Almost every woman has under one menopause Breast tenderness to suffer. This tensioning causes severe pain in some affected women. For this reason, many like to fall back on well-known home remedies that have already helped many. Quick relief is very important for many women. Alternative remedies are also awarded healing successes.
What helps against breast tenderness?
There are many home remedies that can be used for breast tenderness. The most well-known home remedy is the so-called monk's pepper, which is also called chaste mud. This affects the release of dopamine.
This normalizes the secretion of the hormone prolactin in the pituitary gland. This is responsible for milk production and causes breast tenderness. When using monk's pepper, it is particularly important that it is used regularly. Because affected women can only notice an improvement after a few days.
Quark compresses also promise quick relief. These have a pain-relieving and decongestant effect. This is mainly attributed to the cooling effect. The quark is spread finger-thick on a cloth. This is placed on the chest with the quark side. It is then advisable to put a second dry cloth over it and let the wrap stay there for about 30 minutes.
The use of lavender, neroli or rose oil has also helped many affected women. A few drops of the respective oil are placed on a clean cloth. This cloth is then wrapped in aluminum foil and placed between two hot water bottles for a few minutes.
The cloth can then be placed on the breast and the active ingredients of the oil develop their effect very well. For this it is particularly important that the cloth is kept warm. A simple blanket or other dry cloths can help here.
But sport, which is specifically designed for relaxation, has already helped many women with breast tenderness during menopause. Mediation and yoga are mainly used here. Autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen are also always popular.
Quick help
The home remedies do not work equally well for every woman. While some of them experience a significant improvement after the first treatment, other women still suffer from breast tenderness after a few days when using the same home remedy.
In principle, however, an improvement can be determined very quickly with any home remedy if they are used regularly. For this, you should test different home remedies one after the other to find the ideal remedy for you. In this way, a quick remedy can take place and the menopause becomes more pleasant for the women concerned than before.
Alternative remedies
To get rid of the annoying and sometimes very painful breast tenderness, many affected women resort to treatment with alternative remedies. The Schüßler salts are particularly popular here.
The Schüßler Salt No. 1 Calcium Fluoratum compensates for the lack of estrogen and progesterone and usually relieves the breast tenderness after the first treatment. In addition, this Schüßler salt helps against joint pain and bladder weakness at the same time. Therefore, this preparation is a good companion through menopause.
The Schüßler Salt No. 3 Ferrum Phosphoricum has also proven itself in the treatment of chest tension. This balances out the hormone fluctuations that can trigger breast tenderness. In addition, the women affected benefit from the fact that this salt strengthens concentration and works against constant tiredness.
The Schüßler salt No. 7 is also particularly popular. Magnesium Phosphoricum. This also balances the hormonal balance and can be used well with the other two remedies. In most cases, additional acupuncture treatment can also alleviate the pain through permanent breast tenderness.