Iodine deficiency - an important topic in Germany due to the low-iodine arable soils. With the appropriate measures, iodine deficiency and associated physical complaints can usually be prevented at an early stage.
What is iodine deficiency?
At Iodine deficiency it is an undersupply of the organism with iodine. In order to avoid an iodine deficiency, sufficient iodine intake from food is necessary because iodine cannot be produced independently in the body.
If there is an iodine deficiency, this has, among other things, a negative influence on various thyroid hormones. The latter are responsible, for example, for intact metabolic processes. A loss of energy, frequent freezing and difficulty concentrating can be associated with an existing iodine deficiency.
We speak of iodine deficiency when the iodine supply is below a recommended minimum amount. The German Nutrition Society (DGE), for example, recommends a daily dose of around 200 micrograms of iodine for male and female adults. Children need a lower dose depending on their size and age.
The cause of Iodine deficiency usually lies in the supply of foods with insufficient iodine enrichment.An iodine deficiency caused in this way can be geographic, among other things: according to the German Nutrition Society, large parts of Germany are iodine deficiency areas.
An iodine deficiency is more evident in the diet in southern Germany than in northern Germany - this is due, among other things, to the increasing distance from the sea: in Germany, arable soils are often not sufficiently enriched with iodine, which can promote iodine deficiency - even if grown food is consumed which are principally rich in iodine.
Furthermore, there is a tendency in the southern areas of Germany to eat less seafood and saltwater fish, which have a high iodine content.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Iodine deficiency can lead to many ailments. At first, too few thyroid hormones are produced, which leads to hypothyroidism with tiredness, listlessness, sensitivity to cold, poor concentration and an increased need for sleep. The most common symptom of a prolonged iodine deficiency is the enlargement of the thyroid in the form of a goiter (goiter).
With the help of the increased formation of hormone-producing thyroid tissue, the thyroid tries to compensate for the iodine deficiency. This is why the thyroid function may well be normal with a goiter. However, the goiter often grows unevenly and forms nodules that can turn into both autonomic adenomas and, less often, carcinomas. If there are autonomic adenomas, a normal iodine supply suddenly leads to an overactive thyroid with increased basal metabolic rate, nervousness, palpitations and diarrhea.
Permanent underactive thyroid due to iodine deficiency restricts intellectual development and often leads to obesity due to the low basal metabolic rate. An iodine deficiency is particularly dangerous during pregnancy. This has a serious impact on the development of the fetus. Miscarriages are common.
Newborns in iodine deficiency areas often suffer from a goiter with difficulty breathing and swallowing as well as from a reduced intelligence development. If the iodine deficiency is not compensated in time, what is known as cretinism occurs with complete mental retardation, growth disorders and obesity. Even with a minor iodine deficiency during pregnancy, the children often suffer from psychomotor developmental disorders and learning difficulties.
Diagnosis & course
Are there complaints such as lack of energy or chronic exhaustion that lead to Iodine deficiency can indicate, the suspicion of iodine deficiency can be confirmed by a blood test, among other things.
However, iodine deficiency can also lead to sequelae that are accompanied by visible symptoms. Such symptoms can also lead to a suspected diagnosis of iodine deficiency. Corresponding symptoms are, for example, enlargement of the thyroid gland; In this context, one speaks of the development of a so-called goiter (the formation of a goiter due to iodine deficiency).
Changes in thyroid tissue or the formation of lumps on the thyroid may indicate a long-standing iodine deficiency. Enlargement of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency can also lead to swallowing and breathing difficulties.
In most cases, iodine deficiency can be prevented relatively well or treated directly, so that there are no particular complaints or complications. However, if there is an iodine deficiency, those affected suffer from severe exhaustion and also from reduced resilience. Likewise, the patient's thyroid gland can enlarge significantly due to the lack of iodine.
The symptoms of the thyroid gland can also lead to swallowing difficulties or breathing difficulties and generally reduce the patient's quality of life. Without treatment, the iodine deficiency has a very negative effect on the general condition of the patient and can lead to severe complications or other complaints.
The treatment usually proceeds without any particular complications. The iodine deficiency can be combated and limited with the help of suitable food or food supplements. With early and successful treatment, there is still no reduction in life expectancy.
However, the person affected is dependent on a healthy diet and may need to be examined regularly so that these symptoms do not recur. In the elderly, surgery may also be necessary to remove a possible goiter.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who experience persistent fatigue and exhaustion should see a doctor and have an examination. A visit to a doctor is recommended if you have a lack of drive, an increased need for sleep or very rapid fatigue despite adequate night sleep. If the person concerned suffers from a disturbance of his concentration and his attention, his performance level drops prematurely or the motor skills slow down a few hours after the start of the day, a check-up visit should be made to a doctor.
