As Iritis is called irisitis. Those affected suffer from eye pain and vision problems.
What is iritis
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Under one Iritis medical professionals understand one Irisitis (Iris). Iritis is a form of uveitis (inflammation of the skin of the blood vessels), which causes inflammation of the middle skin of the eye (uvea), which, in addition to the choroid and the radiation body, also includes the iris. The iritis is noticeable through eye pain and blurred vision.
The iris inflammation can show itself at any age. In Germany around 100,000 people are affected by inflammation of the middle skin of the eye every year. Irritis can occur in one eye or in both eyes. Whether the symptoms start suddenly or develop gradually depends on the part of the eye that is affected.
In most cases, iritis is caused by a bacterial infection such as Chlamydia, Yersinia or Borrelia. The reason for the inflammation of the iris is not the direct infestation with germs, but the initial infection with the pathogens. In this way, the human immune system is activated, which leads to an immune activation of the body.
After its completion, there is an inflammatory reaction of the iris. During this process, the iris gives a kind of response to the body's reaction. A diagnosis of iritis with a smear is not possible because the germs are in a different part of the body.
In some cases, the cause of the inflammation cannot be determined at all because the germs have already been rendered harmless. An immune reaction is therefore no longer necessary. Not infrequently, however, iritis can also arise from other reasons such as an autoimmune reaction or rheumatic diseases.
These include ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, inflammation of the tendons (enthesopathy), tendinitis (tenosynovitis), rheumatic fever, inflammation of the spine or early childhood polyarthritis (Still's disease).
Certain herpes viruses are also among the originators of iritis. These can cause herpes simplex or herpes zoster (shingles). Sarcoid (Boeck's disease) and toxoplasmosis are other possible causes of iris inflammation.
Symptoms, ailments and signs
The symptoms of iritis can vary and depend on the number of layers of the eye affected. Typical characteristics, however, are the appearance of a veil in front of the eye, the feeling of a foreign body, a strong sensitivity to light, a reddened eye that is bleeding heavily, and eye pain.
If the inflammation is shifted to the back of the eye, this leads to problems with visual acuity, which in turn reduces the visual acuity of the eye. Some patients also have the feeling of seeing small "clouds". If iritis is related to a disease of the spine, this usually leads to an acute course of the disease.
These acute cases account for around 75 percent of all iris inflammations. The affected persons suffer from marked visual impairment, considerable pain and redness. If the iritis persists for a long time, there is a risk that the iris and lens of the eye will stick together, which leads to chronic visual impairment.
Secondary glaucoma (glaucoma) can also develop. In some cases, however, the iritis does not cause any symptoms at all. This is often the case with children who suffer from rheumatic diseases. Sometimes the symptoms show up in both eyes.
Diagnosis and course of disease
If an iritis is suspected, an ophthalmologist should be consulted quickly. This first deals with the patient's medical history. He is particularly interested in his previous illnesses.
The next step is to examine the eye with a slit lamp. The middle and front eye membranes as well as the rear eye area are checked by lighting. Another important diagnostic method is the fundus copy (ocular fundus reflection).
This procedure gives the ophthalmologist the opportunity to visualize and examine the diseased eye sections. The adjacent blood vessels can also be detected in this way. The ophthalmologist also performs tonometry to determine the pressure in the eye.
With this method, a possible secondary glaucoma can be excluded. Because there is direct contact between the eye and the measuring device, the patient is given a local anesthetic. It is also useful to measure the sedimentation rate in order to obtain information on any previous illnesses.
Acute iritis can usually be treated successfully after a short time, so that the inflammation recedes. In some cases, however, chronic inflammation can also remain. A return of the iris inflammation is also conceivable.
In most cases, iritis causes severe discomfort to the eyes. Those affected suffer from visual problems and also from eye pain. Especially in young people, visual problems can lead to depression or other psychological disorders. In the worst case, this leads to complete loss of vision and thus blindness.
The patients also suffer from what is known as veil vision. The light sensitivity of the eyes also increases significantly, so that there are restrictions and complaints in the everyday life of the person concerned. It is not uncommon for the eyes to be reddened or watery. The eyes get tired quickly, so that normal work is no longer possible for the person concerned.
If the iritis is not treated, irreversible damage to the eyes can occur, leading to permanent visual problems. Glaucoma can also occur. However, iritis does not limit or reduce life expectancy. There are no particular complications in the treatment. Iritis can be treated with medication or ointments. It is not uncommon for patients to develop iritis again in the course of their lives.
