Which does ______________ mean weakness? There are some synonyms for this, such as Exhaustion, Feeling weak, malaise or fatigue. Experts also say disorder. It includes low resilience, listlessness, weakness or fatigue. The attacked resilience and fatigue are mostly viewed by doctors as independent symptoms. A weakness can have a psychological or physical cause.
What helps against fatigue and weakness?
Everybody suffers from weakness from time to time. This can be the stressful week that has gone before or a cold. However, it can be due to a physical illness, such as a disorder of the cardiovascular system.
Among other things, a vitamin D deficiency can trigger a weakness or if the iron content in the body is too low. The family doctor will usually also examine the thyroid, because an underactive function can trigger a weakness. If the weakness persists longer or if there is weakness without previous stress, the family doctor should first carry out a check-up. It is important that physical causes are ruled out.
There is also the psychological weakness that comes along with weariness, listlessness and exhaustion. If you can't get out of bed and feel listless, it can drag on for the whole day. It is sometimes helpful to investigate the cause. Psychological counseling or even a psychiatrist, who can find out more based on various questions, can also be helpful.
A diagnosis could be depression, for example, because this disease is associated with fatigue and listlessness. The classic term "burnout" is another possibility for a mental illness. Help is available for weakness in the form of relaxation training or targeted stress management. The health insurance companies subsidize courses for this purpose if they are carried out by a certified trainer.
Quick help
If there is a physical disorder, a cold can herald. Then it is called "rest". Because when a cold is "on the march", the body should recover so that the self-healing powers can develop.
Unfortunately, this doesn't happen quickly. However, if the family doctor discovers a vitamin B12 deficiency, for example, then taking this vitamin is usually quick help. If the weather has just changed and the body is not yet on the move, athletic exercises in front of the open window can help. It is enough to walk quickly on the spot and pull up your knees.
Breathing deeply also quickly helps with weakness and makes the body fit again. This should be done in the fresh air, at least in front of the open window or on the balcony. Because the body and also the brain need oxygen. This also helps quickly after a strenuous journey or in the event of jet lag.
If there is a circulatory weakness, the family doctor can initiate quick help in the form of drops or an infusion, for example. Is the time ripe for a vacation? A weekend trip can help.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines against fatigue and weaknessAlternative remedies
There are home remedies beyond all epochs. Medicinal plants were used for various diseases but also for weakness and fatigue.
Tea was mostly made from the plants. There is, for example, the ginseng root, which can not only be used against tiredness and weakness. The essential oils also strengthen the immune system and help with poor concentration. There are also people from Central America who believe in the Damiana plant.
This medicinal plant has vitalising active ingredients that strengthen the body but are also helpful in mental exhaustion. It survived the Ice Age and allegedly also the atomic bombing in Hiroshima: the gingko tree. Not only naturopaths, but also conventional medicine use this medicinal plant for mild memory impairment.
Checking blood values or blood pressure can provide information about a possible cause. If there is no psychological or physical cause, lifestyle should be controlled. Minerals and vitamins paired with a healthy diet will get your body going again.