Under the term Tarry stool or Melena Doctors understand a clearly visible black discoloration of the stool. Depending on the cause, this can be accompanied by health complaints or it can occur completely symptom-free. Various diseases, but also certain foods or medicines, can be responsible for the tarry stool.
What is tarry stool?
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Tarry stool (Meläna) is a form of the so-called black chair. The term "black stool" refers to any black color in stool. However, if the stool is shiny and very badly smelling, deep black, experts speak of tarry stools.
This is often an indicator of a serious illness, because the extreme color often comes from bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. However, a black stool does not always have to be caused by an illness.
Certain drugs or foods can also be responsible for the discoloration. However, as there may be a cause that requires urgent medical treatment, a doctor should be consulted if the tarry stool occurs.
Often occurs Tarry stool occurs when there is bleeding in the upper digestive tract. The blood is then excreted in the stool. The bleeding can be caused by numerous diseases, for example gastric mucosal inflammation, gastric ulcer, inflammation of the esophagus or stomach cancer.
If there are varicose veins in the stomach or esophagus, these can also be responsible for bleeding and thus also for tarry stools. Unfortunately, patients with extremely slow digestion also more often have tarry stools.
Basically, however, a black stool does not always have to result from an illness. The ingestion of carbon or iron supplements as well as the consumption of large amounts of blackberries, red wine or red meat can lead to a temporary clear discoloration of the bowel movements.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The stool of a healthy person is dark brown in color. But it can also take on significantly darker tones. If it is deep black, one speaks of tarry stools. The color of the elimination is reminiscent of the road surface on German roads. The tarry stool often has a dull sheen. Patients sometimes also report that the stool has an unusually foul odor.
In addition to their appearance, those affected can be diagnosed with tarry stools if they have a known disease. Any complaints that cause bleeding in the digestive tract are eligible. These include stomach ulcers, inflammation of the stomach lining or the esophagus or varicose veins. The deep black excretion results from the contact of the blood with the stomach acid or bacteria.
However, the ingestion of certain foods and medications is also symptomatic of black excretion. These cause a similar-looking sputum, but not a tarry stool. If, on the other hand, there is pain in the abdominal area, nausea and headache, the suspicion of an illness is reinforced.
The tarry stool is usually only recognizable by its appearance. Previous illnesses, eating habits and medication intake can only be viewed as indications that a serious illness is present. Only an examination of the stool can provide ultimate certainty.
Diagnosis & course
Tarry stool can be diagnosed primarily by examining a stool sample. If blood can be found in the stool in this way, further extensive tests such as gastroscopy or colonoscopy must be carried out to determine the exact cause.
If there is no blood in the stool sample, a detailed conversation should take place with the person concerned, in which, among other things, the eating habits, the medical history and the use of medication are discussed.
The course depends heavily on the actual cause of the tarry stool. If the underlying disease is more severe, the condition of the person affected may even become life-threatening without treatment. An early visit to the doctor is therefore urgently recommended.
Depending on its cause, tarry stools can cause different complications. If the altered stool is based on a serious gastrointestinal disease, it can lead to pain, inflammation and other symptoms that follow the disease. The tarry stool itself is relatively harmless, but its cause can lead to serious complications.
In the case of stomach cancer or ulcers, changes in the stool herald a severe course. People with slow digestion often suffer from constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders associated with tarry stools. Prolonged tarry stools can also lead to anemia and, as a result, paleness, cold fingers, malaise and reduced performance and fatigue. Infections in the anus can also occur. Complications can also arise when treating tarry stools.
Excessive consumption of coal or iron supplements can cause side effects and interactions. Iron tablets often cause nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and stomach ache. Charcoal tablets can cause constipation and, very rarely, an obstruction of the bowel. Depending on the underlying condition of the tarry stool, further complications may arise as part of the therapeutic measures.
When should you go to the doctor?
Tarry stools are an indication that bleeding is occurring in the digestive tract. When the blood coagulates, it is excreted in the stool and turns it dark. The exception to this is child pecking, the first bowel movement in a newborn baby. If dark stools appear after this age, it is imperative to see a doctor to clarify the cause - from the baby age. The doctor will first want to know how long the tarry stool began and whether the stool regularly looks like this or whether it is just an occasional observation. Other complaints and changes in wellbeing are also important for the attending physician, as they can find a possible cause more quickly.