When should you go to the doctor?
Eye pain, red eyes, and other symptoms of iritis should be cleared up immediately by a doctor. Reduced visual acuity or a foreign body sensation in the eye are typical warning signs that must be examined and treated by a doctor. Patients who notice signs of a glaucoma or have other eye discomfort should speak to an ophthalmologist immediately. Sometimes, however, the iritis can be symptom-free and resolve on its own after a few weeks or months.
A doctor should be consulted if eyesight suddenly deteriorates or blurred vision recurs. People who have become infected with Borrelia or Chlamydia are particularly prone to developing iritis. Patients with rheumatic diseases or an autoimmune disease also belong to the risk groups and should have the symptoms clarified quickly by a doctor. The right contact person is your family doctor or an ophthalmologist. In the case of existing diseases, the responsible specialist should be consulted.
Treatment and therapy
The treatment of iritis consists initially in the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs. These are cortisone-free anti-inflammatory drops or ointments. However, some doctors also immediately give eye ointments that contain cortisone. The use of a pupil dilator is also considered important Medication to prevent the iris and lens from sticking together.
If the iritis is very pronounced, higher doses of cortisone must be administered in the form of tablets. In some patients, the ophthalmologist injects the cortisone under the conjunctiva of the eye.
If the iris inflammation takes a relapsing course, the sick person must take the cortisone preparations permanently and in low doses. This procedure is intended to prevent any relapses. If bacteria are responsible for the outbreak of iritis, the doctor will administer antibiotics.
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The prognosis of iritis is favorable when using medical care. By giving medicines, the existing pathogens and germs are killed. They are then removed from the body. The symptoms are minimized until recovery occurs. Without the help of a doctor or medication, an increase in symptoms can be expected. Pain increases and eyesight is decreased.
In particularly severe cases, the affected person becomes blind. This disease can cause irreparable damage to the eye, which does not lead to a complete cure even with later medical care. Visual acuity is impaired and may require the use of visual aids.
Despite the generally favorable prognosis, a new illness can occur in the course of life. The prospect of recovery remains unchanged in the case of recurring iritis. The sooner a treatment takes place, the better the healing process and the likelihood that symptoms will be free. If the eyesight is already reduced, more complications are documented. A further decrease in vision is possible. In addition, secondary diseases can occur. In most cases, these are mental illnesses that arise due to emotional stress.
There are no measures that can be used to prevent iritis. Regular check-ups by the ophthalmologist are important.
In most cases, the options for direct follow-up care for iritis are very limited, so that the person affected with this disease is primarily dependent on a quick and, above all, early examination and treatment by a doctor. This is the only way to prevent further complications or other complaints, so that a doctor should be consulted at the first signs of iritis.
As a rule, self-healing cannot occur. Most people with iritis depend on various medications. Those affected should always pay attention to the correct dosage and continue to take the medication regularly in order to relieve the symptoms correctly and permanently. If anything is unclear or if you have any questions, you should always consult a doctor first so that no further complications arise.
When taking antibiotics it should also be noted that they should not be taken together with alcohol, otherwise their effect will be reduced. The further course of the disease depends heavily on the time of diagnosis, so that a general prediction is usually not possible. In most cases, this disease does not reduce the life expectancy of those affected.
You can do that yourself
Irritis always requires medical treatment. Various home remedies and self-help measures are available to accompany the respective therapy.
First of all, the healing of iris inflammation can be promoted through increased eye hygiene. In the first few days after the treatment, the affected eye should be spared and protected from irritating influences such as water, dust, heat or intense sunlight. At the same time, the eye and especially the bonded area must be cleaned regularly and freed from residues. The doctor will prescribe special preparations from the pharmacy for this purpose. In addition, some natural remedies and home remedies are also suitable.
Particularly effective: the homeopathic preparations Euphrasia officinalis C5, Mercurius corrosivus C5 and Rhus toxicodendron C5. These supplements should be taken three times a day until the inflammation has completely resolved. If dry or cold winds are responsible for iris inflammation, the globules Aconitum napellus can help. A proven home remedy are toppings with chamomile or lemon balm. Before using these agents, a doctor should be consulted. He or she can give further tips on the treatment of iritis and monitor the healing of iris inflammation.