
We explain what capital is and what are the ways to obtain it. In addition, the meanings of this term in various fields.

Capital can be used as a means of power to increase equity capital.

What is capital?

The term capital It comes from the Latin capitālis. The concept of capital has different meanings, depending on the context and the discipline let it be used.

Regarding economy the term capital is referred to as value. At first it was used as a synonym for money. As this money is invested, it becomes one of the factors of the production process, just like the work force and earth.

Some examples of capital in the process productive could be materials, machinery, computers, raw Materials, real estate, among other. In turn, capital is used to access the workforce.

Other authors prefer to define capital as the total of the heritage or goods, be it state, private, industrial, etc. It fulfills the function of producing new wealth or Profits, either through the investment or the loan.

There are different ways of accessing capital, one of the means is through the surplus of production, another is thanks to the work carried out on the natural environment, for example the exploitation of woods or lakes. Another means of access is thanks to saving and from the conception of Marx from the capital gain.

Many times when the concept of capital is used it is to refer to one of the works of the mentioned thinker, Karl Marx. The treaty Capital, is a critique of political economy. In it, the relations between social classes which Marx defines as the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In turn, he explains how the second acts in a dominant way over the first. This book has been elementary to understand the functioning of the system capitalist. It is also studied not only from economics, but also by political scientists, philosophers, sociologists, etc.

Authors such as Pierre Bourdieu affirm that capital exceeds the material, that is, money and goods, which he calls symbolic and cultural capital. Within this term are included values ​​such as generosity, honesty and above all knowledge acquired.

The way to access this capital is diverse. In some cases it can be through experience and in other cases it is acquired through institutions, for example educational. This capital is used as a means of power to be able to conserve and increase the capital itself.

Other types of capital

Capitals are usually cities that have a larger population.

From the physical and political point of view, it is understood that a capital is the head and main city of either a national or a provincial state. Usually you are cities they are characterized by being the economic and political centers of these states. In turn, they are usually the cities that have the most population. Many times the capitals are used as one of the symbols and constituted elements of the nations.

In the Catholic Church the concept of capital is related to the seven deadly sins. These are understood as sins that give rise to others. These seven are: gluttony, greed, lust, pride, anger, laziness and envy. From Catholicism it is understood that these vices are totally contrary to morality and teachings Christianity, that is why he openly repudiates them.

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