Of the Tartar, which is also called Concretions is known, is a solid to crusty brownish substance or deposit on the teeth. Once the tartar has stuck to the teeth, it can no longer be easily removed by rinsing or brushing your teeth. The tartar itself consists mostly of minerals and plaque and should be removed by a dentist on a regular basis.
What is tartar?
As Tartar are hard deposits on human teeth that can no longer be removed by normal cleaning with a toothbrush.
The basic requirement for its formation are plaque bacteria - it is they that ensure that the tartar can also develop periodontitis over time.
Tartar is particularly common on the lower incisors and on the outer sides of the molars of the upper jaw: These are the places where the ducts of the salivary glands are located, which promote its development.
Almost everyone has plaque bacteria in their mouths, but their number can be kept under control by properly cleaning your teeth. They are essential for the formation of tartar, because without them the process could not take place. In human saliva there are minerals that plaque bacteria come into contact with on a daily basis. These minerals are stored in the plaque, which allows them to harden and form tartar.
Therefore, the teeth that are in close proximity to the salivary glands of the mouth are most likely to be at risk - they are overwhelmed by the minerals in the saliva. Above all, however, tartar can result from infrequent or improper brushing of the teeth, which means that not enough plaque is removed so that a basis for tartar formation remains even after cleaning. If the tartar lies above the gum belt, it is transparent to yellowish in color. If it is below and affects the root area, however, it takes on a brown tone.
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➔ Medicines against tartar and tooth discolorationDiseases with this symptom
- Periodontal disease
- Inflammation of the gums
Tartar occurs in everyone and cannot be removed by brushing your teeth or using a rinse. It is therefore particularly important to have the tartar removed by the dentist, as otherwise problems can develop on the teeth. Since the tartar is a protective mechanism of the teeth, caries is usually rarely found under the tartar itself.
This can occur and would make itself felt as pain in the affected tooth. In these cases, the dentist has to ream the tooth and remove the tooth decay. The hole is then refilled with a filling and sealed. If you do not have the tartar removed regularly, you risk gum inflammation.
In the worst case, this can also develop into periodontitis. If the patient has an implant, tartar can be just as harmful here. The tartar can inflame the tissue around the implant. With appropriate treatment, there are no particular complications. The dentist removes the tartar at each visit. The treatment is largely pain-free.
When should you go to the doctor?
Tartar formation means that plaque has mineralized on the teeth. In the long run, this process can attack the gums and cause bleeding gums, which in the worst case results in tooth loss.
To prevent tartar build-up, there are special toothpaste products and mouthwashes that specifically prevent plaque build-up. Thorough, regular dental care with the use of dental floss for the interstices is also inevitable to prevent increased tartar build-up. This is especially true when sugary foods are consumed.
However, these methods are not always sufficient as some people are naturally prone to increased tartar build-up. If, despite consistent hygiene, thick, discolored tartar forms that also settles on the necks of the teeth, it is time to see the dentist. Because in such cases the gums continue to recede, which means that essential protection of the teeth is lost. So the problem is not just aesthetics.
The dentist can carry out professional tooth cleaning in order to successfully remove even deep-seated plaque. If necessary, additional dental insurance will cover the costs. Such prophylaxis should be carried out every six months if possible and costs around 60 euros per treatment. However, this varies from dentist to dentist.
The family doctor or a general practitioner are not the right addresses. Only dentists who, among other things, carry out professional tooth cleaning can be considered as practitioners.
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Treatment & Therapy
If tartar is diagnosed, the hardened deposits must be removed as they damage the teeth without the person being able to do anything about it. Tartar can be removed either by machine or by using an ultrasound device.
For the mechanical treatment of tartar, scalers and curettes are used, the treatment is carried out without anesthesia. However, it is painless as only the hardened tartar is scraped off with the mechanical devices.
With the ultrasound method, the device is guided over the tooth surface with minimal pressure. The swinging metal tip blasts the tartar off the teeth - but the treatment method is not always pleasant. Depending on the individual feeling of pain, the treatment is perceived as uncomfortable to painful, as the vibration also affects the tooth and irritates the nerve in it.
Outlook & forecast
As a rule, it is not possible for the patient to remove the tartar himself with the help of home remedies. Even rinsing and brushing your teeth will not remove the tartar. A visit to a dentist is then necessary for this.
The removal itself is a routine procedure and is not associated with any further complaints or complications. If the tartar is not removed, tooth decay or inflammation in the oral cavity can usually occur. The root of the tooth is also often inflamed and eventually has to be removed. This procedure also runs without complications and does not lead to any further symptoms. Tartar can also appear on an implant and also inflame the tissue.
Most often, the dentist removes the tartar with each visit so that there are no further complaints. The removal itself is done with the help of ultrasound and does not lead to further pain. For this reason, this treatment is also carried out without anesthesia. If the affected person finds tartar, it is advisable to see a dentist before the tartar solidifies.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines against tartar and tooth discolorationprevention
The best and only prevention against tartar is to clean your teeth regularly and thoroughly. The basic treatment consists of daily cleaning with a toothbrush and toothpaste, which is best done in the morning and evening. Occasionally you should also treat your teeth with a toothpaste that contains a lot of fluoride, which ensures their health and effectively repels plaque.
In addition to cleaning, the spaces between the teeth should also be flossed, as food residues are often deposited there that cannot be removed with the toothbrush alone. The best case scenario is to have the dentist clean your teeth professionally once or twice a year to make sure that the tartar cannot develop. Because the gum lines can often not be cleaned pore-deep with a toothbrush, which is why you can never absolutely prevent tartar alone.
You can do that yourself
Tartar can be easily removed yourself. A toothbrush with soft bristles is best to remove the leftover food. A mixture of salt and baking soda is also recommended to remove tartar. The diet should have sufficient vitamin C. This is extremely important for oral health. Foods rich in vitamin C include lemons, oranges, peppers and berries.
It is advisable to brush your teeth with lemon juice several times a day, being careful that the acid in the lemon does not attack the teeth too much. Sesame seeds are equally effective in removing tartar. Affected people should chew a teaspoon of it. Then the teeth must be brushed with a dry toothbrush. Repeat this process several times a week to remove tartar. It is also useful to brush your teeth with ground black tea. It softens the tartar and also removes plaque.
Tartar that is difficult to reach is best removed with dental floss. It is important to ensure high quality. Dental floss shouldn't tear or fray. It also makes sense to consume a little cheese before each meal. This will help bind the acid in your mouth. Peanuts also neutralize the acids in the mouth.