


We explain what a thesis is and what the structure of this research work is like. Also, some topics for thesis and what is a thesis.

A thesis consists of a dissertation and testing of previously established hypotheses.

What is a thesis?

A thesis is understood, in the academic world, to a work of research usually monographic or investigative, consisting of a dissertation and verification of hypothesis previously established, to demonstrate an analytical capacity and the handling of investigation procedures.

Most academic degrees are awarded after the preparation, defense and approval of a degree thesis. Its elaboration usually involves months of investigative work in a specific area of ​​knowledge, exposed in a document of around one hundred to one hundred and fifty pages, where the procedure is detailed and the results are shown, making use of graphics or support material if necessary. .

However, in a thesis there is also room for the author's own opinions and elaborations, so that it is an original written work, which makes a specific contribution to the field of organized knowledge.

Its name comes from the Greek word for "proposition",thesis. With that name scientific arguments were known in the past, and it is preserved today despite the fact that the appearance of the scientific method during the Renaissance European Union forever changed the way we conceive of science and the knowledge.

Structure of a thesis

A thesis must have the author's own results and analysis.

Although its characteristics vary according to the field of research approached, a thesis is usually structured as follows:

  • Preliminaries. Everything that precedes the investigation itself, such as the cover, the resume of the investigation (for references), the content indexes, the dedication, acknowledgments and, finally, a introduction general issue to be addressed.
  • Background. A contextual explanation regarding the state of matter at the time of initiating the research work, taking into account what was said by previous authors and the results of previous research.
  • Methodology employee. Where are explained what data and sources were used, what research or research methods experimentation, depending on the field, and what is the theoretical framework or hypothesis research center.
  • Results. Here are the author's own results, with their respective analysis to find out what they mean, what they say, and a discussion that eventually leads to conclusions.
  • Conclusions. and limitations. Where the contributions of the research to the field of specific knowledge are explained, and the warnings for future researchers.
  • Bibliographic references. Here the books and materials consulted throughout the investigation are detailed with all their complete editorial data.
  • Appendices. All tables, graphs, images, charts, etc. are ordered in this segment. that help to understand the results.

Thesis topics

Choosing a thesis topic is the first essential step to carry it out. A researcher must be very clear about the north to which he points and the hypotheses that he intends to question or demonstrate. For this, the most common recommendations are:

  • A passionate topic. This is elementary: if your thesis topic bores you, it will bore you more to endure it for a hundred pages, and it will bore even more to those who read it. Passion and commitment They are essential when writing a thesis.
  • Narrow the subject well. Delimiting what is going to be studied is vital.The topics can be very broad and diverse, and generalities do not serve to tread firmly.
  • Check the background well. It may be that a previous investigation has already done what you propose, but differently, or that it gives you a novel approach to the subject, or that it shows you that it is not really what you want. The first thing is to see what there is about it.
  • Consider the professional contribution. You should be able to talk about your thesis topic in the future, without feeling that you wasted time or that it was a whim that has nothing to do with your future professional development.

Thesis and dissertation

A thesis must be able to demonstrate and put into practice the knowledge acquired.

Both thesis and thesis are research expressed in writing through a monographic document and with the aspiration of contributing something to the field of studies or at least demonstrating the knowledge acquired and its implementation.

The thesis, however, is usually much less demanding, complex and extensive than a thesis, devoid of the need for a step-by-step demonstration of the procedure, and with a much more limited approach. An ordinary thesis does not exceed twenty or thirty pages, while a thesis easily exceeds one hundred.

Thesis examples

  • Example 1: “Theoretical-methodological proposal to evaluate the services of the archives from a study of users. Unit of analysis: municipal archives ”. By Silvia Acosta, Elia Íncer and Adriana Mena. Presented at the University of Costa Rica, to obtain the degree of Bachelor of History. Costa Rica, 2006.
  • Example 2: "Poverty, socialization and social mobility". By Sonia Rocha Reza. Presented at the Universidad Iberoamericana to obtain the title of Doctor of Research in Psychology. Mexico, 2007.
  • Example 3: “Foundation and design of a socio-educational intervention model from a constructivist perspective, for its application in productive or service organizations. Study of its application and observation of its impact on a company ”. By Jorge Leiva Cabanillas. Presented at the Ramón Llull University, to obtain the title of Doctor of Psychology. Spain, s / f.
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