If the sensation of coldness is unusually strong in comparison to other people, if the person affected is pale or if hormonal disorders occur, a doctor should be consulted. In the event of irregular menstruation, it is advisable for the affected woman to see a doctor. If you have a rough or hoarse voice or if the eyelids are always swollen, these body warnings should be examined more closely by a doctor. A swelling of the thyroid gland, difficulty swallowing or breathing disorders should also be assessed by a doctor.
If a pregnant woman suffers from the symptoms described, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. If there is a lack of iodine, there are more miscarriages or deaths, which can only be prevented by adequate medical care. In addition, children later show developmental disorders that are based on an iodine deficiency during pregnancy.
Treatment & Therapy
Exists in a patient Iodine deficiency, which cannot be compensated by its food intake, there is the possibility of taking in additional iodine through so-called food supplements or drugs. If complications have already developed due to the iodine deficiency, treatment may also be necessary that goes beyond correcting the iodine deficiency:
To treat a goiter caused by iodine deficiency, thyroid hormones, for example, can be administered medically. These medications are often supplemented with iodine. The aim of this therapy is to reduce or eliminate the iodine deficiency goiter.
Thyroid hormones are also often used to treat hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency; the individually appropriate amount of thyroid hormones for a patient can be determined on the basis of the hormone blood values.
If iodine deficiency has led to the development of a very large goiter, drug treatment is not always a sufficient measure; the consequences of iodine deficiency must occasionally be combated by operative measures. Such a surgical procedure may be necessary especially in the elderly.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis for an iodine deficiency is usually favorable. The disorder can be treated well through medical measures but also through various self-help options. Without adequate care, the existing complaints will persist and will increase in character for many people in the course of life. The quality of life is limited in these cases, but does not represent a serious condition.
With iodine deficiency, those affected can do a lot to maintain their health by regulating their diet. A deficiency that has occurred can be regulated with the increase in the consumption of products that contain particularly iodine. The existing complaints are reduced or are completely alleviated. These affected persons are free of symptoms. If you have a pronounced iodine deficiency, you should seek medical support for a good prognosis. This ensures a sufficient supply of iodine on the basis of the individual measured values.
An iodine deficiency in pregnant women can lead to problems in the offspring. Adequate and timely medical care is imperative here in order to avoid any disturbances in intelligence or growth restrictions. In order to achieve a good prognosis for the offspring, the pregnant woman must be supplied with a sufficient amount of iodine. Otherwise, lifelong impairments for the child are to be expected.
Effective prevention is one Iodine deficiency especially through a diet rich in iodine. Foods that contain iodine are particularly seafood and fish. However, iodine is also partly found in mushrooms, broccoli and peanuts.
To prevent iodine deficiency, we recommend using iodine-containing salt in the kitchen. In addition to food, so-called iodide tablets can also prevent iodine deficiency; However, it is best to discuss this possibility with a doctor in advance.
The purpose of follow-up care is to prevent the disease from recurring. After an initial diagnosis, this is best achieved through a suitable diet. Fish, seafood, peanuts and mushrooms can all meet the body's natural iodine requirements. The doctor informs his patients about this as part of the initial diagnosis.
The person concerned is responsible for the implementation of the food consumption. Further examinations are sometimes required only in pregnant women and other risk groups. Blood analysis and ultrasound imaging are suitable methods of determining a deficiency. The measures mentioned above are usually sufficient to prevent complications.
If the risk potential increases, doctors can prescribe nutritional supplements and tablets containing iodine. Follow-up care for iodine deficiency is not aimed at permanent medication. Rather, a recurring occurrence indicates a permanent hypothyroidism. A surgical intervention then becomes inevitable.
Patients counter iodine deficiency with a balanced diet. The medical aftercare provides information and advice that every patient can implement in their everyday life. Further scheduled examinations are not planned. Risk groups, however, are called in more times. Clear statements about the progress of the disease can be made via the thyroid gland. Medicines containing iodine also help relieve symptoms in everyday life.
You can do that yourself
Iodine is not produced by the body and has to be supplied to the organism from outside. A balanced diet is sufficient for an optimal iodine supply. Walks in the sea air containing iodine supplement the supply of nutrients and replenish iodine reserves. The use of iodized table salt prevents deficiency symptoms, as does the regular consumption of sea fish.
However, an iodine deficiency cannot be compensated for by food consumption alone. The pharmacy offers preparations for eliminating iodine deficiency. In contrast to natural intake, iodine from fortified products can lead to overdosing. The recommended intake of the trace element must be strictly adhered to, as regularly exceeding the maximum daily amount triggers functional disorders of the thyroid.
If an iodine deficiency is accompanied by a low blood iron value, the iodine cannot be completely absorbed by the body. In the case of a one-sided diet or in a phase of increased need, a preparation with sensibly combined minerals and trace elements is suitable.