The Farsightedness or Hyperopia is a visual impairment that is known in the context of clarity and is a deviation from normal vision.
What is farsightedness?
The designation Farsightedness is usually used in everyday language. In ophthalmology and medicine, terms such as Hyperopia and Hypermetropia than classic terms.
Farsightedness is a form of ametropia and does not always have to be corrected with a visual aid if it is low. Usually, those affected only notice farsightedness when it is severe and usually only at an advanced age.
Farsightedness or hyperopia is based on very different forms, which are referred to as axis hyperopia and refractive hyperopia. In farsightedness, the focus of the light reflexes penetrating the eyes is not in front of the retina, but behind the retina, which to a certain extent can be compensated imperceptibly and naturally.
The causes for a Farsightedness are responsible even in childhood are limited to two factors. Farsightedness can arise because the eye is anatomically designed in such a way that the distance between the cornea and retina is too short to be able to realize the full refractive power.
Shortening the axes can lead to a corresponding farsightedness. This is a typical cause of farsightedness as axis hyperopia. Axial hyperopia as farsightedness is most often diagnosed. Even children are born with this visual impairment.
Refractive hyperopia or farsightedness due to impairment of the refractive power of the eye is caused by genetically congenital defects. The refractive hyperopia is not so common. A special form of refractive hyperopia as the cause of farsightedness is the lack of the eye lens. Both causes of farsightedness lead to blurred vision of the eye.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
In most cases, farsightedness is only noticeable in adulthood. In childhood or adolescence, the eye can often compensate for poor eyesight through accommodation, i.e. adjusting the refractive power. In this case, doctors speak of hidden hyperopia.
If the farsightedness becomes more noticeable with increasing age, there is more blurred vision at close range, for example when reading or working on the computer. In order to be able to see reasonably sharply, those affected have to keep the object further and further away from the eye. In addition to visual impairment at close range, farsightedness can cause a number of other complaints such as headaches, pain and burning of the eyes, the eyes tire more quickly and sometimes conjunctivitis can also occur because the eyes have to constantly strain themselves due to the tension in order to avoid blurred vision at close range balance.
If farsightedness is diagnosed in childhood, it should definitely be compensated, as the constant adjustment of the eye can otherwise lead to inward strabismus in affected children. People with farsightedness usually need reading glasses earlier than normal or nearsighted people.
Diagnosis & course
To a Farsightedness to recognize, the determination of the refractive power by the ophthalmologist is used. This is also known as a refraction test and can also be carried out by an optician if the patient is farsighted. This method makes it possible to determine how strong the farsightedness is.
In contrast to many eye diseases, farsightedness does not depend on age. Even small children can suffer from farsightedness without being noticed and causing problems with their vision. Farsightedness does not usually worsen with increasing age and from a certain strength can be compensated by a visual aid.
With advancing age, however, those affected notice the farsightedness more and more and feel noticeably restricted in their ability to see due to this poor vision. In this context, reinforced glasses can be helpful and prevent inward squinting in children.
As a rule, farsightedness is not a serious condition that can be treated with glasses or contact lenses. However, the further course depends heavily on the underlying disease, if it is present. In the worst case, the affected person can completely lose their eyesight.
Complications usually occur when the person concerned is not using his or her visual aid. The symptoms are usually only aggravated, so that the patient's eyesight continues to decrease. Farsightedness can lead to restrictions in the patient's everyday life and thus to a reduced quality of life. Squinting can also occur as a result. Squinting can also lead to depression, bullying or teasing, especially in children.
When treating farsightedness, there are usually no complications. In adulthood, the complaint can be treated with the help of laser surgery so that eyesight is fully restored. There are also no complications and the disease does not affect the life expectancy of the patient. Even without laser treatment, farsightedness can be restricted so well with visual aids that there are no further restrictions in everyday life.
When should you go to the doctor?
If the person concerned notices changes in their vision, a check-up visit with a doctor is advisable. Hypersensitivity to the effects of light, blurred vision and general changes in the usual vision must be checked and checked. If the person concerned perceives impairment of his vision in direct comparison with people from his immediate environment, he should discuss the observations with a doctor.
