A aphrodisiac is a drug used to increase sexual desire. Various foods and herbs are traditionally used for this. Nowadays, corresponding drugs are also used.
What is an aphrodisiac?
As aphrodisiac applies to any substance that is specifically used to stimulate and increase the feeling of pleasure and has been proven to have this effect.
Means that trigger an erection or maintain it over a longer period of time are also considered aphrodisiacs.
Medical application, effect & use
Most traditional Aphrodisiacs work mainly on the psychological level. Food that is considered stimulating, hot spices or special plant preparations with alcohol creates a relaxed, pleasure-promoting atmosphere in which living out sexuality is easier than in everyday life.
Some of the remedies that have been used for centuries, such as the asparagus has a diuretic effect, which can affect sexual perception. Modern pharmaceutical preparations usually have a direct effect on blood flow to the genitals.
In this way, erectile dysfunction in particular can be corrected, but it is also possible to treat sexual aversion in women. Some drugs, such as cocaine, which have general disinhibiting effects, are also used as aphrodisiac drugs by some people.
Herbal, Natural & Pharmaceutical Aphrodisiacs
Most traditional Aphrodisiacs work mainly on the psychological level. Food that is considered stimulating, hot spices or special plant preparations with alcohol creates a relaxed, pleasure-promoting atmosphere in which living out sexuality is easier than in everyday life.
Some of the remedies that have been used for centuries, such as the asparagus has a diuretic effect, which can affect sexual perception. Modern pharmaceutical preparations usually have a direct effect on blood flow to the genitals.
In this way, erectile dysfunction in particular can be corrected, but it is also possible to treat sexual aversion in women. Some drugs, such as cocaine, which have general disinhibiting effects, are also used as aphrodisiac drugs by some people.
Those who want to use an aphrodisiac have a wide range of options. The simplest, albeit unsafe, method is to prepare foods that are considered to be aphrodisiac.
In addition to various types of vegetables, a large number of spices are said to have a pleasure-promoting effect. The Indian cuisine in particular offers a variety of corresponding dishes. If you like it a little more down-to-earth, you will find it in medieval recipe books. Many of these herbal remedies are now also available as easy-to-take supplements. The natural aphrodisiacs in the broadest sense also include alcohol and cannabis, which have a disinhibiting effect. Homeopathic remedies to increase pleasure are also based on extracts from natural substances.
As with traditional aphrodisiacs, however, there is no scientific proof of effectiveness here either. This is largely the case with the pharmaceutical preparations that are offered in large numbers today. In addition to active ingredients that stimulate blood flow in the genital area, these can also contain other substances. For example, Buprion increases the ability to perceive sensory stimuli, such as touching the skin.
The neurotransmitter dopamine, known as the happiness hormone, has a direct effect on sexual desire. The same applies to phenetylamine, which is also an endogenous hormone. In older men, but also in women after the menopause, the administration of testosterone can have a positive effect on sexual desire. Oxitozyn, a hormone that strengthens the bond between partners, can also be used as an aphrodisiac.
Risks & side effects
When taking a traditional Aphrodisiac there are normally no harmful side effects. Mucous membrane irritation or skin rashes rarely occur.
Occasionally, allergic reactions are also possible. An exception is the so-called Spanish fly, which, because of its ingredients, can cause testicular inflammation, burning mouth, vomiting, abdominal colic, painful urination, chemical burns and bleeding. For this reason it is banned in most European countries.
Pharmaceutical agents, if used improperly or in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, can lead to palpitations, high blood pressure, circulatory problems and, in severe cases, even heart attacks. People with health problems should therefore only use aphrodisiacs after consulting their doctor.