A Occlusal splint is recommended in various contexts, but not always only by the dentist. It is usually prescribed when a patient grinds their teeth at night and excessive abrasion is generated on the tooth surfaces. On the other hand, the bite splint can also help against neck and jaw tension that can result from teeth grinding. An occlusal splint is sometimes even recommended to prevent snoring. Boxers wear a bite splint during boxing matches so they don't accidentally bite off their tongues or knock out a tooth.
What is an occlusal splint?
One is defined Occlusal splint as a plastic or rubber splint that envelops one of the two dental arches. It can be tailored to the patient and perfectly ground to the opposing chewing surface.
This type of bite splint, also known as a Michigan splint, can also be worn during the day. It is made of clear plastic. But you can also buy a ready-made bite splint that adapts flexibly to the jaw thanks to soft rubber materials.
Shapes, types & types
With a Occlusal splint an overload or one-sided incorrect loading of tooth substance and jaw can be compensated. This prevents abrasion on the tooth surface.
On the other hand, it is also the function of an occlusal splint to produce a uniform bite surface in the event of an incorrect bite. A bite splint is typically prescribed for bruxism or teeth grinding. It is a protective coating that preserves the tooth substance. Instead, the bite splint may be bitten through during sleep, and it is easier to replace it.
Due to the thickness of the bite splint, the jaw is less stressed and the nocturnal friction pressure on the teeth is reduced. The shape of the occlusal splint, which the dentist adapts, is individually adapted to the patient's teeth. After taking several impressions, the laboratory makes a transparent bite splint made of hard plastics from the hard plaster impression. If necessary, it is ground in several times.
In contrast, the bite splints worn by boxers do not have to be individually adjusted. They rather serve to pad the teeth and are therefore made of soft plastics. The thickness of such an occlusal splint can be adapted to individual requirements. A distinction is made between reflex splints and centric splints.
The former include the foil rail, the interceptor rail and the Aqualizer. The centric splints include the Michigan splint, the bite guide splint, the equilibration splint and the bite enhancement splint. They are each suitable for different indications.
Structure & functionality
Structure and functionality of the Occlusal splint depend on the indication. In many cases, both types of bite splints can be used to improve various clinical pictures in the dentition and jaw area.
An occlusal splint can be used for joint pain, teeth grinding, slight misalignments of the jaw due to uneven abrasions, insufficient contact between the rows of teeth, capsule and ligament diseases, joint cracking, disc displacements or muscle hypertrophy. Whether it makes sense in the upper or lower jaw or is even prescribed for both dental arches at the same time is different. The manufacturing process is similar for all occlusal splints.
First, the jaw must be measured and, if necessary, loosened. Then different impressions are made, from which a casting model is made. The plaster of paris teeth, which are true to the patient, are then coated with plastic so that the bite splint fits exactly. It is important that the splint neither touches the gums nor cuts into the gums.
Medical & health benefits
The medical and health benefits of the Occlusal splint is surprisingly controversial. That is why the health insurance does not always pay for the bite splint.
The patients rate the occlusal splint positively. Some patients grind their teeth so hard at night that they see it as a relief to be able to wear an occlusal splint. The tension in the jaw and neck area is reduced, as is the abrasion on the tooth surfaces. Joint cracking can also be improved with it. An occlusal splint is particularly useful if you have more than nine amalgam seals in your mouth and grind your teeth at night.
The amalgam should be removed as soon as possible using safe methods and replaced with a non-toxic filler. Until that is done, however, an occlusal splint can prevent further amalgam abrasion. With this measure, chronic diseases caused by constant releases of mercury in the low dose range could be prevented.
You can find your medication here
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