expositive text



We explain what an expository text is, its types, structure and other characteristics. Also, various examples.

An expository text does not try to convince or convey emotions.

What is an expository text?

The expository text is that text that offers the reader a information explicitly on a specific topic, objectively, that is, without the opinion of the author or their positions on the subject mediating at any time. Consequently, you don't need to use arguments to convince.

The sole intention of the expository texts is to exhaust the subject, that is, to convey information to the reader. Commonly, the expository texts are limited to the subject they address, without going beyond it and without generally resorting to emotional content. They can be understood as a display of information only, which may well be of two types, depending on your ideal audience:

  • Texts informative. These are the expository texts that are aimed at a wide audience, without prior specialized requirements, and therefore address issues of interest general, usually from a simple, accessible and democratic perspective.
  • Specialized texts. On the contrary, they are intended for a reduced and specialized public, so they are handled in a language technical, difficult or demanding with the reader, which only the connoisseurs handle, which implies a need for prior knowledge on the part of the reader.

Characteristics of an expository text

The expository texts are characterized by:

  • Its sole purpose is to transmit specific information, be it common or specialized.
  • Aspire to objectivity, that is, do not involve points of view or arguments of any kind, since they do not seek to convince, but to inform.
  • You can use rhetorical figures and other mechanisms to present your information more efficiently, as long as that does not cloud its clarity and precision.
  • They usually use grammatically a timeless present and the indicative mood of Spanish.

Structure of the expository texts

The structure of the expository texts is simple, and it is made up of three successive parts:

  • Introduction. In which the reader is given the context necessary to know the subject in question, how it will be treated, in what terms, etc.
  • Developing. What constitutes the body of the text, where the information is presented in a clear and organized manner.
  • conclusion. Where the fundamental aspects of the subject are summarized and it is summarized or made a brief synthesis of what was said.

Examples of expository texts

Some online examples of expository texts are:

  • This same article on the expository texts.
  • "Coronavirus infections", text on the Web page of the World Health Organization (who) reporting on these types of infections.
  • "How to find or download apps or digital content", instructions for downloading software and content through the Google Play platform.
  • "World War II", Wikipedia entry on this historical event.
  • "Acetaminophen and codeine," information in MedlinePlus about this drug.
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