A Root inflammation or short Inflammation of the roots or Root inflammation is a painful business. Anyone who has ever had a root inflammation knows this and had to go to the dentist for treatment.
What is root inflammation?
At a Root inflammation Strictly speaking, it is an inflammation of the tip of the tooth root. Bacteria penetrate the tip of the root through a carious tooth and trigger a root inflammation.
The inflammation usually begins with progressive tooth decay, which spreads to the dentin and from there penetrates the tooth root.
The main cause of one Root inflammation is tooth decay. Every tooth has a hard layer surrounding it and the soft pulp. The process begins insidiously with a small caries area and, if left untreated, destroys larger and larger parts of the tooth. Periodontitis can also lead to tooth root inflammation.
If tooth decay is left untreated for a long time, it will spread to the dentin and from there to the tooth root. It comes to a painful inflammation of the roots.
But damage to the jaw or a traumatic blow to a tooth can also lead to a root inflammation a long time afterwards. Crooked wisdom teeth can irritate the root area of other teeth. Sometimes infections can promote inflammation of the roots.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Acute tooth root inflammation is most noticeable as a sudden, pulsating toothache that can be made worse by hot or cold drinks or food.Often, cold air cannot be tolerated on the affected tooth. In most cases, biting also causes great pain in the inflamed tooth.
Sometimes the irritation is temporary and the pain stops on its own, but usually the nerve dies from tooth root inflammation and causes a chronic focus of inflammation. The pain can go away even with untreated inflammation when the nerve has died, but it's a treacherous symptom-free.
As the tooth pulp dies, bacteria can reach the root tip via the pulp and spread from there into the jawbone. The root inflammation then no longer causes pain, but a number of secondary diseases such as the formation of an abscess, a radicular cyst or an inflammation of the bone marrow.
Most often, a radicular cyst develops first, encapsulating at the tip of the root, but growing larger and increasingly expanding into the bone tissue, and can be seen on an X-ray. The problem is that this process can take place without pain, but it must be treated so that the tooth root inflammation does not spread in the jaw.
Diagnosis & course
A Root inflammation is mostly associated with severe toothache. If the root inflammation persists, the tooth becomes sensitive to pressure and cannot tolerate being touched.
A strong throbbing inside the tooth can also be felt. As the root inflammation progresses, severe persistent pain develops. At this point, at the latest, a visit to the dentist is inevitable. Sometimes the pain goes away, but that doesn't necessarily have to be a good sign. The root inflammation may have caused the tooth to die.
If the inflammation of the roots is still left untreated, the infection can spread to the jaw and soft tissues over the long term. The inflamed area swells and a "big cheek" appears. The root inflammation can also continue and spread to the head and cause headaches there.
In the case of root inflammation, it is important that it is treated as soon as possible, otherwise there is a risk that it can spread to other teeth. If the tooth root inflammation remains untreated, it can cause severe damage to the organism, from a permanent weakening of the immune system to heart muscle inflammation. The dentist can only diagnose root inflammation using an X-ray.
An untreated root inflammation can lead to various complications and have a long-term negative impact on the patient's health. However, it can also happen that the pain suddenly subsides or stops completely, so that dental treatment is often no longer sought. However, once the pain has subsided, the all-clear cannot be given because in these cases the dental nerve has already died.
The focus of inflammation and pus remains and even expands. Root tip inflammation occurs, which also reaches the adjacent jawbone. The affected tooth must be removed in order to stop the inflammatory processes. If there is no or inadequate treatment, the entire dental system can ultimately be destroyed.
However, the original root inflammation is often not limited to the dental apparatus. Due to a strong multiplication of the pathogen, serious complications such as sepsis can occur under certain circumstances. In potentially fatal sepsis (blood poisoning), massive amounts of bacteria are washed into the blood. These are based on untreated pus foci.
Inadequately treated tooth root inflammation often leads to chronic inflammation in the tooth and jaw area. As a result, heart disease, rheumatic joint inflammation, nerve or kidney inflammation can develop, which reduce the quality of life and often even the life expectancy of those affected.
When should you go to the doctor?
