yoga or yoga is on the one hand a common relaxation technique and on the other hand an Indian philosophical teaching. The aim of yoga is to gain knowledge of God or to strive for becoming one with God in the form of a union.
What is yoga
yoga was originally one of the most important philosophical schools in India and comprised a number of individual aspects such as meditations and physical exercises (asanas). Originally the word meant something like yoke, tighten or tie up and it meant the binding of the instincts to the body in order to enable one to become one with God. The basics of yoga have already been formulated in the so-called Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads already mention the term.
After yoga was practiced exclusively in India for thousands of years, it has triumphed around the world in recent years and is now practiced in almost every country in the world. However, when it comes to the term yoga, many people in Europe today primarily understand the asanas, the physical exercises.
In addition, many yoga schools with different theories and emphases have formed in this long period. More physical schools are grouped under the generic term Hatha Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, the development of the Indian yogi BKS-Iyengar, is a school that allows the use of aids in many asanas. Sivandana Yoga sees itself as a summary of the most essential yoga systems and the popular Kundalini Yoga tries above all to promote the awakening of Kundalini power.
Use & application
If you yoga practiced as a separate philosophy, as meditation or "only" for health reasons: Some basic factors apply equally to all yoginis (practitioners):
- Yoga increases physical mobility and trains muscles, tendons and ligaments as well as flexibility and a sense of balance.
- Yoga enables you to develop a finer feeling for your own body.
- Yoga improves posture by strengthening the back muscles.
- Some types of yoga help to better control the hormonal balance and can make the female menopause more pleasant and supportive in preparation for the birth and after pregnancy.
Yoga as a medical relaxation technique
Yoga exercises Of course, they do not replace a doctor's visit in the case of serious illnesses, but they can certainly help to reduce restlessness, stress and sleep problems and to favorably influence symptoms such as nervousness or high blood pressure. Yoga is ideally suited to accompany or supplement medical therapy and to improve the treatment results in a gentle way.
Many health insurances in Germany and in other countries therefore pay the insured persons a subsidy for participating in yoga courses and numerous companies now offer their employees participation in in-house yoga groups at very favorable conditions.
Yoga exercises for the home & yoga schools
Who likes to be regular yoga would like to practice, you should look for a suitable yoga studio (e.g. in Berlin Iyengar Yoga) in your living environment. For beginners there are also many instructions for easier exercises on the net. (For example yoga exercises or Vidya yoga exercises). Therefore, only the three most popular exercises should be briefly discussed here.
Sun salutation: The sun salutation is very suitable for warming up (in the morning or at the beginning of a yoga class). Ideally, it is done while facing the rising sun. It mobilizes the joints, stretches muscles and ligaments and activates the heart and circulation.
Dog: This exercise strengthens and stretches almost all muscles in the body. Above all, the chest muscles, legs and arms are specifically supported.
Tree: Also a classic exercise that serves to train the sense of balance. In addition, the muscles in the abdomen, buttocks and legs are trained.