Swollen eyelids often occur with lack of sleep or crying caused by grief, but allergies can also be the cause. Prevention and treatment must be tailored to the reasons for its occurrence.
What are puffy eyelids?
Swollen eyelids are noticeable through reddened, slightly sore eyelids. In addition to the eyelids, the bags under the eyes and the areas next to the eyes are often swollen.
When touched, the affected areas often start to burn and the swelling increases, depending on the pressure applied. In addition, swollen eyelids can severely restrict vision.
The causes of swollen eyelids are many. The triggers are usually allergies to pollen, house dust or fine dust. Cat and dog hair allergies can also be the cause of reddened and watery eyes.
Another reason for puffy eyelids is lack of sleep. After a night of little sleep, the eye area is not rested and accordingly irritated. Prolonged crying can also make the eyelids swell.
In addition, swelling can also occur due to isolated diseases of the eye. For example, through a grain of stye, a hailstone or orbital phlegmon. The latter is an infection that must be treated immediately, otherwise there is a risk of blindness.
Other causes of swollen eyelids can include kidney failure, heart failure, cluster headache, thyroid disease, an eye tumor, or a common cold. Finally, swollen or irritated eyelids can also be hereditary. With appropriate systems, large bags and thick eyelids are inevitable.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsDiseases with this symptom
- allergy
- hay fever
- Cluster headache
- House dust allergy
- Stye
- Heart failure
- Hailstone
- Orbital phlegmon
- Kidney weakness
Diagnosis & course
Due to the multitude of causes that swollen eyelids can have, the diagnosis is primarily based on previous medical history. As a rule, the diagnosis is made by the ophthalmologist, who examines the eyes and gradually rules out the diseases mentioned until the cause is found.
This process is accompanied by extensive discussions with the patient in which further possible reasons are identified. It must also be determined whether both eyelids or only one is affected.
Despite the many possible reasons, the diagnosis can usually be made relatively quickly, as most diseases can be identified directly on the eye and eyelids. For example, it is possible for an ophthalmologist to diagnose high blood pressure or diabetes on the basis of the respective eye swelling.
In addition, smears of the eye secretion and possibly also tissue samples are taken and examined microscopically. This allows malignant changes to be recognized, bacterial pathogens determined or simple irritations to be detected. Only then is it possible to initiate the appropriate form of therapy.
Swollen eyelids or eyes can occur as a result of a wide variety of complaints and the possible complications are correspondingly diverse. First of all, the swelling restricts vision and causes pain and itching in the area of the swollen eyelids. Those affected are also extremely sensitive to light and often have the feeling that they have a foreign body in their eye. Accordingly, increased tearing and severe itching can occur.
As a result of the itching, those affected rub their eyelids and thus intensify the swelling, often accompanied by the transfer of allergens or pathogens to other organs. If the swollen eyelids are caused by lymphatic congestion, the symptoms will also increase in the course of the disease: there is a feeling of pressure in the eye and in some cases the formation of a stye, i.e. a bacterial infection of the glands on the eyelid. Lack of sleep as a cause is associated with fatigue and the typical symptoms, but is otherwise harmless.
On the other hand, there are complications if the swollen eyes have inflammation of the conjunctiva. The inflammation initially causes the eyelids to swell, and then there is the typical feeling of having sand in the eye. As the process progresses, the swelling is then transferred to the cornea itself, which may result in clouding of the lens and impaired vision.
When should you go to the doctor?
Swollen eyelids can be genetic or a symptom of age. Swollen eyelids are characterized by the accumulation of water in the tissue around the eyes. Swellings under the eyes are also known as bags under the eyes. Usually, such swollen eyelids that occur in families are not a reason to consult a doctor.
If you want to be on the safe side, you can of course do so or, if the opportunity arises, speak to your doctor about it as part of another examination. It looks different, however, if someone wakes up every morning with particularly thickly swollen eyelids. Then going to the doctor is absolutely necessary in your own interest.
