Of the Arches foot (Latin Pes excavatus) is a congenital or acquired deformation of the foot. The hollow foot can be recognized by a raised back of the foot, which makes it the exact opposite of the flat foot.
What is a high arched foot?
Raising the longitudinal arch of the foot means that the pressure created when walking and standing is not evenly distributed on the foot. Depending on whether the body load through the Arches foot is more on the ball of the foot or on the heel, one differentiates Arched foot and the Butcher's foot, whereby the archesus is far less common.
As a result, pressure points develop on the back of the foot, balls of the feet and toes, which manifest themselves as foot pain for those affected. These foot pains in the arches of the foot lead to restrictions in the movement of the foot and problems while walking. This results in an increased risk of falls and sprains.
Due to the deformation, the foot feels rather stiff and awkward, as does the toes, which also appear curved. Another problem for people suffering from archesus is the premature wear of the shoes, which is influenced by the position of the feet.
There are several possible causes that can make a difference Arches foot could be. The first possibility, and at the same time the most common one, is a congenital arches foot, which can be identified at birth.
The misalignment of the feet can also occur as a result of an illness. Possible causes are paralysis (especially in the small muscles of the foot), diseases of the nervous system, other nerve damage, muscle weakness, weak ligaments or spinal cord tumors. These diseases lead to excessive longitudinal arching of the foot, which stresses the foot in an unnatural way.
Another cause, especially with less pronounced arches, is wearing tight shoes with high heels. However, it can also happen that the reason for the change in shape of the foot cannot be determined. In this case one speaks of an idiopathic archesus (idiopathic = without an identifiable cause).
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A hollow foot manifests itself as a foot malposition, which can usually be seen from the outside. The longitudinal arch of the affected foot is very high, which makes the foot shorter and more compact. Often there is a hollow foot with an inwardly pointing heel and hammer toes and claws.
Due to the misalignment of the foot, the appearance of the foot is also changed: the heel and forefoot bear the entire body weight. This incorrect load leads to the typical symptoms of a high arches foot. Excessive strain on the ball of the foot causes severe pain and, in the long term, leads to the formation of calluses. Depending on the cause, a archesus can change over the years.
The symptoms usually increase gradually and are often only noticed when the deformity is well advanced. Discomfort occurs mainly when wearing shoes - this leads to sharp pain, feelings of pressure and gait disorders. People with arches foot show an unsteady gait and often bend over, which repeatedly leads to injuries.
If the arches foot is left untreated, avoidance behavior can lead to further health problems, such as premature joint wear, misalignment of the ankles and nerve pain. As the deformity progresses, corns usually also form on the toes.
Diagnosis & course
Of the Arches foot is usually discovered during a physical examination, as it is clearly recognizable with the naked eye. However, it can be determined with certainty from the footprint. Doctors usually use x-rays to determine the extent of the arch of the foot.
Features for recognizing a deformed foot are, for example, an unsteady gait, an easier twisting, increased falls, sprains or corns on the toes. Due to the higher stress on the forefoot and heel area, which is caused by long standing and walking, pain in the metatarsus can also occur if the splayfoot is also present. Another indication can be pain in the heel. These mostly come from inflammation, which can occur due to the deformed position of the arch of the foot.
The arches of the foot cause various complaints and restrictions in the patient that affect running and walking. In most cases, those affected suffer from a hammer toe and corns.These complaints usually lead to severe pain, which occurs mainly when walking.
This pain leads to considerable restrictions in movement, which make everyday life even more difficult. The entire foot musculature is restricted and paralyzed by the arch of the foot, so that no sporting activities are possible for the patient. The permanent incorrect loading of the arches foot leads to severe pain, which can also occur in the form of pain at rest.
The pain at rest can lead to sleep problems at night and trigger depression. The diagnosis of the archesus is usually relatively simple, so that early treatment can be initiated. In most cases, treatment takes place with the help of insoles and therapies. This can alleviate most of the symptoms and prevent further complications. In severe cases, surgical interventions can also be carried out. Life expectancy is not influenced by the archesus.
When should you go to the doctor?
A slight archesus does not necessarily have to be treated as long as it is not causing any symptoms. However, if pressure points, calluses or corns are accompanying the deformity and the foot regularly hurts, it is best to consult an orthopedic surgeon. An indication of a hollow foot can be poorly developed or weakened foot muscles. In the case of a very pronounced archesus, an examination by a specialist, ideally an orthopedic surgeon, is recommended, because he can best decide which therapeutic measures are necessary for correction and how the symptoms caused by the deformity can be alleviated in the most sensible way.