If the stool is tarry, the person affected will not be able to avoid a gastroscopy or colonoscopy, because otherwise the doctor cannot tell why bleeding occurs in the digestive tract. Before that, however, an attempt may be made to use ultrasound to determine whether a cause has already been found. If nothing can be seen there, other imaging procedures can also be used so that a targeted search can be made during the subsequent mirroring and the patient has to remain under anesthesia for a shorter time. Even if an underlying disease is known that can lead to tarry stools, a doctor should be consulted as soon as the condition changes or occurs more frequently than before.
Treatment & Therapy
Became the Tarry stool examined and the cause of the discoloration recognized, the treating physician initiates appropriate therapy. If acute bleeding in the stomach, intestines or esophagus has been detected, it must be stopped. This can be done, among other things, by a surgical procedure or directly as part of an intestinal or gastroscopy.
The actual cause is then treated. If the tarry stool is caused by inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, antibiotics can be administered to eliminate this. If the esophagus and surrounding tissue have been damaged by overproduction of stomach acid, acid inhibitors are prescribed to prevent the acid from causing further bleeding.
If cancer is present, the tumor is surgically removed, if possible.Otherwise, chemotherapy can prevent the malignant cells from growing and clear the cancer. Particularly in the case of acid overproduction or inflammation of the gastric mucosa or the esophagus, homeopathic remedies can also be used, which gently balance the acid-base balance.
However, such therapy should always be discussed with the attending physician, as pure homeopathic treatment is not sufficient in the case of a serious illness and the patient's state of health could deteriorate dramatically.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for digestive problemsprevention
As it is for Tarry stool can have very different causes, direct prevention is not possible. However, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and regular medical examinations can minimize the risk of internal bleeding or gastrointestinal diseases. If a tarry stool occurs and / or associated abdominal complaints are found, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible so that a serious illness can be excluded.
Tar stool in itself is not a disease, but the symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with bleeding. Therefore, aftercare should be tailored to these diseases. It is best to discuss it with the internist or family doctor who also treated the disease in question.
After tarry stools, protection of the gastrointestinal tract is an important factor in aftercare. This can be achieved through a gentle diet. This includes foods that are easy to digest and neither irritate nor bloat. Fatty and spicy are just two examples of foods that should be avoided as part of aftercare. Even overly lavish meals should ideally be replaced by small portions several times a day.
Drinking is very important for healthy bowel function. Those affected by tarry stools implement this optimally with at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water and herbal tea. Non-carbonated water is preferable in this context. In addition, alcohol is taboo and coffee should only be consumed in moderation.
In order to identify bleeding quickly, stool letters are a diagnostic aid that is free of side effects and can be carried out by the patient at home. This is also an important element in aftercare. It is important that the result can be falsified by certain foods. The package insert provides more detailed information.
You can do that yourself
Tar stool occurs when the stool is darkened by blood or dyes in food. In the case of harmless causes, the patient can do a few things himself to restore the stool color to normal.
First of all, a change in diet is recommended. Foods like liquorice, beetroot, or blueberries can darken the stool. If the tarry stool appears without any further discomfort, an unbalanced diet may be the cause. Long-term abnormalities should be discussed with your family doctor or a nutritionist. The tarry stool may be due to internal bleeding or a gastrointestinal disease that requires medical treatment.
If a gastric ulcer was diagnosed as the cause, a strict diet must be followed. The patient must not consume fatty foods, coffee or alcohol. Smokers should reduce their cigarette consumption. This also applies if the tarry stool is caused by Mallory-Weiss syndrome or another serious illness.
First of all, the bleeding has to be stopped, which requires an examination using an endoscope or ultrasound. Depending on the type of illness, it may then be sufficient to take medication. In the case of heavy bleeding, which may even be due to stomach cancer or major damage to the mucous membrane, an operation must be performed. The patient should take it easy after such an operation and continue to pay attention to a balanced and gentle diet. If the symptoms persist, a visit to a doctor is recommended.