A Foreign body sensation in the eye can be triggered by the actual presence of a foreign body, as well as by irritating environmental influences, infections and unfavorable lifestyle habits. The cause of the uncomfortable feeling is irritation of the conjunctiva of the eye. A foreign body sensation in the eye can be easily treated by removing interfering particles or treating the symptoms as a symptomatic or causal agent.
What is a foreign body sensation in the eye?
A foreign body sensation in the eye is understood to be an annoying or painful sensation that is associated with itching, burning and a scratchy feeling on the conjunctiva.
These abnormal sensations are often accompanied by increased sensitivity to light and red eyes. With many nerve endings, the eye is very sensitive to external influences. The high sensitivity of the conjunctiva serves to protect the vulnerable organ of vision. However, even if no threatening particle has penetrated, even small irritations can lead to a foreign body sensation in the eye and thus to sensations as if one were present.
This often causes those affected to rub their eyes vigorously in order to get rid of the supposed particle. However, due to the additional irritation of the conjunctiva, this measure only intensifies the symptoms instead of providing relief.
A common cause of a foreign body sensation in the eye is the actual presence of a particle that is irritating to the conjunctiva. It is z. B. splinters, eyelashes, insects and grains of sand.
If these get under the eyelids, there is a feeling of pressure and mechanical friction on the conjunctiva. In addition to unpleasant sensations, this causes increased tear film production, which means that the foreign bodies are usually quickly expelled again. However, it can happen that a particle gets to the back of the eyeball, where it cannot be easily rinsed out by the tear fluid or removed by the person concerned. It becomes particularly problematic when it comes to sharp-edged particles - such as metal splinters. In these cases, a visit to an ophthalmologist is indicated.
Often, however, a foreign body sensation in the eye does not conceal an actual foreign body, but rather an infectious inflammation or irritation of the conjunctiva due to environmental influences (drafts, sunlamps, dry / smoky air or long screen work). These factors lead to overexertion and dehydration of the eye.
If the conjunctiva is inadequately moistened with tear secretion, the blink of an eye leads to uncomfortable friction between the eyelid and the conjunctiva. Finally, barley or hailstones can also be the cause of a foreign body sensation in the eye.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsDiseases with this symptom
- Stye
- Hailstone
- Scleritis
- Blepharitis
- Uveitis
- Conjunctivitis
Diagnosis & course
The feeling of a foreign body in the eye is first diagnosed by the symptoms described by the patient. A cause of the complaints is not always immediately apparent.
If a patient presents to the ophthalmologist with corresponding symptoms, the ophthalmologist first examines the surface of the eye in order to clarify possible triggers. If there are no particles in the eye, it often turns out that only insufficient amounts of the protective tear secretion are produced or that its chemical composition is unfavorable. This disorder can be predisposed or acquired.
A detailed anamnesis of the patient's lifestyle often provides information about factors that contribute to the development of dry eyes. This includes, in particular, long periods of time spent at the screen due to work or leisure time and poor contact lens hygiene. By changing these conditions, the course of the symptoms of a foreign body sensation in the eye can now be influenced more favorably.
When designating the complication, the causal disorder should be considered. A complication in the clinical sense is a consequence of a disorder or a side effect of a drug when it is used against the health disorder in question. Complications may thus arise from a lack of recognition and from a medical measure. A foreign body sensation in the eye is the common complication of various eye diseases or dry eyes.
Dry eyes are caused by a lack of tear fluid production in the eye, which is usually remedied by artificial tears. A foreign body sensation in the eye as a complication of treatment with certain eye drops, such as glaucoma medication, can be reduced by switching to another preparation. Such a foreign body sensation often arises also with corneal injuries or eye infections.
In order to avoid serious complications, an ophthalmological examination should follow if unusual signs occur. Subsequently, in the event of a serious cause of the foreign body sensation, the patient must be treated as an inpatient in order to avoid worse complications such as impaired vision. There the plan for a subsequent treatment in the doctor's office against the foreign body sensation and the causal health disorder can be worked out. A foreign body sensation in the eye is just one complication among many that are caused by some eye diseases.Many eye drops cause a foreign body sensation in the eye and therefore artificial tears must also be used.
When should you go to the doctor?
Few people think of seeing a doctor immediately if they feel a foreign body in their eyes. For many, this discomfort in the eye, which usually has a harmless cause such as dust or a detached eyelash and quickly disappears, seems too banal. Even if the foreign body sensation persists in the eye, many people waste their time going to the doctor and spending time in the waiting room.
