As Disorder of the sensory processing a group of diseases is known that is associated with difficulties in the sensory integration of various stimuli. Those affected react inappropriately to their environment due to the disturbed stimulus processing. In occupational therapy, sensory integration can be improved.
What is a sensory processing disorder
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Humans have intero and exteroceptive systems of perception. Stimuli from within are perceived in the same way as stimuli from the external environment. The connection between intero and exteroceptive perceptual stimuli is created by sensory integration. Only through the combination of stimuli is it possible for people to use their own body in a targeted manner for actions in response to exteroceptive sensory perceptions.
Sensory processing is disrupted if multisensory integration no longer takes place to an appropriate extent and the patient is unable to respond appropriately to the specific environmental requirements. In order to function well in our environment, humans need all of their senses. Both the visual and acoustic, as well as the haptic, olfactory, gustatory and proprioceptive perception or the vestibular sense are necessary.
The Disorder of the sensory processing is characterized by problems with the integration of impressions of different sensory systems and above all causes reduced performance. The haptic, vestibular and proprioceptive areas are particularly often affected. Disorders of sensory processing can be divided into three areas:
- Modulation interference
- Sensorimotor disorders
- Sensory Discrimination Disorders
The midbrain, as a region of the brain stem, is involved in the multisensory integration with individual processing paths. In addition, attention, coordination and arousal are controlled from here. Sensory information travels from there to other areas of the brain, above all to the centers for emotions, memory centers and cognitive centers.
A disruption of the transmission processes affects the interpretation of stimuli and thus makes it difficult to react to stimuli.Brain injuries in areas of multisensory stimulus processing can be the cause of inappropriately functional stimulus processing. Both genetic and neurological reasons are possible for a disorder of the sensory processing.
According to current research, overreactions and overexcitability in haptic and acoustic perception are probably genetically influenced. A current thesis says that after the arrival of multisensory stimuli, complex systems are activated in the frontal lobe of those affected, which start cognitively complex processes.
This process takes the place of the automatic integration of multisensory stimuli. In addition, unusual microstructures were discovered in the white matter of those affected, which could be the cause of the phenomenon of disturbed sensory perception.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Disorders of the sensory processing express themselves in a particularly diverse range of symptoms and depend heavily on the type and subtype of the disease. Only malfunctions with clear functional restrictions are relevant for diagnosis. People with tactile overreactions can, for example, have a strong negative aversion to certain substances, care products or foods or avoid body contact with other people.
Audibly hypersensitive people often avoid public places and group meetings. Sleep disorders and inner restlessness or persistent stress are also characteristic of all hypersensitivities. People with underreaction in one or more sensory systems often appear absent or slowed down. Sometimes those affected by tactile hypersensitivity pain are unaware.
Auditory hypersensitive people appear deaf even though they can hear. People with a modulation disorder usually appear fidgety and impulsive or unconsciously look for extreme sensory impressions. Patients with sensorimotor disorders make a slow and uncoordinated impression, which is associated with clumsy to poor motor skills.
When sensory discrimination is present, patients often drop objects or have difficulty with everyday demands such as getting dressed. In addition, the patients often cannot assess their own physical strength and coordinate it with difficulty. Poor balance, poor muscle tone, decreased posture control, and difficulty planning movement can be additional signs.
Diagnosis & course of the disease
The diagnosis of a disorder in the sensory processing is usually based on the implementation of standard tests, the anamnesis according to standard questionnaires and observation standards. The diagnosis is made jointly by occupational therapists, psychologists, learning specialists, physiotherapists and neurologists and usually includes a comprehensive psychological and neurological assessment.
Standardized tests and diagnostics are, for example, the Sensory Integration and Practice Test, the DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration and the Test of Sensory Functions in Infants. Standardized questionnaires for diagnosis include the Sensory Profile, the Infant / Toddler Sensory Profile and the Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile as well as the Sensory Profile School Companion, the Sensory Processing Measure and the Sensory Processing Measure Preschool.
A disorder of the sensory processing can lead to various complaints and complications in the everyday life of the person concerned. In many cases, they cannot correctly assess the dangers and may injure themselves as a result. However, many patients suffer from hypersensitivity, so that even minor injuries or a slight increase in temperature can lead to severe pain.
This disorder often also has a negative effect on sleep, which can lead to sleep problems and thus to depression and stress. Inner restlessness also often occurs and has a very negative effect on the quality of life of the person concerned. Those affected can also go blind or completely lose their sense of hearing when their sensory processing is impaired. Furthermore, there are problems with coordination and concentration.
Equilibrium can no longer be easily maintained either. Treatment for this condition depends heavily on the exact causes. However, in many cases no direct treatment is possible, so the disorders cannot be completely limited. In some cases, the patients suffer from these disorders from birth, so that treatment is also not possible.
