The Bioresonance therapy is a not scientifically recognized method for the treatment of certain clinical pictures. It uses electromagnetic vibrations and the fact that every body emits its own electrical signals. Bioresonance therapy was developed in the 1970s by the German doctor and Scientology member Frank Morell and his son-in-law Erich Raschke under the name MORA therapy.
What is bioresonance therapy?
The Bioresonance therapy or MORA therapy represents a method from alternative medicine, which assumes that the body's own electrical signals are disturbed in diseases.
These disturbances can be measured in the form of changed body-specific frequencies (electromagnetic signals) and canceled out through the targeted action of electrical signals. According to bioresonance therapy, this relieves the sick body and thus improves the symptoms or even cures them. In general, a low electrical voltage is generated by every nervous system, since electrical potentials are used in the transmission of information between the nerve cells.
During muscle work, too, weak electromagnetic fields arise that can be measured medically, for example in an EKG (electrocardiogram, recording of the heartbeat) or in an EEG (electroencephalogram, recording of brain waves). The supporters of bioresonance therapy assume a pathological change in these electrical potentials in the body, for which, however, no scientifically founded evidence has yet been found.
Function, effect, application & goals
With the Bioresonance therapy For example, allergies, sleep disorders, chronic pain, rheumatism or migraines are treated.
Devices are used which are connected to two points on the skin via electrodes. For example, an electrode can be held in either hand. The so-called "minus electrode" picks up the disturbed vibrations of the body and transmits them to a bioresonance device. This works as a kind of transducer and then emits precisely those vibrations via the "plus electrode" that are required for a healing process. These are also known as therapeutic vibrations.
Another way of working in bioresonance therapy is to supply the body with vibrations of certain substances such as allergenic substances (e.g. pollen, cat hair). It is assumed that these vibrations then enable the immune system to fight the respective allergy. Certain types of bioresonance devices should also be able to transmit the healing vibrations of substances such as oils, Bach flower drops or other homeopathic medicines to the body. For this purpose, vials with the respective substance are placed in a container which is connected to the resonance device.
This in turn is connected to the patient's body via the electrodes. According to such a principle, it should also be possible to transfer the effective vibrations of precious stones, metals or color cards to the body.In general, as part of a bioresonance therapy, usually carried out by a naturopath, an individual treatment plan is set up, which is based on the type of complaint.
After connecting the patient to the electrodes, a session lasts between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on the device and the symptoms. The number of sessions required for such bioresonance therapy also varies greatly depending on the disease and the effects of the treatments.
Risks & side effects
The Bioresonance therapy is not recognized by conventional medical science, and so far no evidence has been found for the effectiveness of this alternative medical method.
Neither the disturbed, disease-causing frequencies nor the beneficial vibrations allegedly emitted by the devices or substances could actually be scientifically proven. Accordingly, the therapy is not paid for by the statutory health insurance. Successes of the therapy are often reported, for example in the case of allergies, but also in the case of serious illnesses such as rheumatism.
At most, scientists assume a placebo effect here. Before starting a possible treatment, patients should be aware that this is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment and that it may only achieve very little or no success at all. Furthermore, the question of costs for bioresonance therapy should be clarified in advance.