Rose (erysipelas) is a skin disease caused by bacteria (A-streptococci or ß-hemolytic streptococci). This leads to typical inflammation of the skin and very visible reddening of the skin. A sore rose usually occurs on the leg or face and is not infrequently accompanied by a severe fever.
What is a wound rose?
The Sore rose, in medical usage as Erysipelas and popularly as Rotlauf known, describes a reddening of the skin. This is sharply delimited and clearly recognizable, it takes the form of a flame on the skin.
A rose develops when bacteria implant themselves in minimal wounds and the area becomes inflamed - usually the top layers of the skin and the lymphatic system are affected.
The sore throat is particularly common on the legs, arms or face, where it can appear anywhere. The reddening or sore rose is less common in the area of the navel.
The causative agent of Rose (erysipelas) are bacteria. Usually these are ß-hemolytic streptococci. These dissolve the human red blood cells. Occasionally other bacteria are also responsible for the rose, for example staphylococci or chopsticks.
The bacteria enter through small wounds that appear in the top layer of the skin. These can be caused by athlete's foot or atopic dermatitis, for example, which makes them hardly noticeable. Often, when the wound rose, the responsible wound can no longer be found because it is so small and heals again quickly. Other entry portals for the pathogen of the wound rose are larger wounds, for example fissures (fissures), which allow access to the uppermost skin layer.
As soon as the pathogens have found an entry portal, they can implant themselves around the wound and begin to multiply. This is how the rose is created.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
In most cases, the first signs of a sore rose appear on the legs or lower legs. Symptoms on the arms or face (facial rose) are less common. Typical features of the wound rose are reddish foci of inflammation on the skin. The deep red areas are sharply delimited to healthy skin areas in the immediate vicinity.
The shape and course do not follow a clear pattern and appear very irregular. In the case of advanced and deep-seated wound rose, the inflammation loses its characteristic contour and overflows more gently into the surrounding skin. In addition to pronounced swelling, those affected also suffer from increased sensitivity to pressure in the diseased area. When the hand is laid on, a significant increase in temperature due to infectious processes is noticeable.
Lymph nodes in the immediate vicinity react to the sore rose by a painful enlargement. Typical symptoms such as fever over 39 ° Celsius, chills, joint problems or great exhaustion accompany the symptoms in varying degrees of intensity. Patients complain of impairments, which in many cases are reminiscent of the flu.
In the case of recurring sundrose, the general complaints such as weakness and tiredness take a back seat. In return, the relapse leads to the development of lymphedema due to damaged lymphatic tracts. Severe cases provoke a widespread infection with dying tissue. In addition to circulatory shock due to blood poisoning, cardiac inflammation and the development of meningitis are also possible.
Course of disease
First, the bacterial pathogens occur Rose (erysipelas) through the wound into the body. The incubation period is about 2 to 5 days. The wound may have healed within this time - it depends on its size.
The first symptoms of the sore rose appear suddenly. The affected person initially suffers from a fever, accompanied by severe chills. The rose itself only becomes visible a few hours after the first symptoms appear. The skin turns red at this stage, the redness spreads quickly. It is characterized by its crimson color and is mostly flame-shaped.
The expression of the wound rose can be so slight that only a few red points can be seen on the skin - but it can also be much more pronounced. The inflamed area swells gradually and clearly visible. In some severe cases, blisters will form and bleed into them. These are known as bullous erysipelas.
If a wound rose is treated too late or not adequately, various complications can threaten, especially in people with a weak immune system or other diseases. The inflammation can clog the lymphatic system, which means that the lymphatic fluid cannot drain off properly and builds up in the tissue (lymphedema). Because the affected tissue is not optimally supplied with nutrients as a result, there is a risk that individual streptococci will survive, multiply and cause a new rose.
If the course is severe or if the treatment is inadequate, severe swelling can occur and promote elephantiasis with severely swollen legs. Furthermore, inflammation of the surrounding veins can occur. In rare cases, there is a risk of life-threatening sepsis when bacteria enter the bloodstream.
