


We explain what swag is, the main theories of its origin, its different meanings and some examples of this term.

The term swag It became popular around the year 2012 thanks to the Internet and social networks.

What is itswag?

The termswag It comes from English, and more specifically from American slang linked to rap, hip-hop and African American music. This term became popular around 2012 thanks to the Internet and to the social networks, as a replacement for other expressions for what is positively evaluated, such ascool orgroovy.

Its origins are not at all clear, apart from the fact that it was popularized by American singers such as Puff Daddy and Kanye West, who linked it to a certain way of walking associated with the lower strata of black American neighborhoods, typical of a attitude arrogant in the face of life. Another American celebrity who contributed to the popularization of the term was Justin Bieber through his Twitter account with more than 100 million followers.

The versions regarding the origin ofswag vary enormously:

  • It comes from Scottish slang.
  • It comes from a play by Shakespeare, who in turn borrowed it from the Scandinavians.
  • Is he acronym from a gay slogan from the 60s: “Secretly We Are Gay"(" We are secretly homosexuals ").
  • It is the acronym for "Stuff We All Get”(“ Things that we all receive ”), a way of referring to free delivery material at fairs or events of some kind.
  • It is the acronym for "Scientific Wild Ass Guess" (something like "Tremendously Forced Scientific Guess").

Whatever the truth, the term is associated with attitude gangstto of the singers and rappers mentioned, and is always used with the verb "to have" ("to have"), both in English and Spanish. Depending on the cultural circuit to which you belong, it can be a fashionable term or even already be ratherdemodé.

In other ways, it can be associated with culture hip-hop, whose signature outfits include hooded sweaters (“hoodies"), Sports jackets and sneakers or boots from brands such as Nike, Adidas or Converse, among others, to the point of calling"swags”To those who subscribe to this type of fashion or trend.

Examples of use ofswag

  • That guy have yousome serious swag!
  • That boy does haveswag!
  • You’re just jealous cuz I’ve got the swag.
  • You're only jealous because I haveswag.
  • I’ve got like 30 times moreswag than you do.
  • I have like 30 times moreswag than you.
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