Among the occasional dizziness almost a third of adults suffer. Anyone who often gets dizzy or who has particularly strong attacks should see a doctor. Finally, dizziness can be a harbinger of illness or even lead to a stroke.
What helps against dizziness?
What helps with dizziness attacks? Especially in summer the body has to suffer from strong temperature fluctuations. Dizziness can be quickly remedied with arm casts and a Kneipp bath for the legs.
The heat is transferred to the water through the blood and the person concerned feels wonderfully refreshed. In addition, the heat also lowers blood pressure and problems start as soon as you get up. Immediately after getting up in the bathroom, it helps to do cold face and arm casts. Finally, a change shower with cold and warm intervals and the day can begin!
If the blood sugar level is too low, consuming sweets can quickly help. If the meal has been canceled for a long time, the affected person should compensate for this with some chocolate. The blood sugar rises and the dizziness goes away on its own. If people suddenly experience dizziness, they should lie down or at least sit in a chair.
This avoids uncertainty and the risk of falling. If this is not possible, the person concerned should hold onto a railing or post. This creates security again and the uncomfortable feeling of unsteady ground does not even arise. The passers-by should be informed, otherwise the dizzy give the impression of drunk, the symptoms are the same as in a drunkenness: Unsteady gait and balance disorders up to staggering while walking.
Quick help
It also helps to fix a fixed point with the eyes, so the sense of sight has a reference when the head is held still. It can also be due to hearing. People who have trouble understanding often suffer from dizziness. The cochlea and the sense of balance are in the ear. Or the neck area is severely stiffened and the blood flow to the head is disturbed.
These things should be clarified by the doctor. He can also show you exercises for dizziness. For example, it is helpful to lie flat on your back and turn your head and bent legs in the opposite direction. So turn your head to the left and at the same time turn your knees to the right. This exercise can safely be repeated several times a day. There are also naturopathic remedies for those with a tendency to dizzy spells. In the pharmacy, people with dizzy spells can get detailed advice.
If the dizzy spells are repeatedly expressed as vertigo, it may be Menière's disease. This is a disease of the inner ear, which was named after its discoverer, the doctor Prosper Menière. It is characteristic of acute vertigo attacks. These are associated with hearing loss and noise in one ear. Nausea and vomiting can also occur, and there is also a feeling of pressure in the ear.
Should such complaints arise, an ear, nose and throat specialist must be consulted for treatment. After the seizures, the patient feels exhausted, but is again without symptoms. Unfortunately, the hearing loss remains in one ear. The causes of this disease are not yet known; metabolic disorders are suspected in which the fluid in the inner ear accumulates. Unlike tinnitus, which keeps recurring due to stress and psychosomatic causes. The consumption of alcohol and cigarettes should definitely be reduced. Absolute abstinence is even better, as these addictive substances can lead to circulatory disorders.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for dizziness and circulatory problemsAlternative remedies
It is just as important for people who are frequently dizzy to calm down. They should either practice yoga, autogenic training or other relaxation methods on a regular basis. These courses are even subsidized by the statutory health insurance companies. In addition, the training leads to more energy and practicing together prevents depression.