


We explain what an epic is, how it originated and some examples of this ancient literary genre.

Epics are one of the oldest known story forms.

What is an Epic?

It is known as an epic to the works of the ancient literary genre of the epic, in which the different foundational narrative works, long-term, that make up the tradition mythological, political or cultural of a nation.

It is one of the oldest known story forms, which generally includes a set of heroic, mythical and mythological episodes, in which the vision of the world of a woman is constructed and generally begins. culture.

The focus of the epic tale is always a warrior protagonist (the hero) endowed with virtues extraordinary and involved in wonderful, fantastic or magical events, and whose figure usually embodies the set of moral values, ethical and politicians of the community, which is why it identifies with him and transmits his supposed exploits to future generations.

Seen this way, an epic does not aspire to be a chronicle real or faithful of what happened, but rather a story seasoned with fiction, in the style of the myths, which has a cultural and poetic value, rather than a historical and documentary one.

That is why the gods, ritual practices, the geography local, the monsters of its imaginary and other elements that give the community an exalted notion of their provenance.

Origin of the epic

The first known epic comes from the Sumerian culture.

The various human cultures have produced a very varied set of epics, given that having stories that explain who one is, where one comes from and what differentiates one from the others, seems to be a social and imaginary need to civilizations.

It is not surprising, then, that many of them predate the invention of writing, and their stories were initially transmitted orally, collected and recited by rhapsodies or bards, and accompanied by music.

Reason why they are usually composed of verses. Later they would be transcribed and saved on papyri, books or tablets, often modifying significant details of their narrative.

The first known epic comes from the Sumerian culture. Your warrior hero and king of the town from Uruk is Gilgamesh, and in his story elements of the ancestral Mesopotamian tradition emerge, such as the universal flood or the search for eternal life, also present in other traditions, such as the biblical one. TheG poemilgamesh It was preserved on tablets, using cuneiform writing, and dates from the year 2750 BC.

Examples of epic

Some of the most famous epics of humanity are, along with that of Gilgamesh, the following:

  • TheIliad. Narrated by Homer, of whom it is not known if he really existed, but it is assumed that he was a blind slave dedicated to the narration oral. It recounts some of the 10 years that thewar between Greece and the city of Troy, as well as the defeat of the latter and the struggle between numerous heroes on both sides.
  • TheOdyssey. Also recounted by Homer, it tells of Odysseus' (Roman Ulysses) uneven and long return home, after the end of the Trojan War. It is a 10-year adventure that culminates in a return home, where his wife Penelope awaited him.
  • TheAeneid. Composed by Virgil, a poet of the Roman Empire, it tells of the flight of the Trojan hero Aeneas during the burning of his city, as well as the journey he then undertakes through the Mediterranean, until finally reaching Italy, on the banks of the Tiber River, where he founded the coming Roman race.
  • TheShahnameh. Known as theBook of kings, was composed by the Persian Aeda Ferdousi. It tells the story of ancient Iran and the people of the Sassanids.
  • The Mahabharata. Epic of Indian origin, written in Sanskrit and key to the founding of the hindu religion. It is one of the longest epic tales on record.
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