Hands fell asleep can be mild and temporary that will go away on its own or can be treated with simple home remedies. In some cases, however, it is a sign of a serious illness.
What are hands asleep?
Hands asleep is a common term used to describe uncomfortable numbness in the hands.
The sensation may manifest as tingling, stinging, or a complete loss of physical sensation. As a rule, the symptom is caused by a brief disturbance in the blood supply, for example when lying or sitting in certain positions.
If the hands have fallen asleep, it can also be a harmless side effect of cold or a slight state of shock; however, it can also be a sign of nerve damage or other serious disorders.
Hands that have fallen asleep can have both physical and psychological causes. For example, an unbalanced diet without the essential vitamins and minerals can lead to numerous side effects, including numbness in the hands.
With concentrated and permanent pressure on certain nerves (long sitting and lying positions), it comes to short-term symptoms. But even here, permanent exposure can cause permanent damage. Other diseases that can damage the nerves can also cause hands to fall asleep. These include diabetes and multiple sclerosis. But strokes, angina pectoris or arterial diseases also lead to numbness in the limbs.
Furthermore, poisoning by numerous poisons from insects, snakes, or alcoholism. Emotional and psychological stress also occasionally leads to hands falling asleep. Anxiety and the resulting shallow breathing can affect blood circulation and cause tingling in the limbs or face.
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➔ Medicines for paresthesia and circulatory disordersDiseases with this symptom
- Vitamin deficiency
- multiple sclerosis
- arteriosclerosis
- Polyneuropathy
- Mineral deficiency
- stroke
- Raynaud's Syndrome
- Mouse arm (RSI syndrome)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Angina pectoris
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- rheumatism
Diagnosis & course
In most cases, hands that have fallen asleep are completely harmless and the phenomenon disappears after a while. However, if the following side effects and conditions occur, a doctor should be consulted:
The inability to move at all, including extreme weakness and impaired sensation; trauma to the head, neck, or back that causes severe numbness; Loss of bladder and bowel control; Loss of consciousness or confusion; Language problems, blurred vision, or difficulty walking; Chest pain.
Less urgent but necessary symptoms for which a doctor should be consulted: numbness and tingling in the hands for no apparent reason and for more than a day; Frequent urination, which may indicate a spinal cord problem; Numbness worsens when walking; the parallel appearance of a rash or continuous muscle twitching.
Hands that have fallen asleep can have a completely harmless cause, but they can also indicate a serious illness. Often it is only a short-term disturbance if you have interrupted the blood supply through a certain posture.
Of course, the hands also fall asleep if they are exposed to particularly cold or if the body lacks vitamins or minerals. But it can also be due to poisoning and psychological stress and anxiety can also be the cause. Usually the diagnosis is harmless and after a short time the hands that have fallen asleep are a thing of the past. In some cases, however, hands that are asleep indicate serious illnesses that should definitely be treated.
It is also possible that only an operation can help to get the blood circulation and nerve tracts back in order. If the treatment is successful, the hands that have fallen asleep will also disappear. Carpal tunnel syndrome, in which a nerve is squeezed in the carpal tunnel, is often diagnosed. In most cases an operation is very successful, numbness and pain in the hands usually disappear immediately. If the nerve is severely damaged, however, symptoms can remain; if the nerve damage is very pronounced, it can take up to six months before the patient is symptom-free. However, if the muscle is already broken down, even an operation will be unsuccessful.
When should you go to the doctor?
Sensitivity disorders in the hands, such as hands falling asleep, should be familiar to everyone from their own experience. In general, dealing with it is correspondingly relaxed. The cause of falling asleep hands is often known. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time can unnoticeably pinch nerves on the arm or hand. The resulting numbness in the hands quickly dissolves after a change of position, with a typical tingling sensation - in common parlance: ants running - heralds improvement.
Lying down while sleeping can also lead to hands falling asleep. In addition to these harmless causes, if your hands are asleep you should also think about possible diseases. If the condition of asleep hands occurs unusually often or if the numbness no longer completely resolves, a doctor should definitely be seen.