If headaches, tension in the neck or inflammatory diseases occur in the head area, action is required. The complaints should be understood as warning signals. If the health impairments mentioned occur more frequently, the cause must be investigated further. If the eyesight deteriorates during the day, this is considered unusual. If objects or people cannot be seen even though they are directly in front of the affected person's field of vision, a doctor's visit is necessary. Eye pain or a burning sensation around the eyes should be investigated immediately.
If there are reductions in impairment with a decrease in overexertion, the person affected can, in addition to medical treatment, be actively involved in improving his or her vision. If the general risk of accidents is increased due to reduced vision, a doctor's visit is necessary. If people who are already using an instrument to improve their eyesight notice changes, they should also consult a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
For the treatment of the Farsightedness there are several therapy options to choose from. These are used depending on the age of the person concerned and the extent of the impairment of vision.
Basically, the typical treatment measures aim to correct the refraction of the eyes to such an extent that unrestricted vision is possible. The focal point of the eye (s) must be directed so that it lies in front of the retina in farsightedness. The result is normal sharp vision in farsightedness through the appropriate treatment or visual aid.
Either wearing glasses with so-called converging lenses or suitable contact lenses can guarantee this. Procedures that are successfully carried out in refractive surgery lead to a final correction of farsightedness without external visual aid. During a surgical procedure, the farsightedness can be compensated for by using a laser.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for visual disturbances and eye complaintsprevention
It is only possible to a limited extent, one Farsightedness to prevent. Recommendable and directly effective approaches are unfortunately not yet known. It is important, however, to take care of the eyes and to have them treated when farsightedness becomes known. Especially in small children, the undetected farsightedness is often a trigger for the children to start squinting and the position of the eyes to change. A timely examination of the children's eyes for the possible presence of farsightedness can prevent this consequential damage.
Since farsightedness is not a disease, it does not need treatment. With the use of adapted glasses or contact lenses, the muscles in the eye are relieved. Thus the symptoms are significantly alleviated. Regular eye tests ensure that changes in farsightedness are recognized in good time. This prevents the symptoms from recurring in the long term.
This provided that no other ametropia or actual diseases are present. In addition to farsightedness, for example, angular ametropia, uncorrected corneal or lens curvature (astigmatism), as well as an undetected illness can be decisive for headaches and dizziness. Eye tests can be done at an ophthalmologist or the local optician.
So-called optotypes such as numbers or letters are shown. A change in visual acuity can be recognized well on the basis of this. The refractionist who performs the eye test will also be able to determine whether a further examination is advisable. With a corrective device, glasses or contact lenses, the light is then literally directed into the eye. Effort-free and clear vision should be guaranteed.
There may be a settling-in period when first used, which depends on the ametropia, age and physical condition of the farsighted person. Despite recurring, inconspicuous tests of visual performance, regular preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist cannot be replaced.
You can do that yourself
Even with well-treated farsightedness through corrective measures such as reading glasses or contact lenses, it is important to maintain the eyesight and to act accordingly. It is always advisable to see an ophthalmologist if there is a change in the eyes, as the risk of developing glaucoma is increased in farsighted people. For this purpose, the intraocular pressure is measured, which, by the way, is not included in the catalog of services of the statutory health insurance funds, but is covered in exceptional cases.
From a medical point of view, so-called "eye training" is not recommended since training the eye muscles does not have any effect on the eyesight. It is more important to use your visual aid regularly and to consider beforehand in which everyday situations you will need it. For example, it is advisable to keep glasses in the car when driving. It is also a good idea to keep your glasses close at hand at your desk so that they become an integral everyday item.
Reading or watching TV is not allowed without visual aids. A strap on the glasses enables the wearer to always have them close by. This prevents unnecessary searches. Due to the frequent use, it is inevitable to replace various wear parts on the glasses at regular intervals. Opticians offer minor repairs free of charge, such as replacing discolored nose pads that are on the lower glasses frame.