The first point of contact for clarifying swollen eyelids is your family doctor. After his medical history and some examinations, he decides whether to continue the treatment or refer to a specialist: an internist, allergist or ophthalmologist. The less dangerous causes of swollen eyelids include conjunctivitis, eyelid inflammation, allergies to pollen, bed feathers, house dust or mites, colds or menstruation.
However, certain foods consumed in the evening such as salty snacks, protein-rich meals or alcoholic beverages can lead to swollen eyelids the next morning. The causes for the swelling in the eyes can also be impaired lymph flow, high blood pressure, kidney damage and thyroid dysfunction.
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Treatment & Therapy
Depending on the cause diagnosed, puffy eyes may need different treatment. If the swelling is caused by lack of sleep or crying, cooling the affected areas is usually sufficient. To do this, for example, a cold spoon is placed on the eye for a few minutes or a cooling goggle is used.
In addition, the eyes should be able to relax and should not be subjected to additional stress. If the swollen eyelids occur due to a bacterial infection, medication must be used in any case. In addition, the contact lenses have to be changed to avoid re-infection. In general, it is important to keep your hands clean if the eyes are infected.
If a stye is the cause, both antibiotic drops and various home remedies are used for treatment. For example apple cider vinegar, eyebright or fennel tea. It can also help to irradiate the affected areas with a red light lamp. This dries out the bacterial focus and reduces the pain.
However, the treatment methods mentioned should only be used after consulting a doctor. If the swelling of the eyelids occurs due to a tumor on the eye or a thyroid disease, usually only a surgical procedure will help.
Outlook & forecast
In most cases, the puffy eyelids appear from stress, overwork, and eye fatigue. Here the patient should rest and above all sleep, after which the symptom usually disappears by itself.
Flu, colds and infections are often accompanied by swollen eyelids. This is a common symptom, which also disappears with the end of the illness and does not lead to any further problems.
If the eyes hurt or visual disturbances occur, a doctor must be consulted. In this case, it may be an inflammation in the eye, which must be treated by a doctor in any case. The treatment is carried out with antibiotics and is successful without complications.
If the swollen eyelids appear after eating, it may be an intolerance or an allergy. The eyelids swell by themselves when the respective ingredient has been digested and there are no further problems.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsprevention
Often, swollen eyelids can be avoided very easily. It can help to drink enough, as it stimulates the lymphatic transport, which prevents swelling and reddened eyes.
The method of placing cucumbers on the eyelids is also tried and tested. The cooling effect and moisture prevent swelling. It can also help to massage the eyelids gently on a regular basis and thus stimulate blood circulation. Various care products and ointments are also suitable for prevention, as are the household remedies mentioned. However, the best means of prevention is to correct the cause. For example, if you suffer from lack of sleep or cry a lot, you should start there.
Working on the PC for long periods of time also dries out the eyes and sooner or later leads to swelling. Here it can be enough to relax your eyes regularly. So the possibilities of prevention always depend on the causes of swollen eyelids.
You can do that yourself
Whether after waking up or due to an allergy, swollen eyelids are unsightly and impair vision. Some home remedies are effective in reducing the swelling. Decongestant ointments are not absolutely necessary for this. The most effective method is cooling. Gel pads or cooling pads are ideal, often a cold, damp washcloth that is placed on for a few minutes is enough. If you don't have any pads on hand, you can briefly put a teaspoon in the freezer and place the curved side on your eyes. Another successful variant is cold cucumber slices.
Drinking plenty of fluids is generally advisable because it promotes blood circulation, boosts the metabolism and removes the congested lymph fluid that causes swelling. Gentle massages with your fingertips can speed up the process. Another home remedy is black tea. For this, those affected have to put on cotton balls soaked in cold tea and let them work for a few minutes. Coffee pods are equally successful. Here it is the contained tannins that accelerate the metabolism and accelerate the removal of lymph fluid.
If an allergy such as hay fever is the trigger, the cause must be eliminated. Dust mites can also cause eye problems. It is helpful to use hypoallergenic bed linen and wash them as often as possible. Sometimes hormonal changes are the reason for swollen eyelids. Then a doctor's visit is necessary.