Everyone has one at least once in their life bump on the head. This can be quite harmless, but it can also lead to life-threatening conditions. A bump on the head arises from a fall or impact, from illness or has completely different causes. Since there are multiple causes, the treatment methods are also different. This guide therefore provides information about causes, treatment options and complications that are related to it. It also shows when it is essential to see a doctor and what everyone can do preventively to counteract this disease.
What is a bump on the head?
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By definition, a bulge on the head is understood to mean a "depression or" bulge "in the head area. It is always an unnatural appearance. The condition is not confined to a specific area on the head, so it can appear on both the back of the head and the face area.
Usually, a bump on the head is also accompanied by discoloration of the surrounding tissue. This usually shows up in the colloquially known "bruise". The discoloration of the tissue can range from yellowish green to blue to dark purple. In many cases, those affected complain of pain in the head area, nausea or are exhausted and listless.
In some cases, it may cause fainting or impaired vision and hearing. In order to ensure appropriate treatment, it must be clarified what the exact cause of tissue swelling is. Since life-threatening conditions can arise in the case of a tumor, trained specialists must be called in
As already mentioned, a bump on the head can have various causes. In most and therefore harmless cases, it is caused by injuries in the head area. This happens e.g. B. by a fall or blow to the face or the back of the head or in a car accident. In the affected area, blood or water can then penetrate the surrounding tissue, causing it to swell.
Another existing illness may also be the trigger. An overactive or underactive thyroid disrupts the hormonal balance. This can also lead to a change in the head area. The same applies to heart disease, circulatory disorders, pregnancy, menopause or even protein deficiency. All of these things can create an imbalance in the body and therefore lead to swelling in the head area.
If the doctor finds a bump that is caused by a cyst or even a tumor, it is imperative to seek further and rapid specialist care. The tissue changes do not necessarily have to be malignant, but treatment must be carried out immediately.
Diseases with this symptom
- Head injuries
- concussion
- Pimples
- Pus blisters
- proliferation
- cyst
A bump on the head should not be dismissed as a triviality. Any swelling caused by different triggers can be accompanied by an accompanying illness. This can be a concussion. Headache and vomiting are typical signs that you have a concussion. This must be treated with rest, otherwise permanent damage can occur. Cerebral hemorrhage can also occur, which is life-threatening.
There is usually no danger from minor swellings. These will heal on their own after a short time. However, when the issues are more serious, blood flow to the brain can be disrupted. Then certain parts of the brain cannot be adequately supplied with oxygen, which can lead to failures in the autonomic nervous system and even permanent disabilities.
If the affected person bleeds from the ear, this also indicates a serious injury. In this case, too, a doctor must be consulted as this can indicate a cerebral haemorrhage, which in turn could be fatal. The difficulty with head injuries is that x-rays cannot show any bleeding in the brain. Continuous monitoring of the patient is therefore important.
If the person has to undergo surgery because of a tumor or cyst, appropriate follow-up care is essential. Complications with regard to anesthesia, infections or wound healing disorders can occur. A certain risk is therefore always associated with a surgical procedure.
When should you go to the doctor?
If there are no accompanying symptoms, such as headaches or dizziness, it is not necessary to consult a doctor. The resulting tissue swelling will disappear within a few days. Most of the time, if pressure is applied to the bump, it will cause mild pain. However, this will decrease as soon as the sensation of pressure ceases.
However, if the sensation of pain persists over a long period of time, if it even increases or if it develops into a radiating pain, this should be checked by a doctor. In this case, other parts of the head may be affected that should be examined by a doctor. If there is no improvement over the course of the next few days, but additional symptoms, a visit to the doctor is also necessary. These other complaints include a. Fever, nausea and vomiting, headache or visual and hearing disorders. If an affected person passes out, a doctor must also be examined.
If a bump on the head is not due to an external cause, caution is also advised. Since there is a risk of a serious internal illness, a doctor must absolutely carry out further examinations in order to rule out or diagnose any bleeding. If a bump has persisted for a long time without the above-mentioned causes, its structure, color and size should be examined by a doctor at regular intervals in order to detect changes such as e.g. B. a sudden growth of the tissue to be recognized immediately.
Doctors & therapists in your area
Most patients can see and feel a bump on their head themselves. If this swelling was preceded by a blow or fall on the head, this can be assumed as the cause. However, if nothing has preceded a bump on the head, a doctor should be consulted to make a diagnosis. This will clarify with the patient in an anamnesis discussion whether there are previous illnesses. It will also be discussed whether and, if so, which medication the person concerned is taking and what is their general state of health.
