The following article provides information about Eye herpes (herpes on the eye)which usually occurs as corneal inflammation (herpes corneae). Causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a herpes disease in the eye are explained below.
What is ocular herpes?
Eye herpes is inflammation of one or both eyes. Mostly the cornea is affected (herpes corneae), possibly also the conjunctiva or the eyelids. It is an infectious disease of the eye.
A herpes infection of the eye is caused by the herpes virus (herpes simplex) of type 1 or 2. The pathogen is therefore the same as for the more well-known cold sores. Often - but not always - the eye herpes is a dragged-on cold sore infection (herpes labiae).
Herpesvirus infection of the cornea is one of the most common causes of corneal inflammation in adults. You can hardly protect yourself effectively against infection with herpes viruses. Herpes viruses are transmitted through the breath (droplet infection) or direct body contact (smear infection). An estimated 90 percent of the population has already been affected by a herpes infection and will carry the virus from now on.
Herpesvirus inflammation can subsequently recur, especially if the immune system is weakened - for example due to other diseases, an unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes or stress. Such an inflammation usually occurs on the lips (cold sores, herpes labialis), but can also manifest itself in other parts of the body - such as the eye.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
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A herpes infection of the eye can manifest itself differently, depending on which parts of the eye are affected. Not all of the above symptoms have to appear at the same time. However, the appearance of one or more vesicles on the eyelid is typical. These correspond to the characteristic lip vesicles in a cold sore. But blisters on the edge of the eyelid are not always found in ocular herpes. The affected eye is often reddened. It itches, burns and also tears.
- Corneal inflammation caused by herpes viruses: reddening of the affected eye, sensation of a foreign body ("sand in the eye"), sensitivity to light, deterioration in vision, burning or itching, tearing and oozing of the eye; if the eyelids are affected, cold sores appear here as on the lips
- Conjunctivitis caused by herpes viruses: reddening and swelling of the conjunctiva, itching, burning, sticky eyes in the morning, oozing and tearing of the eyes
The patient often complains of a foreign body sensation in the affected eyes. Usually only one eye is affected, but sometimes both. Eye herpes on the eyelids is harmless and easy to treat. In rare cases, the conjunctiva is affected and conjunctivitis develops. This heals quickly on its own.
Even if the cornea is affected, the treatment is usually straightforward. If an infection of the cornea is not treated, however, scarring can develop there, which can cloud the lens and, under certain circumstances, lead to severe visual impairment. However, an infestation of the choroid is very dangerous.
If the infected choroid is not treated intensively, blindness can occur. The herpes viruses stay in the body for a lifetime and become active under certain conditions. Therefore, an ocular herpes can occur again and again in the event of stress or other diseases.
Diagnosis & course
An immediate clarification by an ophthalmologist is essential if any of the symptoms listed are present. Only a specialist can determine what the disease is. With early drug treatment, a herpes infection in the eye can be contained well and easily. A doctor will take a swab of the eye to determine whether or not you have a herpes infection and initiate therapy based on the result.
When a herpes infection first occurs, often only the upper layer of the skin is affected. As a result, the chances of recovery are good with rapid treatment. So far, however, there are no drugs that can completely kill viruses. Since the herpes viruses therefore remain in the body permanently, a new attack of infection can occur again at any time if the immune system is irritated or weakened.
The more frequently it comes to corneal inflammation due to herpes viruses, the more serious the infection usually runs: deeper tissue layers are also affected and scarring can occur on the cornea, which limits vision. If the infection becomes chronic, it can lead to other diseases of the eye, such as cataracts.
Ocular herpes can be associated with blisters and redness around the eyes. If the cornea is inflamed, the affected person may experience pain. There may also be a feeling of foreign objects in the eye. Visual impairments and photophobia are also possible.
Ocular herpes can also affect other areas of the body. Sensitivity disorders can occur on the forehead, the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose, which are associated with severe pain. The skin may be painful and may have a decreased feeling of sensitivity, i.e. it feels numb, but still shows severe pain. Ocular herpes can also be accompanied by a fever and general weakness.
Eye herpes can keep coming back. The viruses remain in the ganglia of the human body for a long time. They also reproduce. The deep layers of the cornea are particularly affected by the repeated episodes of herpes. This often leads to dense scarring. The cornea can swell and it can become cloudy, which severely impedes vision.
Immune reactions to viral antigens in the cell surfaces of the deep layers of the cornea can also occur. As a result, clouding and permanent vision impairment can occur. If ocular herpes is not treated promptly and adequately, blindness cannot be ruled out.
When should you go to the doctor?
Eye flu usually heals on its own within a few days or weeks without medical advice. However, if the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, a doctor should be consulted. If the symptoms increase over the course of the disease and the eyesight is increasingly impaired, you should also go to the doctor's practice with an eye flu.
