
We explain what Google is and when this famous company was founded. Also, how the Google search engine works and what is Google+.

Google specializes in products and services linked to the Internet.

What is Google?

Google LLC, commonly referred to as Google, is a business subsidiary of the American multinational Alphabet Inc., specialized in products Y services electronic, computerized and related to Internet.

Its main product, which bears the same company name, is the most popular search engine that exists, whose function is to provide users access to lists of websites and references of various kinds, as a way to facilitate your journey through the vast world of the Internet.

In addition to the aforementioned search engine, Google LLC also offers a series of online applications ranging from email (Gmail), video playback (Youtube) and searching for postal addresses on a world map (GoogleEarth and googleMaps), up to browser own Internet (Google Chrome) and one social network (Google+), among many others.

However, the Google search engine is the most visited page in the world Internet ranking, which translates into serving more than 1 billion search requests every day and requires a business presence in almost the entire planet.

Google has often been criticized for intellectual property violations and its collaboration with government programs for global citizenship monitoring (as revealed in 2013-2015) by the United States and its allied countries.

At the same time, the company has been accused of collaborating with the censorship of content in countries with a totalitarian or dictatorial regime, in order to gain commercial space in their populations.

When was Google founded?

Google Inc. was founded in 1998.

The founders of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who in 1996 were pursuing graduate studies at Stanford University, where they created their first version of the famous search engine, whose initial name was BackRub.

The following year they decided to rename it Google, playing with the mathematical term "gúgol" (equivalent to 10100), given the enormous amount of information in the net that his program had to deal with.

On September 4, 1998, the company Google Inc. was founded, and on September 27 of that year, its services were offered to the network as online search engine, in a market until then dominated by AltaVista (created in 1995).

The entrepreneurs had a closet full of servers (about 80 processors) and two HP brand routers. Their success was such that in 2000 they were already at the forefront of the area and launched their system of advertising on-line (Google AdWords) and its search bar or Google Bar.
Since then the company has only done more than grow and diversify.

How does Google work?

From when the term is entered in the search box until the results are obtained, a process that normally takes no more than a couple of seconds, the following processes take place in the Google search engine:

  • Crawling and indexing. The first stage of the search consists of reviewing the enormous number of web pages that there are (approximately 30 billion), comparing the presence of the keyword provided by the user with their indexes.
  • Algorithms and formulas. Once the results are selected, they allow ordering and ranking the results based on the terms provided by the user. This algorithm is capable of suggesting searches, offering parallel results and even correcting the user if he suspects that there was an error in the typing of the keyword.
  • Elimination of SPAM. Since many results will belong to unsafe, illegal or irrelevant sites, Google applies specialized filters that allow you to get rid of the inconvenient results and focus your search on the information most likely.

What is Google+?

Google + is the third social network with the most users in the world.

Google+, Google plus or G + is the social network offered by Google Inc., whose appearance took place in 2011, in full effervescence of social networks. This is the third social network with the most users in the world, not so much because it is popular, which is not so popular, but because of its interaction with Google User Accounts and especially with the YouTube video page.

Google+ aspires to integrate various services in the same social network: Circles of friends and acquaintances, virtual chats with them in real time (Hangouts), Interests and other forms of community. It is assumed to be the way to compete with Facebook, the most widely used social network in the world.

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