


We explain everything about spiders, where they live, what they eat and other characteristics. Also, which are the most poisonous spiders.

More than 46,500 different species of spiders are known.

What are spiders?

Spiders are a group of arthropods immensely broad and motley, related to scorpions, ticks, and mites (all members of the class arachnida) and very distantly with insects, with which it is important not to confuse them.

Spiders are animals with an important presence in our daily lives, constituting the seventh most diverse order of animals on the entire planet, with more than 46,500 species different classified to date.

In general, however, spiders are small to medium-sized arthropods, famous for their ability to produce a kind of silk (cobweb) with which they weave nets or traps arranged to hunt their prey, since they are important small animal predators.

For this they have a poisonous sting capable of paralyzing their prey. However, given their gigantic variety, spiders can have habits, colorations, habitats and very different levels of danger.

The human being has known spiders since time immemorial, and gave them a very important presence in the culture. Not only as a symbol of industriousness, patience and perseverance, but also as ambassadors of predation, venomousness and the danger, despite the fact that very few species actually represent a risk for human health.

According to the Roman Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD) in his Metamorphosis, the ancient Greeks told the myth of arachne, a spinner whose talents were such that she prided herself on being better than the gods, to the point of beating the goddess Minerva in a competition. The latter, offended not only by her defeat but because Arachne had woven various scenes of gods disguised as animals, turned her into a spider as punishment.

Spiders characteristics

Spiders can wrap their prey in web to eat them later.

In general, spiders are characterized by the following:

  • Their dimensions generally range between 0.5 mm and 9 cm in body length, although there are exceptional cases of gigantic spiders, capable of reaching 30 cm.
  • Since they do not have antennas, their most developed senses are those of the touch and the smell, which they exert through their first pair of appendages (pedipalps), since their sight is usually rather poor. Despite this, they usually have three to four pairs of eyes, arranged in a very varied way and color.
  • In their posterior region they have glands capable of secreting a silk, composed of protein complex, which in contact with air dry out and harden, forming the well-known “spider web”. Spiders are capable of molding colorful webs with it, or using it as an adhesive to make burrows, or as a method of preserving their victims, wrapped in cloth to devour them later.
  • Spider venom is made up of a enzyme specialized digestive system, which paralyzes the victim and in many cases initiates a digestion process that liquefies the entrails and allows the spider to suck the victim's contents without problem. Spiders generally have two types of venom: this paralyzing and another with a greater effect, which they use to defend themselves against their many predators.
  • Spiders have a capacity for learning very limited, like most arthropods, but at the same time a wide range of behaviors instinctive or inherited, which allow them to imitate other species (ants or wasps, for example) or even lead an aquatic life (skating on the surface of the water, or diving into it with a bubble attached to the abdomen, like a diver). It all depends on the species.

They have a body composed of two parts:

  • Cephalothorax (head and trunk in one), from which a pair of chelicerae (mouthparts) are born with which they inject the venom to their prey.
  • Abdomen, from which four pairs of jointed legs are born.

Where do spiders live?

Spiders have a massive presence in all continents, less in the Antarctica, and in all climates Y habitats, even in the cold. They are adapted to very different survival patterns, often on the cusp of the food chain local, although they also have numerous predators (birds, reptiles, mammals, etc.).

Likewise, many species have adapted to life alongside humans, occupying discreet corners of their homes, while many others maintain their wild life.

What do spiders eat?

Spiders are quintessential predators.

They are predators par excellence. Whether they directly assault their prey, or wait patiently for them in the middle of their web, the diet of these animals consists of insects, other arachnids, worms, larvae, and even, in the larger species, small reptiles or rodents Also famous are the cases of spiders in which the female, once the reproduction, devours the male.

How do spiders reproduce?

Spiders reproduce sexually, through the laying of eggs (oviparous reproduction), once the female has been fertilized by the male, inserting his sperm (spermatophores, actually) into the female's sexual tracts using one of his pedipalps.

To achieve this, the male must be very careful, since spiders usually consider food anything that has the appropriate weight and size, and females are usually much larger than males. Thus, it is common for the male of some species to give the female "gifts": animals wrapped in silk, so that she is distracted and does not devour it before it has been fertilized.

How long do spiders live?

Most spiders have relatively short life spans, rarely longer than a year. This, of course, depends on the individual species.

The most poisonous spider species

The black widow produces a neurotoxic poison capable of paralyzing the central nervous system.

In a strict sense, all spiders are poisonous, except those belonging to the family Uloboridae, but very few represent a risk to humans, since the vast majority of them are incapable of penetrating human skin with their chelicerae to inject their venom. Those that actively hunt their prey are usually more poisonous than weaver spiders.

In general, in cases where a spider bite is received, it usually generates an unpleasant local reaction and nothing else; although many others have stinging villi capable of causing burning only on contact with the skin.

However, a few species possess poisons so intense that they are capable of producing severe poisoning or local necrotic reactions (tissue death) in humans, such as the Australian spiders of the genera Atrax Y Hadronyche (about 35 species), or the small spiders of the genus Latrodectus Y Loxosceles, more common and closer to the human being.

The main endangered species are the following:

  • Sydney spider (Atrax robustus), native to eastern Australia, measuring between 6 and 7 cm long, has a blue-black to bright brown coloration. Of aggressive behavior, they are one of the most poisonous spiders in the world, whose bite inoculates variable amounts of neurotoxins, very lethal in primates, although much less in chickens, dogs, cats and others domestic animals. Without specialized medical care, death can occur in 15 minutes to 3 days.
  • Australian funnel spider (Modest hadronyche), native to caves and rocky regions of Australia, is together with the genus Atrax the most abundant and dangerous species on the continent. With nocturnal habits, they produce a poison similar to that of the black widow spider, which luckily has a specific serum with which to treat those affected.
  • Southern black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans), the most famous spider in the world, typical of American countries such as the United States, Mexico and Venezuela, is a shiny carbon black color with a reddish hourglass-shaped spot on the lower abdomen. Females can measure up to 50 mm long and although they are nocturnal spiders, rather shy and solitary, the neurotoxic venom they produce is capable of paralyzing the Central Nervous System and produce enormous muscle aches, as well as trigger hypertensive episodes. However, with proper treatment it is rarely fatal.
  • Fiddler spiderLoxosceles laeta), also called "Chilean recluse", is the most dangerous species of its entire genus, whose bite injects proteinic and necrotic substances that can cause serious systemic reactions or death. Own of the South AmericaIt lives in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, and is common in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and eastern Brazil. It measures between 8 and 30 mm long, is brown and has a black violin-shaped line on the thorax.
  • Banana spider (Phoneutria phera), for many the most poisonous spider in the entire world, is a large, wandering and aggressive species, capable of spanning the palm of a hand. Typical of the South American Amazon (Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and northern Argentina), it is capable of running at speeds of 40 kmph on its hairy legs, with light brown markings, and is recognizable by its chelicerae reddish brown. Its venom is capable of killing a person between 2 and 12 hours of effect without treatment, during which there is a loss of muscle control, severe pain, shortness of breath and risk of heart attack. Another known effect of its venom is to induce very painful and prolonged erections (lasting at least 4 hours) in men, capable of causing permanent physical damage.
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