An examination will then be carried out which includes a blood sample and palpation of the bump and surrounding tissue. The doctor will be able to test the sensitivity to pain by pressing gently and can determine whether this is e.g. B. is filled with pus. If no clear diagnosis can be made after this either, the doctor will order further imaging tests. This can include computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and heart examinations using ultrasound.
If a clear diagnosis can be made after the examinations, the further treatment will be coordinated accordingly. A bump due to external violence will quickly go away on its own. However, once a tumor or cyst has been diagnosed, it is a serious matter and requires prompt specialist treatment. Only in this way can the patient's life be preserved.
Treatment & Therapy
Depending on the underlying cause of the swelling on the head, appropriate treatment will be given. If it is caused by a shock or a fall, no special treatment is required as the symptoms subside on their own.
If a change in the hormonal balance is the cause, the administration of special medication can provide relief and relief. These corresponding active ingredients have a regulating effect on the hormonal balance and divert the accumulated water from the tissue.
If a tumor or a cyst has been diagnosed, tissue samples must first be used to determine whether they are benign or malignant. If it turns out that the tissue is malignant, it must be removed immediately by an operation. If the tissue sample is benign, drug treatment can be used to reduce the bump.
If the bump is not caused by a malignant disease, the doctor can also decide not to give medication, but to treat the disease alternatively. To do this, he can use a stroking massage to gradually and gently guide the accumulated water out of the swelling. Other methods are pneumatic compressions or lymphatic drainage.
If an allergy was found to be the cause of the bump, a priority must be given to which substance the person affected is allergic to. Once the relevant irritant has been identified, it must be avoided. This can be an allergic reaction to certain foods, fragrances or to certain fibers in clothing. Medication can help so that the swelling subsides.
Outlook & forecast
As already mentioned, this disease has various causes. Once the actual cause has been identified, a prognosis can be made accordingly. If the person concerned has fallen or hit the head, this is one of the more harmless cases. In a short time, the pain will go away and the swelling will go away completely. Therefore, no permanent damage remains and complete healing is realistic.
If the person concerned is involved in a serious accident, traumatic brain injury can develop. If this is recognized and treated, a good prognosis for complete healing is given. However, if a traumatic brain injury remains undetected and accordingly untreated, it can lead to the death of the person concerned.
If there is an underlying allergy, the cause must be found as soon as possible. If this is localized, it can be avoided. If the triggering substance is bypassed in the future, nothing stands in the way of a positive prognosis. The person can live symptom-free.
The prognosis for a cyst or a tumor can vary. If the cause is quickly identified and treated, an immediate operation can be carried out. These interventions are no longer uncommon. Hence, a good and complete healing can be expected. However, if the tumor is not recognized, serious problems can arise. In the worst case, the person affected can die from it.
Unfortunately, it is not entirely possible to prevent a bump on the head. However, if certain precautionary measures are taken in one's own life or in the immediate environment, grossly negligent falls can be prevented.
Who z. B. is exposed to an increased risk potential due to his job or also engages in high-risk sports, should absolutely pay attention to the prescribed safety requirements. This can be wearing a helmet or a corresponding safety device to avoid falls. If the hormonal balance changes, this cannot be treated preventively. However, medication can be taken if necessary so that there are no excessive fluctuations during the menopause.
The development of cysts or tumors cannot be preceded by 100% prevention either. However, a certain risk potential can be reduced by a healthy lifestyle with enough exercise in the fresh air and a healthy diet. Those who refrain from nicotine, recreational drugs and alcohol will also save their body unnecessary stress.
In order to prevent life-threatening secondary diseases in the event of a bump on the head, a specialist should be consulted immediately, who can carry out a comprehensive examination. Preventive medical examinations for older people should also not be neglected.
You can do that yourself
If you suffer from a bump on your head, you don't have to panic. However, the person concerned should consult a doctor for clarification. In many cases, the bump turns out to be a harmless swelling that will go away after a few days. During this time, the person concerned can put a cool cloth or a cool compress (but never ice cold!) On the swelling. Rest and not too much physical exertion help recovery. If a headache occurs, a pain reliever can be taken in consultation with the doctor.
With an allergic background, the person concerned should avoid the irritant or banish it from their life. An almost perfectly normal life can thus be led. Anyone who gets hormonal bumps on the head should take the prescribed preparations regularly to bring the body back into balance.
Rest is also advised for cysts or tumors that require surgery. After an operation, the entire organism has to recover. Additionally, all follow-up visits should be attended to ensure optimal recovery.