light energy



We explain what light energy is, its advantages, disadvantages, uses and other characteristics. Also, how to obtain it and examples.

Light energy is transmitted by visible light.

What is light energy?

Light energy or light energy is the Energy transported and composed of the waves of the light. Therefore, to understand what we mean by this type of energy, we must first know what we call light.

Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation, composed of particles called photons. It is within a strip of the electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes are capable of detecting. Visible light is between the infrared and ultraviolet areas of the spectrum, it has a particular range of frequencies, wavelengths and energies.

Light is transmitted through materials or even in a vacuum, since it is a form of radiation. The elementary particle associated with light is called a photon and as such behaves at the same time as matter and like wave.

Light energy is closely related to the amount of visible light that is considered in a situation, taking care to differentiate it from radiant energy, where other electromagnetic radiation of frequencies that are imperceptible to the human eye, such as X-rays, are included. example.

The branch of the science Responsible for studying the relationship between light and the visual system is photometry.

Characteristics of light energy

Light energy is represented by the symbol Qv. In physical is expressed in lumens per second (lm.s), since it is defined as the flux of light in a weather determined t (Qv = F. t).

Their interaction with objects occurs in material terms, and always depends on the properties physicochemical of the illuminated object, as well as the geometric orientation with which the light hits it. Thus, some objects absorb light energy and others partially reflect it, which precisely explains the appearance of light colors that the human eye can capture.

How is light energy obtained?

Light energy can be obtained artificially through lamps of various types.

Light energy is always obtained from light and, therefore, can be generated naturally or artificially, through various means.

  • Naturally. Light energy is the product of a certain type of chemical reactions exoenergetic, that is, they release energy, such as those that take place within stars, As the Sun. In fact, the Sun is our great source of everyday light energy.
  • Artificially. Light energy can be generated through different physicochemical mechanisms, such as combustion, or also through electricity, just as we do every day when we turn on a light bulb.

Advantages and disadvantages of light energy

Solar panels convert light energy into electricity.

Light energy is particularly necessary as it allows us to see and differentiate the reality around us. On the other hand, it is possible to give it practical uses through various mechanisms and technologies.

For example, photovoltaic cells convert it into electricity and the night lighting that we have used for thousands of years makes us less dependent on the Sun. More recently, the movie theater and the Photography allowed to capture light in photosensitive substances.

Light energy cannot be created from nothing, it always requires a light source, so it cannot occur spontaneously.

Uses and applications of light energy

Arts like film and photography depend on light energy.

Some of the uses of light energy are:

  • Maintain bright environments when the sun has fallen, or when the sunlight you do not have access to them.
  • Project and capture images onto film and sensitive surfaces, such as Photography or the cinema.
  • Through concentrators, this energy can be used to generate other types of energy, as in solar panels or in the classic case of burning a sheet with a magnifying glass.

Examples of light energy

The Sun is the largest source of light energy that we know of. It is a huge mass of atoms in the space, which interact through nuclear reactions generating heat, light energy and many other forms of radiation.The light energy of the Sun illuminates the planet and provides warmth, which is key to climate stability and the perpetuation of life.

Other possible examples of light energy are found when lighting a lamp, a flashlight, or any similar device.

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