There are numerous massage treatments that are designed to help with various ailments. Massages are particularly helpful in the case of tension or pain in the back and neck area in order to stay healthy and vital. Many people use conventional oils from the health food store for this. There are also special oils that can be applied to the skin, making the massage treatment much more pleasant and intense. If you want to do something particularly good for your body, you can add a few drops of essential oil to a base oil. In the end you have a soothing oil that is particularly suitable for relaxation. In this article, readers will learn some information about the meaningful Lomi Lomi massage and a few more tips on how to get rid of pain.
What is the Lomi Lomi massage?
The Lomi Lomi massage (also called Lomi Lomi Nui) is a type of massage from Hawaii. In its original form, it is more like a therapeutic treatment than a massage and aims to treat the body and soul. © fotoexodo -
This is a shamanic treatment originally from Hawaii that brings body and mind into harmony. The “Queen of Massages” doesn't just relieve tension. Many people who have had a Lomi Lomi massage report positive experiences that were not only noticeable physically. It was once considered a particularly intensive healing method in Hawaii that was used for people who wanted treatment for body, mind and soul. The styles of the massages differ from each other and therefore each treatment is very unique. Once you have found the Lomi Lomi masseur you trust, you can be sure that the treatments can always be very valuable and individual.
Are the treatments in Europe comparable to the original variant from Hawaii?
As already mentioned, the massages differ from user to user. Of course, there are also differences between whether the treatment can be done in Germany or locally in Hawaii. On the island, the Lomi Lomi massages had a special meaning as they help people to enter a new phase of life.
For this reason, the treatments were mostly used before weddings. Here again you can see the importance of massage on body and mind. Anyone who has already dealt with the topic of holistic health knows that body, mind and soul always interact. If the soul is not doing well, it will show up in the body sooner or later.
But conscious people can do something even before physical pain. Lomi Lomi massages are part of it, in order to feel good all around and to be happy. In our latitudes, the applications are booked primarily by those people who long for relaxation.
How does the Lomi Lomi massage work?
During this treatment, the body is first lubricated with a valuable oil. A base oil (e.g. olive, jojoba or almond oil) is usually used here. If you want, you can also add an essential oil. Lavender, peppermint, juniper, lemon or rosemary help against tension.
So people who want a Lomi Lomi treatment can ask the user to add one of these oils. When the body has been nicely oiled, the massage starts, which is not only performed with the hands. Arms or elbows are also used during treatment. This intensifies the effect and relieves old blockages, tension and pain. Together with the essential oils, the effect is very good and the relief will soon be felt.
The scent puts people in a deep state of relaxation, which has a lasting effect on their well-being. In addition, the alternation of different touches is crucial for the wonderful relaxation. The movements alternate between circular, flowing and long. The massage is done first on the back and then on the stomach side.
Use at home - a few tips
Apply essential oils yourself
Anyone who suffers from tension or pain and cannot go to a massage should do something for their own well-being. If you want, you can get essential oils and mix them with an almond or olive oil. Then the oils mentioned above can be applied to the painful areas of the skin. This usually also helps to relieve acute pain and tension. People who are very sensitive should start with just a few drops per 50 ml of base oil.
It is best to test it on an area of skin before using it to rule out the possibility of someone being allergic. Essential oils do not have to be worked into the skin via a massage - it is enough to apply them to the affected areas of the skin. Readers can find out more about essential oils here: Essential Oils
Healthy eating
In addition to the treatment with essential oils, a healthy and varied diet also helps to alleviate various pains. For example, ginger tea is very good for chronic pain, which is usually caused by inflammation. Turmeric, garlic or barley grass can also help. It is important to pay attention to natural foods and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Then there is not much you can do wrong. Sugar, white flour and other finished products should be avoided. Proper nutrition makes you feel much more comfortable and fitter in your body.
CBD oil
One of the best known remedies for chronic pain, tension or a depressed mood is cannabis oil. Even if many people suspect otherwise, conventional hemp oil with CBD does not contain THC or the amount is so small that it has no psychoactive effect. Many users report that they feel much better after using CBD capsules, CBD liquid or CBD oil. In particular, pain that runs through the whole body can be alleviated by taking it.
If you want to buy CBD, you should pay attention to a product that is as natural as possible. So you can be sure that the THC content is below 2% and that the manufacturing process was as gentle as possible. The effect of these products is of course higher than if you buy a cheap one. So if you want to achieve a good and lasting effect, you should look for a reputable supplier of the CBD oil.
When you start taking it, you can first speak to a naturopath. Otherwise it is important to start slowly and only increase the dose over time. This way you can be sure that there are no side effects. Normally, there are no negative side effects when taking CBD oil. However, it is advisable to start the application slowly.
If you want to read more about hemp, you can find out more here: Hemp - the durian among medicinal plants
Many people suffer from tension and pain. Numerous treatments such as the Lomi Lomi massage with essential oils promise relief and relaxation. But you can also use the essential oils at home. If you want to do even more for your health, you can buy CBD oil.