


We explain what intersex is and what types of intersex exist. In addition, other concepts such as pansexuality and transgender.

persons afflicted by this congenital condition are men and women "at the same time", which is biologically impossible for our species.

In general, those who present intersex are born with a sexual organ that is not fully developed or not fully differentiated, being able to present, for example, a fused vaginal opening or an intermediate erectile organ between penis and clitoris, despite having ovaries or testicles more or less developed and usually internal.

This condition can occur in varying degrees and can become more or less functional. Thus, there are four different forms of intersex.

Types of intersex

  • Male pseudohermaphroditism. Known as Morris Syndrome or Testicular Feminization, it occurs in individuals with genotype male (XY), normal secondary female sex organs (although the vagina is blind, without a uterus), and testes formed inside the abdomen.
  • Female pseudohermaphroditism. Known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia or adrenogenital syndrome, it occurs in individuals with a female genotype (XX), a masculinized body, female sexual organs with hypertrophy of the clitoris, or even much more masculinized.
  • True hermaphroditism. This medical term is used to refer to individuals born with both testes and ovaries, both with varying levels of overall development. It is an extremely rare condition, causing varying degrees of indeterminate and dysfunctional sexual organs.
  • Gonadal dysgenesis. Known as Turner Syndrome, Ullrich-Turner Syndrome or Monosomy X, it is a congenital condition that affects women in which only one chromosome Full X, instead of two (XX). This produces sterile, childish-looking, sexually undeveloped individuals. Its male version is Klinefelter Syndrome (KS), in which the individual has an extra X chromosome (XXY), which causes late and incomplete sexual development, infertility and even problems with learning.

There are cases, thus, of intersex people in whose bodies a fully developed female sexual apparatus or male, but whose genetics instead it corresponds to the other gender. The term intersex is preferred for these cases and not hermaphrodite, since the latter, coming from the Greek mythology, consists of an individual who manifests both sexualities at the same time.

What is a pansexual?

A pansexual feels sexual desire for both men and women.

Pansexuality is not about congenital issues, but about sexual orientation. Pansexuals are individuals who can be eroticized, that is, they can feel sexual desire, both for women and for men, without making any distinction between it.

This can occur in both women and men and should not be confused with bisexuality, in which the individual presents a preferred but not exclusive erotic gender, and is capable of eventually being with people of the same sex.

What is a transgender?

A transgender person is someone whose biological sex, that is, the body with which they were born, does not correspond to the sexual identity they have on a psychological level. This means that they are people born regularly as a man or a woman, but who feel that they belong to the opposite sex, or to neither.

The term is also used to name a human community that does not feel represented in the male-female duality, and advocates the acceptance of a "third gender" that would become a mixture of both or, in any case, the absence of gender. In this sense, this concept goes hand in hand with other conceptions such as transsexuality, fluid gender or gender queer.

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