The terms Hypotrichosis and "hypertrichosis" are often associated and confused with each other, but they both have a different meaning: People who suffer from hypotrichosis have less body hair than usual (Greek: hypo: less) and therefore often suffer from hair loss. Instead, people with hypertrichosis have excessive hair growth due to a gene defect, which is why hair grows all over the body, especially the face. That is why they are often referred to as "wolf people".
What is hypotrichosis?
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Hypotrichosis is the reduced number of hairs, which is often noticeable through hair loss and can lead to further impairments such as growth disorders, disorders of hair replacement and ectoparasites (blood-sucking anthropods such as mosquitoes, lice or ticks). Hypotrichosis is often associated with alopecia or hair loss, but it rather describes permanent hair loss in a certain region, while with the disease hypotrichosis hair growth does not occur in several parts of the body.
The causes of hypotrichosis are similar to those of hair loss: they can be very different, but they are usually the following origins: genetic sensitivities, disorders of the immune system, use of medication, Infectious diseases, congenital changes, as well as thyroid dysfunction.
Genetically determined hair root sensitivities often occur in men due to an impairment of the male sex hormone testosterone: the hair growth phase, also called anagen phase, begins to get shorter and hair follicles (structures that surround the hair) begin to shrink. This leads to the production of only small, thin woolen hairs (vellus hairs) that are barely visible. Further hairs are no longer formed and the vellus hairs can either remain or also fall out.
If the immune system is disrupted, the body's own defense cells attack the hair roots, whereupon hair growth is stopped and the hair falls out. Outside of the hypotrichosis disease, the hair roots can reawaken and hair production starts again; this is also called the state of sleep.
The use of medication and thyroid dysfunction can damage the hair roots and completely stop hair growth: In hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland), the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which results in damage to the hair follicles.
In hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy, a genetic defect is the cause: there are mutations in the CDH3 gene that encodes a calcium-binding protein. This leads to a complex heterozygosity, two differently mutated alleles.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Hair loss manifests itself through a number of clear symptoms and complaints. Initially, hypotrichosis can be recognized based on the light spots that appear to appear overnight in different parts of the body. Some patients experience pain in the scalp and other areas of the body that are usually very hairy. Long-term hypotrichosis can also cause emotional problems.
Many sufferers develop mental disorders in the course of the illness, such as social anxiety, depressive moods or inferiority complexes. Especially people who suddenly experience hair loss suffer from the external changes and need the support of a therapist. Depending on the cause, hypotrichosis can cause other symptoms and symptoms.
For example, if the hair loss is caused by an autoimmune disease, the scalp can become scarred, which is often associated with pain and skin irritation. If the cause is an imbalance in the hormonal balance, further physical changes and illnesses can occur.
If the symptoms are caused by a disease of the scalp, symptoms of the skin can occur. Redness and itching of the scalp, dandruff and psoriasis are typical. In addition, scalp hypotrichosis can be associated with excessively dry skin.
Diagnosis & course of disease
The disease is often quickly noticeable even without a special examination, especially in the case of hair loss in several parts of the body. However, a tirichogram is usually used for diagnosis; This is an examination method that determines the current status of the hair root. For this purpose, the patient must not wash their hair at least five days before the examination, and the hair must not be colored two weeks beforehand.
Hair samples are torn out or epilated, and the trichogram then provides information about the current growth behavior of the hair, so hair properties can be determined quickly. If parasite infestation can also be found due to hypotrichosis, skin scraps are also used for the examination: Samples of healthy and diseased skin are taken with a scalpel in order to then examine them with a light microscope. This will better determine the cause of the disease.
Hypotrichoses can also arise in connection with various syndromes, such as Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome or juvenile macular dystrophy. Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome is a congenital disease that is not only associated with hypotrichosis, but also with short stature, malformations of the fingers and convulsions. If the syndrome mentioned also occurs with hypotrichosis, the hair growth disorder is usually congenital.
Hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy is a very rare genetic defect that can only be inherited. He should be examined at the latest when he starts school, as an accompanying visual impairment can occur in childhood. The so-called ophthalmoscopy is used for the first examination: the visible parts of the eye, such as the retina and visible arteries, are examined.
When should you go to the doctor?
If hair loss occurs suddenly and lasts for several weeks, a doctor should be consulted. Circular hair loss must in any case be clarified and treated by a doctor, as the symptoms are often based on a health problem. If the hypotrichosis occurs as a result of scarring of the scalp without noticing any damage to the scalp, a doctor should be consulted. It may be caused by an autoimmune disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.
Infectious diseases, hormonal disorders and thyroid dysfunction are also possible causes of hair loss. Anyone who is one of the risk groups should definitely see a doctor with signs of hypotrichosis. This is especially true if the hair loss occurs suddenly or causes emotional complaints over time.
If the hair loss results in inferiority complexes or depressive moods, it is best to consult a therapist. The treatment of the actual hypotrichosis must be closely monitored by a doctor in order to avoid any side effects and interactions with the prescribed medication.
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Treatment & Therapy
In the case of andro-genetic hypotrichosis, both women and men have the option of taking preparations that can stop hair loss. Minoxidil is a drug that was originally used for high blood pressure, but it was found that when the drug was taken, hair grew steadily all over the body.
The doses of minoxidil are different for men and women. If hypotrichosis occurs due to an overactive thyroid, the thyroid disorder should be treated.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for hair loss and baldnessprevention
Since hypotrichosis can have a wide variety of causes, prevention depends on the origin. If the use of medication is the cause of the illness, they should be discontinued. In addition, an overactive thyroid should be treated if the hair loss is associated with it.
However, the most common cause of hypotrichosis is difficult to prevent: Since hair loss is caused by a genetic defect in many parts of the body and is therefore hereditary, the disease cannot be completely prevented; Therapies such as medication or chemotherapy may help with prevention, but in no way guarantee complete recovery.
Hypotrichosis can lead to psychological complaints in the course of the disease. That is why psychotherapeutic treatment makes sense during aftercare. This helps against inferiority complexes and depressive moods, which can occur especially with sudden hair loss.
Further follow-up treatments depend on the cause of the disease and the associated development. Autoimmune deficiency can scar the scalp, causing irritation and pain. Redness and scales are also possible. These symptoms can be relieved with the help of ointments or medication.
In consultation with the doctor, those affected learn what they can do about the problems. In the event of hormonal changes and stress as a trigger, a change in lifestyle may help. Patients should work with their doctor or nutritionist to plan a diet.
With this response to the body's warning signals, it is possible to reduce hair problems. Consistent aftercare relies on nutrient-rich foods such as nuts, vegetables, fish and whole grain products. Quitting alcohol and nicotine can also help. For well-being, there are also natural remedies that have a positive effect on the patient's skin. Together with sufficient exercise and social contacts, the quality of life increases significantly.
You can do that yourself
In addition to medical therapy, hypotrichosis can be treated yourself with the help of various home remedies and tips.
The first thing to do is to stop the causal hair loss. Mostly stress and hormonal changes, but also an unhealthy lifestyle, are responsible for the light spots on the head. It is advisable to pay attention to the signals from the body and work out a suitable diet together with a nutritionist. Foods like vegetables, whole grains, healthy oils, nuts, and fish contain important nutrients that promote hair growth. Nicotine and alcohol should be avoided. Depending on the cause, it is also possible to treat the scalp with natural remedies such as fenugreek decoction, aloe vera or healing earth. Evening primrose oil also stimulates hair growth and thus also reduces hypotrichosis. A tried and tested household remedy is rubbing alcohol, which is massaged into the hair as a conditioner. Glycerin, coltsfoot, and vinegar can also help with hypotrichosis. A massage promotes blood circulation and stimulates hair growth.
If these measures do not reduce the hypotrichosis, the lack of hair must be accepted. The often reduced self-esteem can be restored through various measures, for example through exercise or participation in a self-help group.