Of the ginseng is a herbaceous plant that reaches a height of between 30 and 60 centimeters. It should be particularly helpful for mental illnesses. But cardiovascular diseases and sexual disorders should also be treated well with ginseng.
Occurrence & cultivation of ginseng
ginseng grows mainly in Korea and China and for this reason is also often referred to as Korean or Chinese ginseng.
Ginseng has played an important role in the medicine of these countries for several thousand years; the plant is now cultivated worldwide and used as a medicinal product.
In Asia, ginseng is still a symbol of health and a long life.
Effect & application
This is of particular medical importance Ginseng root, in common parlance this is also often referred to as human root and is considered a general tonic. Ginseng is a popular choice for people with a decline in concentration as well as general exhaustion.
But this plant has also proven itself to be very effective in treating chronic respiratory diseases. Furthermore, ginseng has been shown to relieve the symptoms of old-age diabetes as well as symptoms during the menopause. Even with decreased sexual desire, the root has a beneficial effect. Ginseng is mainly given in the form of tablets or as a solution.
In the case of long-term tiredness or permanent exhaustion, however, you should consult a doctor - after all, serious illnesses can also be behind these symptoms.
Since ginseng is a plant-based product, there are few side effects. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should exercise caution and a doctor should also be consulted before the administration of ginseng in children. Likewise, ginseng should not be prescribed when diabetes is being treated with insulin injections. Even in patients who take blood-clotting medication, the intake of ginseng is only recommended after consulting a doctor.
But even in healthy people, ginseng can cause some minor side effects such as stomach pain, nausea or diarrhea. However, these symptoms are usually not dangerous.
Importance to health
Only roots of four to seven years old are used for medicinal products Ginseng plants. A distinction is made between two types, namely the so-called white ginseng and the red ginseng, the latter being used even more frequently for dietary supplements and medicines. The different colors are caused by different ways of treating the roots.
The ingredients of ginseng, which are of great importance for health, are the so-called ginsenosides, which belong to the plant ingredients of saponins. The peptide hormones and essential oils in the ginseng root are also quite effective for many diseases. All of these aforementioned ingredients are responsible for stimulating the metabolism in the human body.
In addition, there is increased cell division and a build-up of proteins. Messenger substances such as norepinephrine and serotin are also released to a greater extent and thus ensure increased concentration. Even the body's own defense cells are stimulated and one is less sensitive to infectious diseases.
In addition to its use as a medicinal product, ginseng also makes a great tasting tea and even schnapps can be made with this plant. Ginseng coffee is not yet too widespread. Thanks to the calming effect of ginseng, this is definitely easier to digest and therefore definitely recommended for people who drink a lot of coffee.