Antihypertensive drugs are drugs that are used to lower blood pressure. These preparations have other effects as well, which is why they are used for a variety of different diseases. Antihypertensive drugs are also known as Antihypertensive drug.
What are antihypertensive drugs?
Antihypertensive drugs is a collective term for all drugs that have an antihypertensive effect. That is why they are often referred to as antihypertensive drugs. They are mainly used for arterial hypertension. However, other diseases that cause high blood pressure can also be successfully treated with antihypertensive drugs.
There are many different active substances and groups of active substances among the antihypertensive drugs. These include ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, alpha blockers, renin inhibitors and beta blockers. Antihypertensive drugs are used to lower blood pressure whenever the pressure in the blood vessels is too high. This increased pressure can in fact damage organs.
Treating hypertension is often very difficult. Taking one drug is often not enough to achieve an acceptable lowering of blood pressure. Therefore, several active ingredients are often prescribed in combination.
Medical application, effect & use
Antihypertensive drugs ensure that blood pressure can be lowered to a normal level. There are numerous diseases that cause high blood pressure and for which antihypertensive drugs are used. It is always important to prevent damage to organs that can result from high blood pressure.
Some active substances among the antihypertensive drugs act directly on the central nervous system. They weaken the effect of stress hormones, which slows down the pulse, the heart beats less and thus lowers blood pressure. Stress hormones ensure that the blood vessels constrict, which in turn causes blood pressure to rise. Antihypertensive drugs prevent the arteries from narrowing so that blood can continue to flow freely.
Home remedies ↵ for high blood pressure On the other hand, other groups of active substances influence the adrenal cortex, where hormones are produced, including the blood pressure-increasing hormone angiotensin. The active ingredients prevent angiotensin from being produced in the first place and thus prevent an increase in blood pressure.
In many cases, it is not enough to use just one drug with one mode of action, as the desired success does not materialize. One preparation is often not enough, especially if the blood pressure is very high. Therefore, the therapy usually takes place from a combination of several active ingredients. This is the only way to reduce blood pressure reliably and sufficiently.
Herbal, natural, homeopathic & pharmaceutical antihypertensive agents
A large number of different active substances and groups of active substances exist among the antihypertensive drugs. They all have a different effect on the body and, in their own way, have a blood pressure lowering effect to prevent organ damage. There are also different forms of antihypertensive drugs, they can be taken either as tablets, capsules or drops.
Liquid preparations are often used as emergency medication in order to lower very sudden high blood pressure as quickly as possible. All of these drugs are chemical or pharmaceutical preparations that work in different ways in the body. While some block the effects of certain hormones directly in the central nervous system, other preparations ensure that the hormones responsible for high blood pressure are not even formed.
In addition to these pharmaceutical drugs, there are also some herbal supplements that can be used for high blood pressure. This includes, above all, the hibiscus. Clinical research has shown that regular consumption of hibiscus tea has an antihypertensive effect. However, there are insufficient studies that have made a direct comparison with chemical preparations. Therefore the use of hibiscus to treat high blood pressure cannot, however, constitute an exclusive treatment. At best as supportive therapy, in addition to the pharmaceutical preparations.
In the field of homeopathy there are also some remedies that act as antihypertensive agents. However, a trained homeopath should always be consulted and self-medication should never be undertaken. High blood pressure, especially if it is very severe, is a serious condition that can cause a lot of irreparable damage to the body. Therefore, the treatment of hypertension should always be accompanied by strict medical supervision.
Risks & side effects
Antihypertensive drugs used to lower blood pressure can also have certain side effects. Very often, especially at the beginning of treatment, patients feel tired and drained. This is because the body is often used to high blood pressure and must first reorient itself by lowering the blood pressure.
To minimize side effects, several preparations are often given in combination. This makes the antihypertensive measure more bearable for the body. Regardless of which side effects are observed, the medication should never be stopped independently or the dosage changed. If side effects occur, the attending physician is always the first point of contact.