In the kidneys, too, a wound rose can lead to complications if antibodies form in the body because they are confused with streptococci due to their similarities. Very dangerous, albeit rare, is facial rose, in which bacteria enter the brain and cause meningitis or cerebral vein thrombosis there. A wound rose has the disadvantage that it occurs again and again and can also become chronic.
When should you go to the doctor?
Changes in the appearance of the skin are generally a sign that there are inconsistencies in the organism. If the abnormalities persist for several days or weeks, or if they are of increasing character, a doctor should be consulted. Reddening of the skin, itching, or pain are worrisome. To avoid complications or secondary diseases, a doctor should be consulted as soon as the first information is given.
If the person concerned suffers from inflammation of the skin, an investigation of the cause is advisable immediately. Medical care is required in the event of fever, tiredness, internal weakness, fatigue or a decrease in physical strength. If the general performance of the person concerned is impaired, he should seek help.
Lymph swelling and flu-like symptoms should also be presented to a doctor. In the event of rapid and progressive changes in general health, there is an urgent need for action. If the well-being deteriorates rapidly within a short period of time, a hospital should be visited. If left untreated and if the disease progresses unfavorably, the person affected can become life-threatening.
As a result of the symptoms, he can suffer blood poisoning, which can be fatal. If edema develops or if the person concerned suffers from emotional stress due to the changed complexion, a doctor's visit is necessary. Joint complaints, mobility restrictions and chills should also be examined.
Treatment & Therapy
Depending on the characteristics of the Rose (erysipelas) patients are treated differently. For some, medication is given under the supervision of the family doctor, while others require hospitalization. As soon as the sore rose turns into bullous erysipelas, the patient is admitted to the hospital. There he is given strong antibiotics in particularly high doses to kill the pathogens that cause the wound rose.
Often penicillin or cephalosporins are administered intravenously. When a blistering rose heals, scars can remain on the skin; patients with an operated heart valve are at risk. In the case of milder forms of the wound rose without impairment, it is sufficient to prescribe the antibiotics in tablet form. In any case, however, the cause of the wound rose must be treated in order to avoid a recurring infection.
The wound rose is a serious infection that should definitely be treated by a doctor. The patient must follow the doctor's instructions and regularly take the prescribed medication - mostly antibiotics. Sufficient rest and rest are important for the healing process.
Stress should be avoided as far as possible and those affected should avoid consumption poisons such as cigarettes and alcohol as far as possible. A healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables provides the vitamins and minerals required to restore the patient's strength. If the person concerned feels better, moderate exercise can be started.
Long walks in the open air are helpful, as they have a positive effect on the condition and stimulate the immune system. The immune system should definitely be strengthened in order to be able to fight off the infection successfully. The course of the rose may be associated with blistering.
So that no unsightly scars form, especially with a facial rose, the affected areas of the skin should be carefully cared for as the healing process continues. The attending physician can recommend appropriate care products. The patient can then carefully apply and massage the creams or ointments himself in order to keep the tissue supple and thus prevent scarring.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines against redness and eczemaHome remedies & herbs for skin reddening
- Make an infusion with 100 grams of fennel herbs. With this addition to the bath, skin redness is reduced and a relaxing effect is achieved.
You can do that yourself
Usually, the patient is already receiving medical treatment when it becomes known that the skin disease is a wound rose. It is then important that the patient understands that this is a serious infection and that the doctor's instructions must be followed urgently.
During the time in which the patient is taking appropriate medication - usually antibiotics - he should take it easy and ensure adequate rest and sleep times. In addition, the patient should avoid stress and abstain from drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes. A healthy diet supports recovery. Fresh fruits and vegetables bring many vitamins and minerals. Light, lean meat and whole grain products are recommended. On the one hand, the diet should restore the patient's strength, but on the other hand it should not be a burden. Fast food is not suitable for this. As soon as the patient feels reasonably fit, exercise is recommended, preferably outdoors. Long walks bring the condition back and stimulate the immune system, which is supposed to support the healing process.
If the rose was accompanied by blistering, it can be carefully tended to during the healing process so that no scar is formed. The dermatologist will recommend appropriate scar creams or ointments. They should be massaged in regularly, but with extreme care, so that on the one hand the wound is not excessively pulled and rubbed, but on the other hand the tissue is kept pliable.