As Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp, the nerve chamber inside a tooth, causing pain and pressure. This tooth core protects the nerve endings. If pulpitis is treated in time, there are usually no further problems.
What is pulpitis?
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At a Pulpitis A pressure builds up in the cellulose cavity, which radiates onto the tooth nerves and the surrounding tissue. Unlike other parts of the body, the pressure in the pulp cannot be diverted through the surrounding soft tissues.
The tooth core is surrounded by dentine, a hard tissue, which means that pressure cannot be released. It is above all the increased blood flow that causes the mild to extreme pain. If the teeth are denerved during treatment, this can lead to irreversible pulpitis depending on the location, the intensity of the infection and the size of the treated area.
In the affected teeth, this usually leads to reduced sensitivity and an increased rate of further tooth damage. Baby teeth and permanent teeth can be equally affected by pulpitis.
The Pulpitis is inflammation caused by bacterial infection resulting from tooth decay or tooth decay. The affected pulp is the internal part of the tooth and consists of nerve endings, blood vessels and connective tissue.
The causative tooth decay is a lesion of the tooth enamel, which is caused by acid erosion of the tooth surface as a result of bacterial plaque. If the disintegration is deep, the pulp becomes irritated and bacteria can enter, causing inflammation. This increases the pressure in the tissue and causes the pain.
Apart from that, pulpitis can also be triggered by other factors: injuries that have caused small cracks in the tooth, invasive procedures such as tooth fillings or crowns, and acidic food particles. If the pulpitis is not too advanced, the pain may go away once the cause is eliminated.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A tooth root inflammation manifests itself primarily as severe pain in the area of the tooth roots. The toothache increases with external stimuli such as heat, cold or pressure. When the inflammation is severe, the tooth appears to be throbbing and the pain radiates to the jawbone and surrounding tissue.
Eventually an abscess forms, which can be recognized externally by a swelling. If the pulpitis is not treated, the symptoms become worse. Ultimately, one or more teeth can die off. There is also a risk that blood poisoning will develop. If the inflammation is spread to surrounding regions, inflammation of the teeth themselves, as well as of the jaw and mucous membranes, can occur.
Pulpitis itself leads to suppuration, which can cause infections as well as bad breath and a strong feeling of discomfort. In addition, painful cysts and bleeding can occur in the mouth and jaw area. The symptoms of root inflammation usually appear within a few days and quickly increase in intensity. If the disease is treated early, the symptoms subside just as quickly. In individual cases, the teeth remain loose.
Diagnosis & course
At a Pulpitis Symptoms such as increased sensitivity to stimuli (e.g. hot and cold) often occur initially. Persistent throbbing pain can also be associated with the disease.
However, pulpitis can occur without pain. In acute pulpitis, the pain is intense and can occur at intervals. In a purulent acute pulpitis, the pulp is completely inflamed. The extremely painful condition often worsens when lying down. In another form, the nucleus begins to die. While this form is less painful, it can lead to the formation of a granuloma or abscess.
Chronic pulpitis is also characterized by less intense pain than the acute form of the disease, but it can spread in the root canal. As a result of the considerable pressure on the tooth nerves, it is very difficult to find the source of pain, which is why it can be mixed up with the neighboring teeth.
Because of pulpitis, patients in most cases suffer from discomfort in the oral cavity and especially in the teeth. This leads to severe toothache and tooth decay. The toothache often spreads to the head or ears, so that those affected suffer from disorders of concentration and permanent pain.
The teeth themselves are very sensitive to cold and hot food, so that normal food intake is usually no longer possible for the person affected. The patients suffer from weight loss and also from depression. If the pulpitis is not treated, it is not uncommon for an inflammation of the tooth roots to occur.
In this case, the tooth root usually has to be removed completely, otherwise the pain will not go away. The life expectancy of the patient is not affected due to the pulpitis. As a rule, pulpitis can be treated relatively easily by a dentist. There are no complications. The person concerned may be dependent on pain medication. Furthermore, pulpitis can also occur later in life in the patient.
When should you go to the doctor?
Since pulpitis is a serious disease, it should always be treated early. This can prevent further destruction of the tooth. As a rule, pulpitis can be treated relatively well so that there are no further complications or other complaints.
A doctor should be consulted if the person concerned suffers from severe pain in the tooth. The pain often spreads to the head or ears, so that very unpleasant feelings can also arise in these areas. The affected tooth is also very sensitive to cold or heat, and eating with the tooth is hardly possible. A doctor should also be consulted if the pulpitis is already causing bleeding of the tooth. Usually the disease is treated by a dentist. This leads to complete healing.
Treatment & Therapy
Basically a Pulpitis always be treated by a dentist. This is usually a root canal treatment or removal of the tooth core.
One way to start relieving pain is to take over-the-counter pain relievers. The most effective drugs are based on the active ingredients acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen, do not contain cortisone and have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
If pulpitis was caused by tooth decay, the lesion should be treated. The damaged area is cleaned and dried with sterile cotton. The cavity can be filled with additional cotton that has been soaked with an analgesic disinfectant.
You can find your medication here
➔ Toothache medicationprevention
The best way to get one Pulpitis good oral hygiene is to be avoided. The teeth must be cleaned thoroughly at least three times a day. Every tooth, including its inner surface, requires thorough care. Care should be taken when brushing as otherwise the sensitive enamel could be damaged.
The toothbrushes, which should be changed every two months, should have a medium hardness and rounded bristles. Toothpastes containing fluoride strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. At the same time, we recommend using dental floss and mouthwash to clean inaccessible tooth spaces.
Most patients with mild pulpitis can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. If inflammation of the tooth pulp is irreversibly chronic, a root canal treatment or a root tip resection may be necessary. If an operative resection was carried out, further x-rays show whether the inflammation of the tooth pulp has been completely cleared and the tip of the root has been cleaned or filled. Following an oral surgery procedure, follow-up treatment supports the healing process.
Regular check-ups serve to ensure the success of the treatment and help to identify recurring pulpitis in the early stages. Dentists also provide detailed information on what to do after an operation. Cooling can reduce swelling, for example. In the beginning, soft foods such as milk porridge or soups are best suited for consumption.
The use of interdental brushes, antibacterial mouthwashes and oral irrigators complement careful dental care. In the follow-up care for pulpitis, professional teeth cleaning (PZR) carried out every six months is recommended. Despite sonic toothbrushes, dental floss and toothpaste containing fluoride, bacterial deposits cannot be removed from areas that are difficult to access.
Dentists or specially trained practice staff use suitable instruments for the thorough removal of pathogenic plaque as well as for polishing and fluoridating. Since tooth decay is a frequent trigger for inflammatory changes in the dental pulp, intensive cleaning effectively protects against bacterial repopulation. In addition to early diagnosis and therapy, scheduled follow-up care, especially in the case of severe pulpitis, is an essential factor for a good prognosis.