A Abrasion mostly affects the skin surface and in these cases usually heals without complications. Depending on the severity of an abrasion, doctors recommend various treatment measures after an injury.
What is an abrasion?
According to its name, it is a Abrasion a skin lesion caused by an abrasion. In most cases, an abrasion is accompanied by pain in the affected person.
In addition, the abrasion often oozes due to the leakage of tissue fluid. Depending on the severity of the injury, an abrasion may or may not be associated with blood leaking from the wound; If blood leaks from a severe abrasion, there is a risk that germs will penetrate the wound.
With most abrasions, however, there is no leakage of blood, since an abrasion often affects upper layers of skin that are not crossed by blood vessels. Characteristic of an abrasion are, among other things, the often irregular wound edges.
A Abrasion is usually the result of grazing falls that can occur, for example, in various sports. Corresponding sports include cycling, skateboarding and inline skating.
Grazing falls and a resulting abrasion can also occur, for example, when falling against a wall or a wall that is rough or rough-edged. Scraping past such rough or coarse-edged materials can also cause an abrasion without a previous fall.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
An abrasion is caused by an abrasion of the skin and is characterized by fairly clear symptoms. The most typical symptoms include a little bleeding, but this should subside after a short time. In the case of larger and deeper abrasions, heavy bleeding occurs, which under certain circumstances should even be stopped accordingly.
In appearance, abrasions are usually irregular and flat. In addition, the affected area is reddened and there is a strong burning sensation. In many cases, an abrasion leads to inflammation of the affected area. When the wound is scraped off, germs and bacteria often get into the wound and cause such inflammation.
Anyone who lets an inflammation persist without any treatment or medication must expect a significant deterioration. There is a strong formation of pus, so that the wound should urgently receive medical attention and medication. A scrape is usually accompanied by clear symptoms, which can, however, occur in different degrees of severity. If the abrasion is dirty and infected with germs, then a clear worsening of the individual symptoms must be expected. Those who seek medical treatment at an early stage can combat the symptoms quickly and effectively.
Diagnosis & course
If an abrasion is diagnosed based on the appearance of a wound, a doctor often asks about accompanying factors such as the incident that led to the abrasion. For example, it can be assessed how high the risk is that foreign bodies could penetrate the abrasion.
As an abrasion can lead to infections on the wound, a current tetanus vaccination protection of the person concerned is usually checked; if necessary, this vaccination will be refreshed.
The course of an abrasion depends, among other things, on the severity of the injury; a weak abrasion usually has a good prognosis: it usually heals after a few days. Scars are also rare after weak abrasions.
If an abrasion affects not only the epidermis, but also deeper layers of the skin, the healing process can take a few weeks. The risk of festering infections from an abrasion and remaining scars is higher with a deep abrasion than with a superficial wound.
Contamination can lead to infection of an abrasion. This can lead to inflammation, tetanus and, in rare cases, blood poisoning. Should the wound become infected, this can lead to serious wound healing disorders. Large abrasions that bleed heavily can sometimes lead to anemia. The injury can also cause shock. Injuries that occur as part of a serious accident can lead to trauma that must be dealt with in conversation with a therapist.
If an abrasion doesn't heal properly, a scar is likely. Occasionally, there are also sensory disorders in the area of the injury. In addition, the wound or scar can ooze and cause unpleasant sensations on the skin. Incorrect treatment of an abrasion can cause infections or scars.
In addition, there may be allergic reactions to the materials and agents used. Unpleasant skin reactions can occur, especially if the creams and powders are used improperly, and the wound becomes inflamed or scarred. The use of painkillers is associated with the typical side effects and interactions such as pain in the limbs and muscles, fatigue and headaches.
When should you go to the doctor?
Whether a doctor should be consulted usually depends on the extent of the wound. If the abrasion is so deep that high blood loss occurs, a doctor should always be consulted. Even if the wound has a yellowish coating after a few days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Even if the person concerned feels a throbbing or warm feeling in the area of the injury, it is imperative to seek medical help. If the doctor is not contacted in these cases, it can lead to painful inflammation. In addition, blood poisoning can result from a lack of disinfection. In order to avoid these unpleasant long-term effects, a doctor should be consulted in the case of severe abrasions. If it is only a small wound that is not oozing or bleeding, treatment by a doctor is not absolutely necessary.
Treatment & Therapy
Just like the course of a Abrasion The appropriate treatment of an abrasion also depends on the severity of the injury: If there is a superficial abrasion that is not bleeding, it is often sufficient to clean the wound under cold running tap water and with a disinfectant within the first hour after the injury supply.
Further treatment measures are often not necessary because the natural healing process starts immediately after the injury. A small abrasion pretreated in this way can be left without a plaster or, if it is covered by clothing, protected with an appropriate wound cover.
If there is a more severe abrasion that is bleeding and shows signs of inflammation, it is often advisable to have the wound treated by a doctor: The abrasion is now usually professionally cleaned and a bandage is applied, which should be changed daily in order to control the healing process.
In consultation with the attending physician, the bandage can often be dispensed with if a protective scab has formed on the abrasion. This scab protects the newly forming skin on the injured skin area.
One can Abrasion can only be prevented to a limited extent, for example by providing appropriate protective clothing for risky sporting activities or corresponding professional activities. When inline skating, appropriate protective equipment can include protectors for knees and elbows. In order to prevent possible infections in the case of a severe abrasion, for example, appropriate wound treatment and appropriate vaccination protection are important.
In most cases, abrasions heal quickly and without complications, provided that the first aid was given properly. Even so, patients with abrasions should regularly inspect the injury to see if there are any problems with wound healing. In particular, severe reddening and a feeling of heat that does not subside after a few days indicate an inflammation that a doctor should assess.
Otherwise it is advisable to protect the injured body region. Depending on the location of the injury, protective wound dressings, for example, are recommended. In the case of abrasions on stressed joints, exercise should be avoided until the wound has completely healed. If the size of the wound has made a dressing necessary, the first dressing change should take place after 24 to 48 hours at the earliest.
If the dressing sticks to the wound, it can be loosened with saline. Under no circumstances should a stuck bandage be torn off suddenly, because then the wound can tear open again. If the abrasion is already closed, a wound and healing ointment can accelerate healing and prevent annoying itching. The latter is important because scratching the wound can disrupt wound healing and lead to inflammation.
You can do that yourself
The abrasion is an everyday and often harmless medical event, which in many cases can be adequately treated with self-help. In this context, it is important that the wound is largely free of contamination. This applies to particles of dirt as well as traces of rust, paint, chemicals or similar negative influences. Disinfection, for example with iodine, may be advisable.
It is often enough to simply let a graze dry and heal in the fresh air. The connection is only sometimes necessary for larger areas or when the affected skin area is exposed to constant stress in everyday life or at work. In the case of abrasions, it is usually sufficient to simply wait until the natural scab has formed. It protects the superficial wound until the skin under it has regenerated. After that he falls off alone. In return, this means that the scab should not be removed in one night because it might be annoying.
A graze is to be protected from infection in the best possible way and to be observed in this regard. Throbbing and reddening indicate an infection of the area, which should then be cooled and protected. In order to rule out blood poisoning, it is often helpful to see a doctor for a brief check-up.