a rate of 5mm per minute).

Asexual reproduction of fungi

Fungi that are born by asexual reproduction are genetically the same as the parent.

The asexual reproduction of fungi occurs through the formation of spores of the same type of sexual compatibility as the adult individual. Spores form in sporangia, which are specialized structures named.

Once mature, the latter allow the release of the spores so that the wind disperses them, and eventually they find the ideal conditions to germinate. If so, the resulting individual will be genetically equal to his progenitor, that is, a genetic copy of it.

Sexual reproduction of fungi

Some species of rhizopus mold reproduce sexually.

The sexual reproduction of fungi involves two individuals exchanging genetic material, analogously to what happens with animals and plants of sexual reproduction.

The exchange is carried out by means of progametangios. These specialized structures are capable of fusing if they find one of the compatible sexual type (designated - and +, since there are no males and females).

When they fuse, they form a multinucleated cell called a zygosporangium, from which a single zygospore arises. This is how a genetically new individual is started, different from its two parents.

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