Anyone who works in the food sector or has a lot to do with other people on a professional basis must have the complaints clarified quickly for hygienic reasons alone. The same applies if a high level of concentration is required at work and there is an acute risk of accidents due to the eye flu. Patients with a pre-existing immune system should get eye flu treated just as quickly as pregnant women, the elderly and other risk groups.
Secondary diseases such as conjunctivitis or uveitis should be medically clarified immediately. Prompt treatment can usually prevent further complications.If secondary symptoms such as severe headaches or swelling of the lower eyelids have already developed, hospitalization is recommended for further clarification.
Doctors & therapists in your area
Treatment & Therapy
If the eye is infected with herpes, the ophthalmologist will prescribe antiviral drugs that curb the explosive multiplication of the virus and thus improve the course of the disease. These prescription drugs are given locally in the form of eye drops, eye ointment, and / or tablets.
Drug therapy can be supported by cooling the eye (especially if there is swelling), avoiding direct sunlight and taking the greatest possible care of the eyes. Under no circumstances should you use non-prescription eye drops if you suspect ocular herpes. It is not possible to self-treat herpes infections of the eye and an immediate visit to an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis and therapy is strongly recommended.
The risk of infection with eye herpes is less high than with cold sores. However, particular attention should be paid to hygiene in order to avoid the infection of other people living in the household. Towels and washcloths should not be shared and the laundry should be washed with disinfecting detergent until the acute infection has completely healed.
Outlook & forecast
Eye herpes is an infectious disease that varies in severity. The prospect and prognosis of a prompt and carefree recovery depends on this.
In many cases, those affected complain of severe redness and excessive itching. If this clinical picture remains completely without medical or drug treatment, then these symptoms will become increasingly worse. Increased reddening can lead to pus formation. The affected person's eye can become increasingly sticky and a foreign body sensation can set in.
These side effects will persist unless treatment is given by a doctor. If medical and drug treatment is resorted to, the prospect of a timely recovery looks more positive. The existing infection can be fought effectively with the right medication, so that the possible side effects are more bearable and more pleasant.
A significant improvement can be expected within seven days if the patient resorts to appropriate treatment. Otherwise, an ocular herpes can persist for several weeks and individual side effects can intensify considerably.
You can prevent a herpes infection on the eye by carefully observing hygienic measures and a healthy lifestyle. With 90% of the population carrying herpes viruses, the most important prevention is to avoid acute outbreaks of herpes. The best way to achieve this is through the best possible strengthening of the immune system, a healthy diet, adequate sleep and, if possible, avoidance of excessive stress.
In the case of acute herpes on other parts of the body - usually the lips - it is particularly important not to bring the infection from the affected area into the eyes with your fingers, for example by carelessly rubbing the eyes with your fingers.
Existing ocular herpes is an infectious disease that should ideally be treated with medication and medication. If the affected person opts for such treatment, a full and timely recovery can be expected. Any symptoms and complaints that arise subside, so that no complications or side effects arise.
When this bacterial infectious disease has completely subsided, the person concerned can forego further visits to the doctor entirely. Even without regular visits to the doctor, this disease does not return. This is a different matter if complications have arisen with the existing ocular herpes. The human eye is a very sensitive organ, so you shouldn't wait long to see a doctor.
The same applies to follow-up examinations, if these are absolutely necessary. In the case of ocular herpes, permanent consequential damage can occur if there are no regular follow-up examinations. An existing inflammation in the eye has to subside completely, otherwise a life-threatening abscess can form. Blood poisoning or other life-threatening complications are possible if the affected person completely forego follow-up examinations.
An ophthalmologist should be consulted at the latest at the first signs of deterioration. Follow-up examinations do not necessarily have to be carried out after overcoming ocular herpes. However, if complications have arisen in advance, the entire course of the disease should be observed by a doctor.
You can do that yourself
Anyone who suffers from an eye infection due to herpes viruses should immediately seek appropriate medical therapy to prevent possible consequential damage. In parallel to the medical treatment, the person affected can obtain relief with numerous self-help tips and accelerate the recovery process.
It is advisable to use cold compresses to reduce symptoms when dealing with ocular herpes on a daily basis. With artificial tears, dryness in the eye and its unpleasant symptoms can be reduced. Furthermore, over-the-counter eye ointments and eye drops with heparin are helpful. Anyone who suffers from ocular herpes should avoid direct sunlight and protect the body. With relaxation exercises or meditations, stress, which burdens the entire organism in an unhealthy way, can be relieved and recovery can be boosted.
When suffering from ocular herpes, it is extremely important to protect those around you from a possible infection. Therefore, all hygiene items, such as washcloths or towels, should not be used by other people. The affected person should also maintain a good hand disinfection.
The handshake with other people should be minimized if possible during the eye disease. People who suffer from herpes at regular intervals are particularly susceptible. These people have too few antibodies in their immune systems and are therefore at increased risk of getting worse.