Internal bleeding is bleeding that remains in the body, i.e. which run inside and are not visible from the outside. They are extremely dangerous, so if you notice the slightest sign of internal bleeding, you should see a doctor immediately. Excessive internal bleeding can lead to circulatory problems, shortness of breath, and even death if left untreated.
What is internal bleeding?
Internal bleeding always occurs when there is bleeding that does not leak to the outside but remains inside the body. Bleeding is defined as the leakage of blood from the bloodstream or from the bloodstream.
Both the blood vessels in the body and the vessels in the pulmonary circulation can be affected by bleeding. Where this blood comes out is irrelevant to the definition of internal bleeding. For internal bleeding, the two criteria of the leakage of blood in general and that the leaked blood remain inside the body must be given. The blood loss caused by internal bleeding can quickly become critical, depending on the severity of the bleeding.
Humans have an average of five to six liters of blood. If you lose more than 1.5 liters of it, the first symptoms such as general weakness, dizziness and increased breathing rate set in. The person concerned is often afraid and realizes for himself that something is wrong.
Since the bleeding is not externally visible, many patients are unaware of the cause of the symptoms. If more than two liters of blood are lost, there is also severe confusion, increased dizziness and clouded consciousness. The patient eventually loses consciousness from internal bleeding.
Internal bleeding can have a variety of causes. The most common causes include serious injuries to the internal organs, which can be caused, for example, by traffic accidents or other serious accidents. Tumor diseases can also cause the affected organ to start bleeding.
Internal bleeding is also, in some cases, caused by improper use of an anti-clotting medicine such as aspirin. This happens, for example, if a patient has taken too large a dose of these drugs or if they belong to a risk group with a hereditary bleeding disorder that is aggravated by such drugs.
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➔ Drugs for wound treatment and injuriesDiseases with this symptom
- Head injuries
- Broken nose
- Ruptured spleen
- Torn hamstring
- dislocation
- Cerebral hemorrhage
Diagnosis & course
Internal bleeding can be recognized by blood in the stool and urine, or by vomiting blood. Vomit partly resembles coffee grounds. The other physical symptoms of internal bleeding are similar to the symptoms of anemia. In contrast to anemia, however, they appear suddenly and get worse rapidly depending on the degree of bleeding.
The symptoms include: severe dizziness, a strong feeling of cold in the limbs, reduced urine flow, severe sleepiness and, in severe cases, clouded consciousness and even loss of consciousness. Anyone who experiences these symptoms of internal bleeding should see a doctor immediately.
Internal bleeding describes the leakage of blood inside the body. Depending on the location and amount, there are various complications and consequences. A blood loss of 1.5 liters causes panic symptoms and a feeling of dizziness, as well as weakness. From two liters it can lead to fainting spells.
Bleeding into the body tissue due to trauma can be recognized as a bruise or hematoma. Most of these are very painful, but in most cases they are quite harmless and disappear again after a few days or weeks. If the bruises are larger, they can easily become infected and blood clots form, which can remain in the tissue permanently.
Very rarely is the bruise so large that it presses on blood vessels and constricts them. If this happens in the area of the muscles, the so-called compartment syndrome can occur, with increased pressure in the area of the muscle chambers. This can lead to severe pain or even death of muscle tissue. The muscles then scar and the joints stiffen.
Other typical internal bleeding is gastrointestinal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. This often results in massive blood loss in gastric ulcers. In the worst case, this can lead to hypovolemic shock, which is characterized by a drop in blood pressure and an increased heart rate. If left untreated, this usually leads to death. Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding usually also leads to anemia.
When should you go to the doctor?
Internal bleeding can vary in severity and medical attention may be required. However, internal bleeding very often occurs and goes completely unnoticed. Even small tears in the stomach lining can cause such bleeding. However, a visit to the doctor is unnecessary because such small bleeds heal on their own.
Treatment or medication is not necessary. The situation is different, however, when it comes to internal bleeding that can be traced back to an underlying disease. Even heavier bleeding does not heal on its own, so a visit to the doctor is inevitable. Anyone who forego a visit to the doctor at this point must expect serious complications.
It is not uncommon for those affected to suffer from severe dizziness, nausea and sharp pain. When the symptoms mentioned occur at the latest, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. In the worst case, there is even a risk of death if treatment by a doctor is not provided. Thus, if the above complications occur suddenly and for no apparent reason, then a visit to the doctor is highly recommended. Serious consequential damage can only be avoided through early treatment.
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Treatment & Therapy
In order to properly stop internal bleeding, the cause must be known.
So the doctor will first determine where the bleeding originated. As soon as the organ causing the bleeding is found, the bleeding is stopped by surgical measures.
The patient receives iron infusions to compensate for the iron deficiency caused by the blood loss. Depending on the severity of the blood loss caused by the internal bleeding, he may also need a blood transfusion.
Patients with internal bleeding must be observed in the hospital for a few days to ensure that the bleeding does not recur and that the blood loss does not cause circulatory or breathing problems.
Outlook & forecast
For internal bleeding, the patient's prognosis depends on the severity of the bleeding and its cause. A rough distinction is made between small but recurring and massive, acute internal bleeding. The first form arises, for example, in diseases that gradually damage the internal organs, such as stomach or colon cancer.
The internal bleeding is very small at first, but it occurs with increasing frequency. In the long term, the affected patient can develop anemia and, depending on the organ affected, have other symptoms. Since the underlying disease is usually not recognized and treated in this way alone, symptoms initially get worse. As the disease progresses, profuse internal bleeding can also occur - with all the potential complications.
Initially, there is blood loss when there is internal bleeding. Often they are not noticed immediately. In the worst case, the internal wound can no longer be closed in time and the affected person bleeds to death. Before this, depending on the origin of internal bleeding, severe pain, loss of consciousness, vomiting of blood and significant cardiovascular complications can occur. Such internal bleeding occurs, for example, in severely damaged organs or through injuries.
The sooner internal bleeding can be identified and treated, the better the patient's outlook.
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To prevent internal bleeding, all people who suffer from bleeding disorders should completely refrain from using anticoagulants. You also need to be extra careful not to injure yourself. Strong impacts and the like can cause internal bleeding in them. Patients who suffer from iron deficiency for a long time should also have them checked to see whether there is internal bleeding. This will prevent excessive internal bleeding.
You can do that yourself
In the event of internal bleeding, a doctor must be consulted immediately. It is a dangerous condition for the body that can only be treated by a doctor. In the worst case, the internal bleeding can lead to anemia and ultimately death. Therefore, no direct self-help is possible with this symptom. The doctor must first stop the internal bleeding, which can also include surgery.Depending on the type of internal bleeding, a blood transfusion may also be necessary in some cases. In most cases, the person will have to stay in the hospital for a few more days to make sure that the internal bleeding does not recur.
Whether or not the treatment of internal bleeding is successful depends very much on the cause of the bleeding. To prevent internal bleeding, people should not take anticoagulant medication if they suffer from blood clotting disorders. This can increase internal bleeding because the blood can no longer clot quickly enough. These people must also note that even minor injuries and accidents can lead to heavy internal bleeding. If a patient is iron deficient, it could be a sign of internal bleeding. This condition needs to be investigated immediately to avoid major bleeding.