Sometimes the hands fall asleep due to a lack of important vitamins and minerals, which is usually due to an unbalanced diet. The situation is more serious with causal diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. The underlying disease must be treated here in order to prevent hands from falling asleep in the future. Of course, the treatment of the underlying disease, which may have been unknown before the doctor's visit, is of great importance.
Nonetheless, no one should be light-headed with hands that have often fallen asleep without any direct disease value. In addition to a behavior check, regular visits to the doctor can be useful in order to prevent nerve damage caused by the asleep hands in good time.
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Treatment & Therapy
Many cases of transient hands asleep can be treated with home remedies. These include symptoms caused by pressure on the nerves, malnutrition, temperature changes, and similar problems.
In some cases the symptom passes without any treatment. Changing the sitting position, stretching and massaging the affected areas relieves the pain and promotes blood circulation. The same applies to warm compresses, hot water bottles and blankets, if the numbness was caused by the cold. In the case of malnutrition, the diet should be changed and, if necessary, food supplements should be taken so that the hands that have fallen asleep pass.
If you are numb during an anxiety attack, the only thing that helps is calming down, possibly controlled breathing into a paper bag.However, in some cases, hands that are asleep are symptoms of serious medical conditions. The type of treatment depends entirely on the type of disease. If the treatment is successful, the numbness in the hands will resolve. It is very possible that surgery will be needed to restore blood circulation or nerve function.
Outlook & forecast
Falling asleep hands are a warning sign of the organism. If you are numb from time to time and the symptoms go away quickly, there is nothing to worry about.
If the limbs are affected regularly during the day and during certain activities, medical help is advisable. This also applies to disturbances that occur at night. Without treatment, the general outlook is poor as symptoms increase. Serious secondary diseases also set in and healing is a long way off. A therapy started early instead offers good chances for the further course. Conventional treatment without surgery is usually sufficient.
Some women notice stronger hormonal fluctuations in connection with numb fingers. The prospects remain favorable here, as there are good treatment options.
Senseless extremities are more unpleasant in the chronically ill. These include diabetics, rheumatics or patients with diseases of the nervous system. Medical therapy requires significantly more time and effort. Nevertheless, improvement can be expected in the medium term.
The general outlook and the medical prognosis are particularly poor if those affected delay a visit to the doctor for too long. The result is serious and in many cases permanent damage to the entire nervous system, to the muscles or to the blood vessels.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for paresthesia and circulatory disordersprevention
To prevent hands from falling asleep, it is important to know what causes the numbness. If the symptoms are serious illnesses like diabetes, certain nervous or autoimmune diseases, these side effects are difficult to prevent.
Here deafness should be seen as a warning signal and a doctor should be consulted. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, including sufficient vitamins and minerals, has a preventive effect on hands falling asleep as a symptom of deficiency symptoms. Regular stretching and moving when working in permanent positions should prevent the hands from falling asleep temporarily in everyday life.
You can do that yourself
Hands that have fallen asleep can be treated with warm compresses. They promote blood circulation and reduce strong muscle tension. Especially in the affected area, heat helps blood flow through the nerve. The nerve functions improve and the numbness subsides. For the application, those affected simply put a warm washcloth on the area. Warm showers or heating pads / grain pads also help to counteract the symptoms.
In addition, hands that have fallen asleep can be treated with massages. They also stimulate blood circulation and stimulate the nerves. For the application, those affected need a little olive oil, coconut oil or mustard oil. This is rubbed into the palm of the hand and massaged and loosened up with circular movements. However, the massages should not be performed too vigorously in order not to irritate the nerve more intensely.
Exercise also helps to relieve the discomfort of hands that are asleep. Exercise not only improves the oxygen supply, but also promotes blood circulation. Movement also reduces the adhesions of muscles, nerves and connective tissue. In this way, the tingling feelings in the hands can be reduced. Just 15 minutes of hand exercises in the morning strengthen the nerve function. If the movement causes pain, the exercises should be stopped. Otherwise, the tingling sensation increases and the nerve is irritated.