The eye as part of the visual apparatus deserves more attention, however. If the foreign body sensation in the eye lasts for hours or even days, an ophthalmologist should definitely be consulted. If there is actually a foreign body in the eye, he will skillfully remove it. It's not just about getting rid of the foreign body sensation in the eye. Particles that have no business in the eye can seriously damage the sensitive cornea. In addition, the constant irritation in the eye can make the problem worse, including severe pain. A foreign body sensation in the eye is therefore not just a disorder.
A foreign body sensation in the eye can also be triggered by poor lighting when reading, working long hours at the computer, smoke or drafts. In addition, a foreign body sensation in the eye can also be a sign of an eye disease such as conjunctivitis, corneal inflammation, stye or eyelid inflammation. Therefore, go to the doctor in good time.
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Treatment & Therapy
Treatment for a foreign body sensation in the eye depends on the underlying cause. In most cases, foreign bodies that have penetrated do not need to be treated by a doctor, as they are usually rinsed out again with the tear film due to the self-cleaning function of the eye.
In the case of larger, sharp-edged particles, or if foreign bodies cannot come off by themselves due to an unfavorable location, medical intervention is necessary. Using special instruments and rinsing, the ophthalmologist can remove the interfering particles and assess any small injuries. If necessary, these can be treated with pain relieving eye ointments. If the particle has already penetrated the cornea, surgery may be necessary.
In the case of conjunctivitis caused by irritating environmental influences, a variety of soothing drops and ointments are also available. If there is a viral or bacterial inflammation, in addition to the feeling of a foreign body in the eye, the eyelids often stick together due to purulent discharge. In any case, medical treatment using antiviral or antibiotic agents must be carried out in order to avoid consequential damage such as scarring.
If the foreign body sensation in the eye can be traced back to dry eyes, symptomatic treatment is provided and / or the removal of unfavorable causes is sought by changing lifestyle habits. Feelings of foreign bodies caused by dry eyes can be treated with regular administration of additional tear fluid.
Outlook & forecast
If a foreign body is actually found in the eye as part of the diagnosis, it must be removed promptly by a doctor, usually an eye specialist. Damage to the eye only remains when the foreign body has penetrated the eye and got onto the retina. This is often the case with metal splinters.
A common cause of a foreign body sensation in the eye are so-called barley grains. The hordeolum is a purulent inflammation of the glands on the eyelid. This usually heals by itself after a short time. The doctor usually recommends rest and a warm compress to the patient.
However, feelings of foreign bodies in the eye often result from inflammation and chemical burns. In the event of chemical burns with aggressive substances, the eye is first rinsed and cleaned. Then a specialist must clarify whether there has been any serious damage to the eye. Inflammations caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi can usually be treated successfully with ointments or drops.
If the feeling of a foreign body is caused by dry eyes, small changes in behavior usually help (regular ventilation, consciously blinking vigorously when working with a monitor) or the prescription of artificial tear fluid.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsprevention
In order to prevent a foreign body feeling in the eye, long, monotonous screen work and other eye-tiring activities should be minimized as far as possible.
If necessary, irritated eyes can be relieved by the prophylactic administration of tear fluid drops. Contact lens wearers should pay attention to hygienic handling of the lenses and, depending on the type of lens, to change them regularly. The risk of particles penetrating and causing a foreign body sensation in the eye can also be minimized.
This can be helpful, for. B. wearing (sun) glasses during summer bike tours or protective glasses when working with wood and metal.
You can do that yourself
If you feel a foreign body in your eye, you do not necessarily need to see a doctor. Often it is eyebrows, eyelashes or other dirt that has got into the eye and needs to be removed. It is usually sufficient to rinse the eye with clear, warm water or use eye drops. This cleans the eye and removes the foreign body from the eye. Most of the time, the foreign body sensation in the eye can also be eliminated. The eye itself will try to remove the foreign body with the help of tears. Therefore, it is quite common for a foreign body sensation in the eye to lead to increased tear flow.
Under no circumstances should patients put their fingers in the eye. This only gets in more dirt. The patient should also not rub their eyes, as this will usually only exacerbate the symptom. If the foreign body is a dangerous object, you should definitely consult a doctor or the hospital. This mainly includes seats and hot objects. If the foreign object sensation in the eye is not caused by an actual foreign object, it may be an inflammation. This must be treated by an [[ophthalmologist]. To avoid a foreign body sensation in the eye, protective goggles should be worn during certain work.