In the case of advanced deformations such as hammer and claw toes, physiotherapeutic measures are usually required, mostly in the form of stretching exercises, so that the deformation does not worsen further. If left untreated, a high archesus usually gets worse over the years and symptoms appear bit by bit, which make it increasingly difficult to wear shoes. At this point at the latest, going to the orthopedic surgeon can usually no longer be avoided because of the suffering. However, it is better to consult a doctor beforehand so that such symptoms do not arise in the first place.
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Treatment & Therapy
Depending on the degree of deformation, there are different types of treatment for patients with one Arches foot. The extent to which the archesus is already pronounced is usually determined using x-rays. In lighter cases, modeled shoe insoles that support the foot are usually sufficient.
This distributes the pressure and relieves the heavily stressed areas such as the ball of the foot and heel. In addition, it is advisable to wear a so-called night splint, which fixes and stabilizes the foot during the night. In order to obtain further stability and to reduce the risk of twisting ankle, it is recommended to wear shoes with a high shaft. Often it is also necessary that people with archesus need special orthopedic shoes made for them.
If the deformation of the foot is already advanced, it is necessary to seek physiotherapy treatment. Movement and stretching exercises under supervision often have a positive effect on the deformity of the foot. An orthopedic treatment can be perfectly complemented with gymnastics and appropriate exercises. For patients with a very advanced archesus, there is also the option of having the foot surgically straightened.
Outlook & forecast
A archesus generally promises a good prognosis. If the necessary treatment steps are initiated at an early stage, the malformation can often be corrected before permanent damage to the ankles and tendons has occurred. Early diagnosis and treatment is necessary to prevent the deformity from worsening further. If the archesus is recognized in good time, it can be corrected through surgical, orthopedic and physiotherapeutic measures. Although archesus can rarely be completely resolved, the symptoms are marginal and the prognosis is accordingly positive.
However, if left untreated, the malformation will progress and eventually deform the toes and ankle. Then the movement restrictions and pain become stronger, which is always associated with a decrease in quality of life. A congenital arches foot must be treated immediately after birth to ensure a positive prognosis.
An appropriate arches foot usually develops in connection with other misalignments and physical ailments, which is why even early therapy cannot guarantee a symptom-free life. Patients usually have to do physiotherapy exercises and take pain medication for their entire life. In addition, the misalignment can recur and cause complaints that must be treated surgically.
There a Arches foot is either congenital or the result of another disease, there is no way of preventing it. However, with early diagnosis and timely treatment, the course of the deformation can be positively influenced.
With archesus, in most cases there are very few options for direct follow-up care. Those affected are primarily dependent on early detection and treatment so that there are no further complications or further worsening of the symptoms. In general, an early diagnosis has a very positive effect on the further course of the disease.
Those affected should contact a doctor as soon as the first symptoms and signs of the disease appear. In most cases, archesus is compensated for by wearing and using shoe insoles. Those affected should wear these insoles permanently and not leave them out. Parents have to control how they are carried, especially with children. Furthermore, the insoles have to be adapted to the foot as the child grows.
Wearing special orthopedic shoes can also alleviate the symptoms of the disease. In many cases, those affected with a archesus are also dependent on physiotherapy. Many of the exercises can also be performed in your own home, which speeds up the treatment. As a rule, the life expectancy of those affected is not reduced by the archesus.
You can do that yourself
A high arch should definitely be presented to a specialist, preferably an orthopedic surgeon, even if it is not causing any symptoms. The patient can also contribute to preventing a arches foot or to stop the progression of the disease.
In milder cases, it helps if the person concerned consistently wears special insoles that support and relieve the foot. The insoles distribute the pressure over the entire foot so that otherwise excessively stressed areas such as balls and heels are relieved. A sleep splint that stabilizes the foot during the night can increase the positive effect of the insoles. Sufferers who tend to twist an ankle due to the arches of the arch can reduce this risk by wearing boots or half-height shoes with a shaft. If you twist your ankle very often, you should also think about special orthopedic shoes that can be adapted to the individual degree of the disorder and thus prevent this problem.
In addition, the progression of the deformation can be prevented or at least delayed by starting physiotherapeutic treatment in good time. In many cases, the special physiotherapy exercises can even help the deformity to regress. However, this requires regular training under the guidance of a physiotherapist who is experienced in treating the disorder.
Blisters, pressure points, cracks and other lesions should be treated promptly, as they can otherwise trigger additional foot pain.