When should you go to the doctor?
If irregularities and strong deviations in the processing of sensory stimuli are noticed compared to people in the immediate vicinity of the person concerned, these should be observed more closely. It is important to pay attention to which senses it affects and what the extent of the changes is. For example, if noises are processed more intensively and tones are perceived louder, this should be examined and clarified by a doctor. If the deviations are observed at regular intervals or if the person concerned suffers from them permanently, there is cause for concern. If sleep disorders, inner restlessness or nervousness occur as a result of the symptoms, a doctor should be consulted.
An unsteady gait, problems with locomotion or poor physical performance should be presented to a doctor. If the person concerned suffers from stress, if he often shows strong emotional reactions in his behavior or if a state of psychological stress occurs, it is advisable to clarify the cause. If natural smells are perceived as unpleasant, the person affected should check whether they would like to seek help. In many cases there are other disorders that are the cause of this perception. It is advisable to have the complaints clarified in order to rule out diseases and to be able to deal better with sensory processing.
Therapy & Treatment
Various approaches can be used to treat a disorder in sensory processing, all of which correspond to a causal treatment. The treatment route depends on the affected sensory system. The therapy for a disturbance of the vestibular system can for example correspond to a treatment with system-stimulating aids such as the tire swing.
Analogous to this, all main forms of therapy are occupational therapy, which is intended to activate the respective sensory system. The therapist provides the child with stimuli at exactly the level that the child can manage. The child must therefore be able to cope with the demands and adapt their own behavior to the demands of the therapy with useful reaction strategies.
People with underreactivities in particular benefit from the use of strong stimuli that are playfully used in therapy. In contrast, those affected by overreactivity tend to learn calming activities and strategies, such as yoga or breathing techniques. Therapists often rely on the courtesy of parents and school staff in order to improve the functionality of the affected senses at home or in school.
The treatment of affected adults differs from the listed therapeutic measures for children. Adult patients have probably suffered from sensory integration problems since birth and, as secondary diseases, have often already developed diseases such as Asperger's syndrome or serious developmental disorders in the area of coordination.
Psychological problems are also frequent secondary diseases of a long-standing sensory processing disorder. The therapy of an adult patient must therefore be tailored to the respective secondary illness and is often combined with psychotherapy.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for visual disturbances and eye complaintsprevention
Since the disorder of the sensory processing is presumably genetic, the disease cannot be prevented. However, the risk of secondary diseases can be reduced through early diagnosis and therapy.
If a person suddenly no longer manages to process all internal and external impressions, there is a disruption of sensory processing. Usually humans perceive stimuli from within and stimuli from the environment. The brain creates a sensory integration out of this, so that the human being has only one perception and feels himself to be part of his outside world. Only when people combine the stimuli from inside and outside can they act purposefully and consciously and implement targeted sensory perceptions. If people can no longer react appropriately to their environment, then it is possible that there is a disruption of sensory processing. Perception includes visual stimuli, auditory stimuli, tactile stimuli, tactile stimuli, olfactory stimuli and taste stimuli. These stimuli complement each other to form a stimulus perception of oneself and the environment.
Once a sensory disorder has been identified, there are several ways to deal with it. First of all, the question arises of how the disorder affects everyday life and the workforce as well as social behavior. After this has been determined, various exercises and training measures can be carried out to restore the stimuli.
For example, the sense of smell can be specifically trained through smell and taste exercises. Through occupational therapy, touching and feeling can be specifically learned and sensitized. A disorder of the sensory processing is a disorder of the brain and the nervous system, which under certain circumstances can also be triggered by the environment.
You can do that yourself
If the sensory processing is disturbed, a strong inner balance is required in everyday life. The disease poses great challenges for those affected and their relatives. In order to cope with this, inner serenity, stable self-confidence and a zest for life are essential.
Relaxation procedures should be used to strengthen mental strength. Meditation, yoga or autogenic training help to establish an emotional balance and equilibrium. Hustle and bustle, stress and states of inner dissatisfaction should be reduced if possible. It is advisable to carry out calming activities as well as a balanced leisure time. In the case of playful activities, it is also important to ensure that the focus is on joy and fun. Restlessness or the build-up of aggressive energies usually lead to a worsening of the overall situation. For this reason, they should be kept to a minimum.
In order to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts in everyday life, the social environment should be informed about the disease and the existing complaints. This enables better handling of developments for relatives, friends and acquaintances with the patient. Openness and honesty from everyone involved have a supporting effect. In addition, it can be perceived as pleasant for those affected if an exchange with other sick people can take place in self-help groups or internet forums.