consequence connectors



We explain what consequence connectors are, their function and various examples in sentences. Also, other types of connectors.

Consequence connectors can be used as argumentative devices.

What are consequence connectors?

Consequence connectors or consecutive connectors are certain types of textual markers or connectors discursive: linguistic units that allow linking the parts of a text, thus giving it a logical thread. These connectors function similar to that of the links, are important for a drafting cohesive and understandable, and can be classified according to the type of logical relationship that they introduce in the text.

Thus, consequence connectors, as their name implies, incorporate into the text a relation of cause effect, that is, they indicate that a idea it is a consequence or effect of the other. This also applies as a resource argumentative, that is, they allow us to introduce a new idea or a paragraph new, which follows logically or rationally from what was said in the previous one. In many ways, they can be analogous to causal connectors.

Some of the most commonly used consecutive connectors are: so, with what, later, hence, so that, so that, for this reason, thus, thus, So, therefore, for what follows, turns out that, then, in consecuense, hence, among others.

Examples of consequence connectors

The sentences below use consecutive connectors, as an example of their use:

  • We have increased the number of workers, so that we will be able to serve a greater number of clients.
  • The number of infections of the disease was on the rise. Hence the authorities announced a quarantine.
  • My girlfriend and I agreed to raise money for a trip, so we are not going to eat as much in the street as we used to.
  • We found the house empty and the windows closed. It turns out that we got confused during the day for the party.
  • The water supply in the city was cut in half. Consequently, rationing was applied.
  • One day he got a new job with more pay. Then the difficulties at home began to subside.

Other types of connectors

In addition to the causal, there are other types of connectors, such as:

  • Additive (or summation) connectors. Those who incorporate or add ideas, in the manner of an enumeration or a retelling. For example: also, also, now well, in addition, etc.
  • Adversative (or contrast) connectors. Those that establish an oppositional relationship between the linked ideas, in such a way that the new elements are opposed to the previous ones in the text. For example: although, however, nevertheless, in contrast to, on the other hand, etc.
  • Comparative connectors. Those that establish a comparison relationship, that is, a comparison, between the parts of the text. For example: similarly, analogously, equally, in the same way, instead, contrary, etc.
  • Explanatory connectors. Those that allow you to enter examples, explanations or reiterations in the text, returning to what was said in another way to make it clearer. For example: that is, for example, therefore, put another way, in other terms, etc.
  • Conclusive connectors. Those that allow you to enter a conclusion, or synthesize what has already been said, or summarize I somehow anticipated it. For example: in this way, in conclusion, summarizing, to finish, etc.
  • Conditional connectors. Those that establish a conditional relationship, that is, of probability or possibility, with respect to the parts of the text. For example: if so, assuming, unless, as long as, etc.
  • Temporary connectors. Those that establish a temporary relationship, either before, after or simultaneously. They can also indicate that the text dates back to other times. For example: at the same time, once, before, then, etc.
  • Emphatic connectors. Those that serve to emphasize what has been said, that is, to highlight it or draw special attention to it. For example: certainly, without a doubt, as if that were not enough, what is worse, etc.
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