In the Asian art of healing Jin Shin Jyutsu the practitioner dissolves energy blockages in 26 energy locks of the body and brings life energy into flow. This activates the self-healing powers. The Jin Shin Jyutsu is not suitable as a substitute for standard medical therapy, but it is suitable as an accompanying therapy.
What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?
The Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient healing art that is supposed to harmonize the life energy in the body. For millennia, the techniques of teaching have been used to resolve blocked energy flows, which, according to the Jin Shin Jyutsu, favor disharmonies and diseases.
The method goes back to the Japanese Jirō Murai. He developed the modern version of teaching at the beginning of the 20th century by combining the laying on of hands with his own experience and developing it further in literary studies. Through Mary Burmeister, the Jin Shin Jyutsu reached the western world in the same century. The modern Jin Shin Jyutsu works primarily with the self-healing powers of the body. A similar method is the so-called impulse flow or the Rang-Dröl. Japanese healing currents is also a form of Jin Shin Jyutsu.
The art of healing is similar in its key data to various techniques of Chinese medicine and in its basic assumptions is similar to acupuncture and acupressure, for example. The goal of Jin Shin Jyutsu is to restore a resonance to the pattern of the healthy body. For this purpose, the teaching works with 26 energy centers and so-called energy locks, the lock combination of which is intended to balance people mentally, emotionally and physically.
Function, effect & goals
Knowledge of the relationships between body, mind and soul is deeply rooted in Asian medicine. Physical complaints cause emotional complaints.
Emotional complaints can just as easily cause physical complaints. Asian medicine sees a disharmony of body, mind and soul as the cause of all diseases. The Jin Shin Jyutsu also works with the natural balance between the three units. Neurobiology confirms the foundations of Asian medicine today insofar as it recognizes the connection between emotional well-being and physical well-being. Today it is scientifically proven that miraculous healings mostly take place in connection with one's own belief and spiritual constitution.
Jin Shin Jyutsu does not guarantee a miracle cure and does not want to be used as a substitute for medical therapy. It is more of an accompanying therapy for current complaints such as tension or chronic complaints such as migraines. In the healing arts, the therapist works exclusively with his hands. The treatment is based on the idea of 26 body zones that contain safety energy locks. According to Jin Shin Jyutsu, when stressed, the locks snap in and cause energy blockages. They cause complaints such as tension, depression or pain. The Jin Shin Jyutsu considers these complaints to be warning signals that call for countermeasures.
The processing of these energy locks should release the blockages. This procedure is called flowing and unlocks the 26 security locks. In this way the energies are put back into flow. After a preliminary talk, the Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner takes a look at the body of the patient lying on his back and looks for visible signs of an imbalance, such as any tension or imbalanced posture. He feels the so-called pulses on the wrists and uses them to check the flow of energy in the individual organ flows. In this way he decides which of the currents to work with.
He holds the safety energy locks of the respective stream in his hand for a few minutes and adjusts them in this way. Around ten treatments are required to permanently improve the symptoms. In addition to the flow, practitioners often work with breathing techniques and sometimes also recommend dietary changes to their patients.
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The treatment from a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner takes about an hour and is associated with no risks, side effects or dangers. The healing art is considered to be one of the gentlest of all. Therefore pain is not to be expected.
In addition to physical complaints, the Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner also likes to be active with mental complaints. For this reason, patients also visit him, for example, if they are lovesick or persistent in grief and depression. The Jin Shin Jyutsu is not limited to sessions with the practitioner. As a rule, the therapist recommends that his patients do it on their own. For this reason, the success of the healing arts depends not least on the willingness to cooperate. Jin Shin Jyutsu should never replace a standard medical therapy, but it can accompany it with pleasure.
The practitioners usually help people to help themselves. This means that they convince the patient of the possibility of self-healing and thereby improve their mood. A stabilized psyche and a relaxed mind are proven to be beneficial for any therapeutic success and healing. In an illness situation, patients often feel uncontrollable. This lack of control can sometimes be resigned, which significantly worsens the chances of recovery.
The Jin Shin Jyutsu gives the patient back a certain amount of control. With this procedure alone, the art of healing supports the success of standard medical therapy and thus also improves the quality of life of those affected.