As thought is called the remembrance of an opinion or a point of view. But also wishes, ideas and ideas arise from thoughts. Thought is the product of the human thought process and can appear in the form of a judgment or concept.
What is a thought?
Thoughts can occur as conscious thought operations. For this reason, cognitive psychology is particularly concerned with this form of thought. In this case, they are consciously controlled, psychological actions that work towards a certain result. Modern logic, on the other hand, deals with the objective meaning of thoughts.
When it comes to thoughts, a distinction must be made between subjective and objective. The subjective meaning of a thought means its origin and the comprehension of the thought. Its objective sense is concerned with the validity of the thought. In the Enlightenment, only the intellectual activity was referred to as a thought, while in earlier times the term had a wider range of meanings. To this day, the thought mainly describes the thinking process and its possible result.
Whether a thought is credible or correct or valid can often not be determined from its expression. In order to find out, the facts must be verified. Thoughts must therefore be divided into genesis and validity.
Closely related to the topic is the awareness and perception of thoughts. They arise from brooding and are often disorganized in the human mind. Thoughts are therefore presented in written, linguistic or pictorial form. Daydreams often lead to the articulation of trains of thought.
Thoughts can be proven as electromagnetic waves that form patterns in the mind. Thoughts deepen through their repetition. In the most widespread sense, thoughts are one's own will, conditioned by the subconscious. They can be viewed as a response to external or internal stimuli and impulses. Great importance is attached to thoughts, as they not only have a significant influence on people, but also on their ability to act. They are therefore also decisive for the environment.
Function & task
In the field of teleosemantics (philosophy of biology and spirit) the thought is distinguished by its importance. Put simply, thoughts are responsible for influencing or triggering decisions. Without the freedom of thought, man would primarily be guided by instinct. The thoughts therefore enable people to freely act and thus ensure the further development of people and culture as well as their entire environment.
It is thoughts that lead to inventions and decisions and are largely responsible for the acceleration of life. Ideas and thoughts therefore not only lead to technical innovations, but also to a general increase in the standard. Man strives for perfection and steadily further for knowledge. The thoughts are significantly involved in this process and can be described as its basis.
On the other hand, thoughts are responsible for representing something. Humans are ahead of animals in this step, as they can, for example, represent dangerous situations and deal with them in a more diverse way than other living beings. Thoughts are also what drive people and at the same time have led to relief and the need for distraction. On the other hand, strong concentration ensures the concentration of the senses on a single point.
Everyone is differently able to articulate or visualize thoughts and thus give them a concrete form. It is often the case that creative people are less able to focus and shape thoughts on one point. On the other hand, logically and mathematically influenced minds tend to be able to get to the heart of thoughts and work with them.
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The thought is closely related to concentration, mindfulness and alertness. There are interactions between these processes. Thoughts can be positive as well as negative and, with their connection to the thought process, are closely related to brooding.
This brooding, in turn, is said to have a harmful influence on the human psyche, because thoughts can also lead to mental illness. Dysphoric thoughts are sometimes closely related to depression.
In addition, thoughts can be the driving force behind prohibited actions. Due to the close connection between thoughts and feelings, it is often difficult to objectively consider the decision to take an action and then to speak about it again. Once decisions and ideas have been made, it is often difficult to reject. People who brood a lot are all the more susceptible to actions whose consequences they can no longer consider neutrally.
Incidentally, the quality of thoughts once they have been formed depends on the trigger of the thought process. If this trigger is also the mainspring for emotional reactions, the decision made is all the less valid and also all the more emotional. Thoughts in themselves are not punishable, but the actions that can result from them are.