If the person concerned experiences impairments or disturbances while ingesting food, he should consult a doctor. If there is pain in the teeth, swelling in the mouth, or irregularities in the throat, a medical examination is required. Many of them experience a sharp increase in symptoms within a short period of time. Pain in particular becomes very intense within a few hours. For this reason, it is advisable to see a doctor at the first perceptions or discrepancies. If there is hypersensitivity when pressure is exerted on the area of the jaw, as well as disturbances in sensitivity to heat or cold, the observations should be discussed with a doctor.
Swellings or deformations in the area of the face also indicate a health impairment. Consult a doctor immediately if the mouth has a purulent taste. An unfavorable course of the disease can lead to blood poisoning and thus to a potentially life-threatening condition. Redness in the mouth and irregularities in speech are further indications of a health disorder. A doctor should be consulted so that a diagnosis can be made immediately and treatment can be initiated. If there are sudden changes when wearing braces or dentures, it is also necessary to consult the attending physician.
Treatment & Therapy
Is the Root inflammation diagnosed and precisely localized, the root canal treatment takes place in several sub-steps. First, the tooth with the inflammation of the roots is opened and the tissue affected by the inflammation of the roots is removed.
This is followed by a thorough cleaning of the root canals to remove all bacteria. Most often the dentist will insert an insert with an antibiotic or antibacterial drug into the tooth and temporarily seal it for the time being. Sometimes a root inflammation has to be cleaned a second time. It is advisable to observe the tooth with the root inflammation before it is permanently filled with a root and sealed.
Once the root inflammation has subsided and no further complaints have occurred, the tooth is closed with a root filling (usually with gutta-percha). Sometimes pain can still occur a few days after treatment, which can be relieved temporarily with painkillers.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for toothacheprevention
There one Root inflammation Is a secondary disease, the prevention of root inflammation begins with preventing tooth decay. The most important preventive measure is to have your teeth checked regularly by the dentist. It recognizes tooth decay at an early stage and can prevent it from progressing.
A root inflammation can also usually be recognized in the early stages. Since tooth decay is caused by bacteria, regular teeth cleaning is essential. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day. The dentist can provide information about a suitable technique. The use of dental floss is recommended for cleaning the spaces between the teeth, because food scraps collect in narrow spaces, which promote putrefactive bacteria. The toothbrush should be changed at least every two to three months.
As a rule, no special follow-up options are necessary or possible for a tooth root inflammation. The disease itself must first and foremost be recognized and treated by a doctor at an early stage so that there are no complications or other complaints and problems in the teeth in the further course.
In some cases, the root itself does not need to be removed if the tooth root inflammation is detected early, so ideally the person affected should see a doctor at the first symptoms and signs of the disease. Those affected are usually dependent on the removal of the root if the tooth root inflammation is well advanced.
The tooth should not be loaded after the procedure. A few days after the procedure, the food can be consumed normally again. In some cases, further checks are necessary to prevent the inflammation from spreading. As a rule, tooth root inflammation does not reduce the life expectancy of the person affected, nor does it lead to other complications.
You can do that yourself
The inflammation of a tooth root needs medical care. The possibilities of self-help can support the healing path, but are not sufficient for recovery.
In order to improve the general state of health, the consumption of harmful substances should be avoided. Caffeine or nicotine have a negative impact on the immune system. However, with a balanced, vitamin-rich and healthy diet, the immune system can be stabilized and mobilized. Getting enough sleep, relieving physical and emotional stressors, and exercising appropriately are also beneficial for recovery. In order to avoid an increase in symptoms, food intake should be optimized. Acidic foods or hot drinks can increase sensitivity in the mouth and throat. The teeth cleaning should not be stopped despite the existing complaints. Until recovery, the teeth should continue to be cleaned of food residues as much as possible every day.
External cooling of the affected areas can alleviate the symptoms. Therefore, cooling pads can be wrapped in a cloth and placed on the cheek or jaw at regular intervals. Speaking is to be reduced to a minimum. The jaw activity should not be overused if there is inflammation. If pus gets into the throat, special care is required. As soon as a deterioration in health is perceived, it is necessary to consult a doctor.